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Ted Cruz Leads the House Over a Cliff on Border Bill

The House Republican leadership fails to pass emergency supplemental bill for influx of unaccompanied minors from Central America

Just Six Clinics Likely to Survive Abortion Bill’s Final Restrictions

When the final part of Texas’ abortion goes into effect on Sept. 1, Texas is likely to have only six clinics left—down from 44 in 2011.

Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte’s Paths to Victory Diverge

Davis and Van de Putte may want the same thing, but they have very different opponents, very different styles and very different organizations backing them.

Guardian Test MK II

A Closer Look at Greg Abbott’s Arguments For Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Greg Abbott is arguing to the Fifth Circuit that Texas’ ban on same-sex marriage should be upheld to encourage straight couples to procreate.

King Ranch at the Heart of a Texas-sized Political Scandal in Florida

A major Texas institution is playing a starring role in a sprawling scandal that threatens to rock Florida politics and hurt incumbent governor Rick Scott.

Wendy Davis Needs to Be a Hero Again

Wendy Davis’ campaign has been largely reactive, keying off Greg Abbott’s mistakes rather than articulating a vision for Texas.

A New Agenda for Texas’ Hispanic-Majority Schools

Latino groups are uniting around a policy agenda for the next Lege session, backed by a survey that shows school finance and teacher preparation are the community’s biggest needs.

The Thin Purple Line

After a controversial raid on a West Texas smoke shop, nothing is hazier than the truth.

WTF Friday: Who Are You?

This week in WTF Friday: Everywhere I look, I see unfamiliar faces. Who are the migrants? Why do they come? How will we save their souls? Let us discourse.