25 Awkward Moments Every Girl Understands

May all thine enemies rub their eyes, forgetting they’re wearing eyeliner.

1. Accidentally wearing white on the second day of your period.

2. When you can never seem to scoot your butt close enough to the edge of the table during a pap smear.

“A little closer. A little closer. Just a little closer.”

3. Trying to match your eyeliner wings on both sides.

4. Running late and throwing on yesterday’s jeans, then getting to work and realizing yesterday’s underwear is all up in your pant leg.

“Oh no, my… handkerchief.”

5. When your ponytail keeps falling out at the gym.

7. Going on a trip and forgetting you needed to pack a strapless bra for one of your outfits.


UGH now what.

8. Having THIS happen to you.

*prays to the goddesses that someone will let me know if this is happening to me*

9. Taking a selfie on a humid hair day.

10. When your tights leave weird imprints all over your stomach.

12. When an unexpected hook-up happens and you realize you haven’t shaved your legs in a month.

Although TBH you just go for it anyway.

13. This:

14. Wearing a wrap dress on a windy day.

And having a Marilyn Moment but NOT in a good way.

16. Sitting at work or in class all day with a homicidal bra.

17. Putting on makeup in public.

18. Trying to get comfortable when you have cramps.

19. This:

20. Flipping over for the business end of the Brazilian wax.

Which is enough to make you never wax again. (And you want to tell the waxer how sorry you are that this is her job and tip her like 30000%.)

21. Windy days + no hair tie + lip gloss.

22. When you think your period is over and then “SURPRISE!!!!”

23. Getting a blister in your new flats and having to walk like a duck all day because it HURTS.

24. When you sit down to go to the bathroom and only in the middle of your business do you see THIS.

*carefully peels every tiny scrap of paper off roll in attempt to make a bundle*

25. This:

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