Late Spring, Variable Relief Print Installation, 10 ft x 26 ft, Flatbed Press and Gallery, April 11– June 7, 2014

Late Spring, Variable Relief Print Installation, 10 ft x 26 ft, Flatbed Press and Gallery, April 11– June 7, 2014. Photography by Tina Weitz

Show in Fort Worth, Texas
Judy Youngblood "Changing Weather" 

September 6 – October 11, 2014
Opening Reception, Gallery Night, Saturday, September 6, 11:00 – 9:00pm
William Campbell Contemporary Art, 4935 Byers Ave. Fort Worth, Texas 76107, 817/737-9566
Gallery hours: Tuesday – Friday 10-5, Saturday 11 – 4

Artist’s Statement

My work explores the tensions between the daily repetition and sudden changes of human life. I am particularly interested in our human ability to see things as we believe them to be, to misinterpret, to see a partial picture as the whole, or to completely overlook the significant. I often use images of weather — rain, snow, clouds, hail, and wind — as visual metaphors for these ideas. My most recent paintings and prints explore the instant of pause just before everything changes — an instant filled with possibility, complexity, opportunity, threat, and humor.

The flexibility, layering, repetition, and possible alterations inherent in printmaking are integral to the making of my work and to my creative process in all media.

Video: UNT Professor Brings Her Art to Amarillo Museum of Art, KAMR, Amarillo, Texas, February 21, 2014