Six dirty energy GOP Senators and Range Resources

by TXsharon on June 24, 2012

in ISEO, Range Resources

UPDATE: EPA OIG investigation report was released today.

Earthworks’ press release


This letter from six GOP Paid Industry Protectors seems kind of desperate and theatrical to me. In fact, I laughed when I read it and I look forward to this “review” to determine if the emergency order against Range Resources was handled properly.

I mentioned in a previous blog post how the Range Attorney, Andy Evil-eye Sims, thundered indignantly at me at my hearing because I made a statement in an old blog post about wanting to shine a bright light on the industry’s secrets. Since when was shining a bright light on dirty secrets a bad thing?

I want the entire case, every fact and all the decisions made by Activist Judge Trey Loftin gone over with spot light and a nit pick.

I think if these six GOP Paid Industry Protectors continue trying to flog the EPA and dog whistle to the Tea Party with this case, things won’t turn out the way they hope. What I hope is that they mention me again on the Senate floor because I have gotten all kinds of new readers and twitter followers from Inhofe’s little tirade.

Here are the six names for the wall of shame.

What I find most interesting is that none of these six GOP Paid Industry Protectors mention that Activist Judge Trey Loftin who repeatedly ruled in favor of Range, recused himself after taking campaign contributions from Range and it’s lawyers and making public comments about the case in violation of the rules of judicial conduct. I haven’t seen any GOP Senatorial indignation or any clamoring for an investigation into that whole sordid mess.

I also haven’t heard anything from Mr. Subpoena himself, David Poole, Senior VP and General Council, Range Resources. Wonder what happened to all his threats and his wife’s threats toward Calvin Tillman. It’s been over three months since Tillman’s attorney replied to Poole’s threats. According to Chip at ShaleShock, the score is Tillman 7, Range Resources 0.



{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Anonymous June 25, 2012 at 7:23 pm

Be careful with that sociopath Poole, he will likely try to come after you again. He is just too dumb to know when he is losing. I saw him at the Southlake council meeting and you could tell he was a nut.


anon June 25, 2012 at 8:02 pm

another judge who has ruled in Range’s favor is under grand jury investigation


Alma Hasse December 24, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Well Sharon, you have once again shone that hot, bright spotlight on the frackers! Wonder how many subpoena’s you’ll receive in response to calling them out once again?!

Have a great Christmas and keep on kicking butt!!!



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