Texas OGAP public meeting flyer re stinky odor policy

Texas OGAP public meeting flyer re stinky odor policy

Published: October 4, 2010

By: Sharon Wilson

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Public meeting for Barnett Shale Citizens

Help fix TCEQ's 12-hour odor response system

October 13, 2010
7:00 PM

DISH, Texas Town Hall

5413 Tim Donald Road
DISH, Texas 72647


  • Wilma Subra
  • TCEQ or their empty chair
  • U.S. EPA
  • Sharon Wilson

If you...

Have made an odor complaint to TCEQ and been unhappy with the outcome...

Are interested in learning more about TCEQ's Odor Complaint System...

Want to make "the system" better serve the Citizens of the Shale...

...then come to the meeting!

Tagged with: texas, tceq, public health, air pollution

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