• Fuckin' eh !

marijuana wars - weeds a stimulant

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Dont buy the hype. The stereotypes are wrong (pot is a stimulant), I have great career I love, diplomas on the wall, I exercise everyday, I have nice things, good relationships, and I have smoked daily since junior high, including my exams and drivers test ! You will not become a lazy, dumb, loser if you smoke weed, unless you are already a lazy, dumb, loser ! Everyone I know and everybody I Meet in Canada tokes and their far from losers. They are however, lawyers, doctors, teachers, law enforcement, entertainers, authors, athletes, parents, ect. NOT CRIMINALS !! I have never been lazy in 20 years plus of smoking everyday. Nor do I like alcohol or any other drug, even medications. It did not lead to anything else and still has a very enjoyable effect. Marijuana gives people a sence of well being and in my experiance helps concentration and focus. And nobody should be able to tell you what you can put in your body. I have about 10 bottles of stuff under the sink that will kill me in minutes if swallowed. The only way to die from pot is to find a sharp enough bud and stab yourself to death with it (in the eye!!).

David Vincent Johnson, kkentm, and 5 other people added this photo to their favorites.

  1. "it was 3 a.m." 32 months ago | reply

    all your hero's smoke pot, the rich and famous praice it, all top politians admit to it before elections, You never hear millions of crack heads in the media saying how great crack is, but the list of professionals who support pot goes on and on. so dont listen to people who have never tryed it and have a strange need to control other people's decisions. make up your own mind... dont worry it cant hurt you its only marijuana. If you go crazy you were probably heading there already.

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