For a better future

After subscribing for 40 years and agreeing with 90 percent of your endorsements, I really appreciate the Express-News for doing the right thing by explaining which candidates are for justice and the good of the majority, from jobs to health care, women’s rights, transparency and, of course, education.

Your reminders explain why these candidates stand for a better future. Now, it’s up to us to go and vote to have that future.

Adam Castillo

No connection

Recently, an individual wearing the official American Legion cap with Post 399 on it has been featured in a political ad opposing the candidacy of an individual running for the 23rd Congressional District.

Post 399 is an official post in the American Legion’s 20th District, Department of Texas. The individual appearing in the advertisement is a former member of that post and had forfeited his membership in the American Legion. The official cap should be worn by its members only when attending official Legion meetings or ceremonies, or by members officially representing the American Legion on public occasions. As a former member of the Legion, that individual was not authorized to wear the cap and was not representing the views of the American Legion.

Please be aware that the American Legion is a nonpolitical organization, and we do not support or oppose any candidate for public office, coordinate activities with a candidate, contribute money, time or facilities, or manage, fund or organize political action committees.

As individuals, Legionnaires may be as partisan as they like, but they must do so without the Legion cap and without a direct connection to an American Legion post.

Robert L. Masten, commander, 20th District Department of Texas, American Legion

Noble pursuit

Re: “Corpus attorney now is a presence in S.A.,” front page, Oct. 19:

The citizens of Bexar County should welcome with open arms attorney Thomas J. Henry.

This man is a genuine philanthropist with causes he actively supports.

What could be nobler than protecting children?

Kim Partridge

Moving backward

Re: “Puzzling ruling,” Your Turn, Oct. 20:

Objecting to Judge Nelva Gonzales Ramos’ decision to overturn the Texas voter ID law, the letter writer wants to “return to our true constitutional roots.”

In fact, the Constitution sets no requirements for eligibility to vote; certainly there is no constitutional requirement for photo ID.

At the time of the ratification of our Constitution (and for years after), only landowning, or taxpaying, white males were eligible to vote by the rules promulgated by the states. Talk about restricting access for minorities! Would the letter writer — or anyone — really want to regress to our constitutional roots?

Bill Parry

Above the rest

Former Bexar County District Attorney Steve Hilbig, by far, is the best-qualified candidate for judge of the 187th District Court. He stands above all whom I have been privileged to work with, try cases against and observe in my 65 years as an attorney.

Justice Hilbig served with distinction as an assistant district attorney, district attorney, assistant U.S. attorney and justice of the Court of Appeals, all here in San Antonio.

I respectfully recommend his election.

Charles D. Butts, attorney at law