Faith Communities Speak Out

Many diverse organizations have joined their voices to oppose shale gas in our region – among them professional healthcare associations, labour unions, agriculture and human rights groups and faith communities.

Kairos and Amnesty International have both issued statements against what is happening in New Brunswick.

Since this is a Christian organization, we hold before us the life and work of Jesus when grappling with present day peace and social justice issues.  “What would Jesus do?” is a question easily tossed about, but when taken seriously, demands honest, critical study, thought, and prayer…..God’s gift of creation is rooted in the interdependence of all living things. When decisions are being made that place the economy above the integrity of creation, it is time to speak and to act….We are proud to join with New Brunswickers:  Aboriginal, English, French, all concerned citizens alike who are calling to account the practices of the gas industry before God’s creation suffers further wounding, under the guise of progressive economic advancement.”

Rev. Mary Wanamaker, KAIROS (Saint John and area)

And, on the front lines of opposition, we find the United Church of Canada.  The Maritime Conference of the United Church of Canada issued this statement in 2012, now they have compiled this video which takes us to the heart of the matter.

This is an issue that calls our faith into action.  It involves caring for all of God’s Creation. It reaches into the heart of social justice as powerful companies steal the rights of the powerless and affect their ability to safely use and enjoy earth’s gifts – the most precious of all being water.

And this is about the human right to live in a safe environment, and about climate justice because of the implications of continuing and increasing use of fossil fuels upon climate change and how that is causing deprivation and devastation among the world’s indigenous populations – and our own. Major food production areas are already suffering drought conditions, which will affect all of us.

It is time for all faiths to unite to protect our fellow human beings, creatures, and the land we have been given for future generations.

Voice of the People Tour

St. Paul’s United Church will be hosting the Voice of the People Tour in Riverview (see date below).  This is your chance to become educated.  Share information with your church family.

  • RIVERVIEW:  Tuesday, April 22, 7PM – St. Paul’s United Church, 404 Cleveland Dr.
  • MONCTON:  Monday, April 28, 7PM – Community Peace Centre, 22 Church St.

This is a cross-province tour.  Full schedule at