Adoption Is Not a Universal Alternative to Abortion, No Matter What Anti-Choicers Say

All too often, those who seek to deprive women of their reproductive rights cite adoption as a supposed alternative to abortion. In a 2012 column for the New York Times, for instance, well-known anti-choice columnist Ross Douthat bemoaned the fact that fewer babies are available for infertile couples to adopt thanks to Roe v. Wade; in 2013, Texas state Sen. Eddie Lucio (D-Brownsville) proposed subjecting women to three hours of adoption education before allowing them to obtain abortions. The underlying message of this rhetoric, as well as other frequently espoused claims of anti-choicers, is clear: Adoption is a more ethical option for dealing with unwanted pregnancies than abortion.

My experience as the co-director of an adoption agency, however, has shown me that the decision to place a child for adoption is nowhere near the easy choice that anti-choicers often make it out to be. In fact, posing adoption as the universal solution to unwanted pregnancies does a disservice to everyone involved.

For 27 years, my professional life consisted of talking to women who were considering placing children for adoption; evaluating prospective adoptive parents; helping to facilitate relationships between all parties; and following up after placement. In fact, I was involved in some capacity with approximately 80 voluntary adoptions annually. As such, I feel compelled to offer a viewpoint sometimes overlooked by leaders in the reproductive rights debate—that of someone intimately familiar with the depth of the emotional issues facing those placing a child for adoption.

I went into my adoption work as a strong advocate of a woman’s right to choose, and I retire this year as an even stronger one. In fact, I wish abortion had been more readily available to many of the clients I worked with.

Of course, adoption is a valid option for many women, and some of our clients were no exception. Some pregnant individuals who sought our services had elected not to get abortions for religious or other personal reasons. However, most of the women who came to my adoption agency were too late for an abortion, didn’t know where to get one, or didn’t have the money to cover the cost. They just knew that they couldn’t parent a child—and, without the ability to access an abortion, adoption was their last resort. It’s also worth noting that this was the reality in California, a state where abortion has not been under legislative attack.

Needless to say, this is different from the narratives frequently trotted out by the anti-choice movement of women placing their children for adoption and feeling, as one website put it, “good and positive about [their] choice.” No matter what the reason was for placing a child for adoption, all of the women I personally encountered did so with a heavy heart. They expressed enormous sadness and guilt, having exhausted every other path. Many had no one they could turn to for help; the social services available to them were so paltry that raising a child seemed impossible.

It was very difficult to watch these women go through the adoption process: undergoing nine months of pregnancy, withstanding inquiries from family or acquaintances about their plans for a baby, allowing near-strangers or people they had only come to know in the last few months to love and nurture their child, and then trusting those people to follow through on post-placement contact agreements. Some women were, and are, able to get solace from providing a good home for their child and giving joy to new parents. Even so, though, the process also nearly always involved anxiety and long-term sadness.

And my clients were not alone. Experts have found that many biological parents who place their children for adoption go through an immense grieving process, one that may last for decades. In one study cited by the Child Welfare Information Gateway, three-quarters of birth mothers still experienced feelings of loss 12 to 20 years after placing their newborns.

The growing popularity of open adoption, through which birth parents can have contact with their child and adoptive family, is not a panacea for those feelings, though it is certainly an improvement over the secretive closed system common in past decades. I often felt, in fact, that the relationship between adoptive parents, adopted children, and birth parents is as complicated as it gets. It requires everyone to have the best intentions, sophisticated psychological understanding, and an enormous amount of compassion and respect for everyone involved. Although birth mothers frequently assume that an open plan will guarantee a long-term positive connection among all parties, and those in the adoption world are trying to do a better job of helping to make those relationships more satisfying and enduring, they will always be somewhat unpredictable and emotionally fraught—as all human interactions are. Even so, far too often, agencies and attorneys seem to tout “openness” as a catch-all way to resolve any of adoption’s negative emotional consequences.

