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Bishops Denounce ‘Catholics for Choice’ Campaign Against Colorado ‘Personhood’ Measure

Colorado’s bishops, speaking through the Colorado Catholic Conference, say they've taken a “neutral” stance on Colorado’s personhood amendment. But they're criticizing a campaign against the measure by Catholics for Choice, which claims the bishops have tacitly backed Amendment 67.

Colorado’s bishops, speaking through the Colorado Catholic Conference, say they’ve taken a “neutral” stance on Colorado’s “personhood” amendment. But they’ve backed church activity supporting the amendment and are criticizing a campaign against the measure by Catholics for Choice, which claims the bishops have tacitly backed Amendment 67.

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Colorado ‘Personhood’ Backer Denies Saying Measure ‘Could Criminalize Women’

A leading supporter of Colorado’s personhood amendment disputes a FOX News story reporting that she believes the amendment could make criminals of women.

A leading supporter of Colorado’s “personhood” amendment disputes a Fox News story reporting that she believes the amendment could make criminals of women.

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Colorado’s ‘Personhood’ Amendment Is an Attack on Women of Color

If Colorado expands the definition of "person" and "child" in its criminal code to include "unborn human beings," the results would be especially devastating for Latina women and other women of color.

If Colorado expands the definition of “person” and “child” in its criminal code to include “unborn human beings,” the results would be especially devastating for Latina women and other women of color.

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Hulu Rejects Anti-Personhood Ad, Labels it ‘Controversial’

A leading online streaming-video service has rejected an advertisement that features a rape victim who opposes Colorado’s "personhood" amendment, because the issue of abortion is too “controversial.” But Hulu runs ads on other political issues.

A leading online streaming-video service has rejected an advertisement that features a rape victim who opposes Colorado’s “personhood” amendment, because the issue of abortion is too “controversial.” But Hulu runs ads on other political issues.

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Reproductive Health Remains a Contentious Topic in Colorado Senate Debate

Questioned by debate moderators, Rep. Cory Gardner falsely stated that federal "personhood" legislation is “simply a statement of belief,” and Sen. Mark Udall said he wouldn't ban later abortions.

Questioned by debate moderators, Rep. Cory Gardner falsely stated that federal “personhood” legislation is “simply a statement of belief,” and Sen. Mark Udall said he wouldn’t ban later abortions.

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Is Colorado’s ‘Personhood’ Amendment a Sweeping Approach to Ban Abortion?

A measure on the Colorado ballot has been compared to “fetal homicide” laws in dozens of states, but the measure is more far-reaching, and could subject pregnant women to prosecution for everything from choosing abortion to driving without wearing a seat belt.

A measure on the Colorado ballot has been compared to “fetal homicide” laws in dozens of states, but the measure is more far-reaching, and could subject pregnant women to prosecution for everything from choosing abortion to driving without wearing a seat belt.

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Keep Mothers Out of Jail: Vote ‘No’ on Colorado’s ‘Personhood’ Measure

Pregnant woman driving

Amendment 67 is not a law designed to protect pregnant women; rather, it would give law enforcement officials grounds to potentially imprison mothers.

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Colorado Anti-Choice Group Could Push Through ‘Personhood’ Amendment in November

If the election were held today, Colorado voters would approve a "personhood" amendment on the November ballot, say the measure’s opponents, who believe they can still win if their multi-faceted campaign raises enough money.

If the election were held today, Colorado voters would approve a “personhood” amendment on the November ballot, say the measure’s opponents, who believe they can still win if their multi-faceted campaign raises enough money.

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Colorado Activists Rally Against Personhood USA-Backed Ballot Measure

Opponents of Amendment 67 rally at the Colorado State Capitol Monday.

Abortion rights organizations in Colorado launched a campaign Tuesday opposing a proposed constitutional amendment on the November ballot that would add “unborn human beings” to the state’s criminal code.

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