Some Eagle Ford Shale cities refuse to sell water for fracking

by TXsharon on September 24, 2012

in Water

This article has a fantastic graphic.

Cities cling to its water supply, put residents’ needs first
Sonny Long • September 23, 2012 • Victoria Advocate

“We have been approached, but decided due to the prolonged drought, we should reserve our water resources for municipal use,” said Victoria City Manager Charmelle Garrett.

Other regional cities, too, have a similar stance on water sales.

Even the industry friendly Texas Water Development Board has admitted we have a problem:

In the board’s 2012 State Water Plan, the primary message is a simple one – in serious drought conditions, Texas does not and will not have enough water to meet the needs of its people, its businesses and its agricultural enterprises.

{ 11 comments… read them below or add one }

Tillotson September 24, 2012 at 9:06 am

Get ready for the companies to sue Victoria for refusing to sell their water.


TXsharon September 24, 2012 at 9:14 am

Oh snap! I didn’t think of that.


Anonymous September 24, 2012 at 9:34 am

Oh yes, the GasHoles have COMPLETE control of that 3rd branch of our gubment!


Jana September 24, 2012 at 1:25 pm

This was the cover article from our electric co-op magazine.

I asked Argyle Water Supply way back in 2006 why they were selling billions of gallons of drinking water to drillers and was told that we had plenty to go around, yet we were already in a drought then.


Fish Creek Neighbor September 24, 2012 at 2:42 pm
Alberta Neighbor September 25, 2012 at 9:08 pm

Apparently Cochrane, Alberta has lots to go around:

“It just shows water is for sale in the province,” said Don Bester, of the Alberta Surface Rights Group, noting oil and gas companies are offering big money to municipalities for water. “It’s a big concern.”

… (Cochrane Mayor) McBride said the amount of water used by the fracking operation is actually quite small, but noted there’s enough concern that the town will review its social and environmental policies around water. “It’s going to be looking at best practices around Alberta and the United States, because fracking is so new here,”

I think they’ve been looking at Texas.

“The LIPG (Lochend Industry Producers Group) did not have an exact amount of water they have purchased from the town during the past year.”

Go figure.


TXsharon September 25, 2012 at 9:19 pm

Oh, it’s okay because industry told them how much water they’re using and you can take that to the bank. /sarcasm


Alberta Neighbor September 25, 2012 at 9:31 pm

Hi Sharon,

Ya it looks like they told him.

“… (Cochrane Mayor) McBride said the amount of water used by the fracking operation is actually quite small”

“Quite small”, have you run across that intense industry lingo in your travels?


TXsharon September 25, 2012 at 9:37 pm

Ya, all the time.

They like to say it’s not as much as a golf course uses. But the big difference is there are way more fracking wells than golf courses and the REALLY big difference is the golf course water is returned to the active hydrologic cycle where the fradking water isn’t.

Frackers will say anything.

I recommend watching this:

At least there is hope for Quebec, eh?


Alberta Neighbor September 25, 2012 at 9:47 pm

Very excited about Quebec.

The golf course analogy is interesting, I don’t think that one will fly here though (not that they haven’t tried), ours are only open a few months out of the year (we have a snow and ice issue – for now) and the fracking is all season.


Wes from Bowie September 25, 2012 at 10:39 pm

The city of Bowie is selling fresh water at $25 dollars a truckload. and i mean a full size watertruck. selling to D&G dozer.


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