Jamelle Bouie Jamelle Bouie

Jamelle Bouie is a Slate staff writer covering politics, policy, and race.

Oct. 29 2014 9:31 AMThe Most Brazen Attempt at Voter Suppression YetNew revelations show GOP officials in key battleground states are attempting to purge millions of minorities from the voter rolls.
Oct. 27 2014 5:37 PMPlaying NiceGOP leaders say they want to govern constructively. It sounds good, but their voters aren’t going to let them.
Oct. 20 2014 6:24 PMThe GOP Can’t Quit “Willie Horton”Even though they promise to do so, again and again.
Oct. 17 2014 1:55 PMThe Gulf That Divides UsThe Whiteness Project underscores why there is so little empathy between whites and blacks. 
Oct. 15 2014 7:38 PMThe Reasonable Extremists Among UsFor right-wing Republicans, the formula is easy: Appear moderate.
Oct. 13 2014 7:12 PMBlack and BlueWhy more diverse police departments won’t put an end to police misconduct. 
Oct. 9 2014 10:53 AMThe Next Assault on Civil RightsThe Roberts court has been hostile toward voting rights and affirmative action. Its next target is the Fair Housing Act.
Oct. 2 2014 7:40 PMThe Kansas MiracleWill Gov. Sam Brownback’s crazy experiments and ruinous policies haunt the Republican Party?
Sept. 30 2014 11:57 AMIowa RadicalThe GOP’s Senate candidate doesn’t want voters to know just how conservative she really is.
Slate Picks
Sept. 26 2014 10:41 AMWhat Happened at Slate This Week?Jamelle Bouie shares a few good tabs.
Sept. 25 2014 2:13 PMState CrimesJohn Crawford looks to have been murdered. Even worse, the police who killed him are probably free to kill again.
Sept. 22 2014 5:33 PMThe Politics of StigmaWhy are lighter-skinned Latinos and Asians more likely to vote Republican?
Sept. 16 2014 5:47 PMTale of Two FergusonsWe knew blacks and whites saw Michael Brown’s killing differently. A new poll shows the gulf that divides them is greater than anyone guessed.
The Audio Book Club
Sept. 12 2014 4:03 PMThe Audio Book Club Is a Bad FeministSlate’s critics discuss Roxane Gay’s collection of personal and political essays.
Sept. 5 2014 7:17 PMThe New RacismFirst you deny racism exists. Then you smear the reputation of any black man who appears to be a victim.
Oct. 28 2014 5:33 PMUnrealized PromiseHouse Republicans have been incredibly unproductive. There is no reason to think that’s about to change.
Oct. 23 2014 7:28 PMThe Scene of the CrimeAutopsy results aren’t going to answer the essential question: Why did Michael Brown have to die?
Brow Beat
Oct. 20 2014 8:32 AMMarvel’s Civil War Is a Far-Right Paranoid Fantasy—and a Mess. Can the Movies Fix It?
Oct. 16 2014 5:46 PMPurple GeorgiaWhy the Democratic Party is placing big bets on Georgia.
Oct. 14 2014 5:39 PMTribal PoliticsStudies suggest the overwhelming motivation behind voter ID laws is hyper-partisanship, not racism.
Oct. 9 2014 2:58 PMISIS South of the BorderRepublicans in tight races are hoping the jihadists will help get them elected.
Oct. 6 2014 6:01 PMTax Cuts Uber AllesHow Republicans plan to cook the books if they win in November.
Oct. 1 2014 7:26 PMTalking WhiteBlack people’s disdain for “proper English” and academic achievement is a myth.
Sept. 26 2014 7:13 PMFailure to LaunchJeb Bush will not save the Republican establishment.
Sept. 25 2014 8:51 PMFrom Good to GreatWhen it came to civil rights, Eric Holder was a top-notch attorney general. Too bad he didn’t serve in a less partisan moment.
Sept. 23 2014 6:06 PMNothing to See HereThe one national holiday Republicans want you to forget.
Sept. 19 2014 6:22 PMBlacks Don’t Have a Corporal Punishment ProblemAmericans do. But when blacks exhibit the same behaviors as others, it becomes part of a greater black pathology. 
Sept. 16 2014 11:25 AMThe GOP’s Phantom MenaceThe Republican Party’s new agenda is trying to solve problems that don’t exist.
Sept. 11 2014 8:12 PMRunning ScaredGeorgia’s Democrats have registered more than 85,000 minority voters (and counting). Republicans never saw it coming.
Sept. 5 2014 12:01 PMA Few Helpful Rules for Reviewing Books About SlaveryTips the Economist may want to remember next time.


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Behind the Scenes
Oct. 29 2014 3:45 PM The Great Writing Vs. Talking Debate Is it harder to be a good writer or a good talker?