Furthermore, the rates of adoption versus abortion are vastly disproportionate, suggesting that women themselves are not overly interested in the former as an option. Recent statistics show that approximately 14,000 newborns are adopted annually in the United States through voluntary placements, a number that has remained flat for about 20 years. Meanwhile, in 2011, 1.06 million abortions were performed—the lowest number in decades. And while abortion is not always a regret-free procedure, studies show that the vast majority of those who obtain one feel that it is the right decision—even those who experience negative feelings after the fact. Even with the societal and legal stigma surrounding abortion combined with adoption’s relative accessibility, adoption still accounts for a rare choice among pregnant women. I don’t see this changing, nor do I think it should.

For that matter, although my agency placed newborn children directly with parents, it is important to remember the role foster care plays in reproductive choice. If we continue to make abortions harder to obtain without funding social services for new parents, more children will inevitably wind up in these systems, which cannot provide the kind of services needed to either reunite them with their biological parents or find permanent homes for them. Currently, there are close to 400,000 children in state custody; only half have permanent plans for placement. Meanwhile, employees in protective services are underpaid and overworked, treading water to try to ensure that all of the children in their care are happy and healthy. Anyone who believes that adoption or foster care is a natural solution to growing restrictions on reproductive rights is kidding themselves.

Politicians, pundits, and anti-choice advocates should not put forth adoption as superior to abortion by overlaying it with talk about selflessness, wonderful adoptive parents, openness, and future contact as a way to ameliorate loss. It does need to stay in the conversation as a choice—but presented truthfully, without demonizing abortion or idealizing adoption. Women deserve the truth and access to all options.

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  • fiona64

    Currently, there are close to 400,000 children in state custody; only half have permanent plans for placement.

    Which tells me that there are close to 200K children for whom the plan is *not* familial repatriation but adoption. A good many of those children will “age out” of the system without ever having permanent homes.

    I thank the author for her perspective on this matter. I must say, though, that it has done nothing to change my perspective that those touting adoption as the “better choice” are more concerned with handing over an infant to someone too selfish to adopt one of the hundreds of thousands of kids currently available than with making sure children have loving homes.

    • Blue Orion

      This is why I”m tired of the rhetoric of “thousands of infertile people wanting your unwanted child”. Unwanted children exist right now. They just aren’t the “desirable” ones. Most adopting parents want infants, preferably with “no strings attached”. I’ve had only one person openly admit that there are children that won’t be adopted, but that women should still put up infants for adoption for those that don’t want to bother with “troubled” children.

      • Dana

        Actually I would be happy if people just plain stopped calling them “unwanted children” unless a specific child’s biological parents come forward and state that they don’t want the child. Children are removed from homes because the parents are dysfunctional carers IN THE EYES OF THE STATE. That is no kind of testimony on what’s actually going on in the parents’ heads or how the kids feel about their relationship with their parents. And you can’t take a parent who’s already poor and expect them to choose between keeping a job and showing up to parenting classes or keeping a job and showing up to court when if you lose your job you will lose your kids forever for *that* reason. Meanwhile genuinely abused kids die in their homes of origin because they’re traumatized and therefore “not adoptable.”

        See? Complicated. Cannot be solved with simplistic rhetoric or simplistic social policy.

        By the way, a pregnancy not being planned does not mean the pregnancy is “unwanted” either. “Not now” is not the same as “not ever.”

        • Blue Orion

          By “unwanted children” I am explicitly referring to those children in state custody because their parents did not want them. And they exist. I am well aware that many children are there because of removals by the state. I’m not referring to those.

          • jan stewart

            seriously never met a woman who pops out a kid and says to welfare…….you have it i don’t want it………..never once in all my years. I have heard of women say you have it, i cant afford or i cant guarantee my safety or I am homeless………

          • fiona64

            I am not sure of your point, and I am afraid I smell some racist dogwhistle stuff.

          • jan stewart

            my point was that there are very very very few women who actually dont want thier child…I have personally never met one. I have however met many who were coerced and bullied out of parenting

          • fiona64

            I have however met many who were coerced and bullied out of parenting

            First, thanks for your clarification.

            I guess I’m not surprised by the statement I quoted, and here is why: CPCs are most often fronts for adoption mills. They tell a lot of lies to try to get women to give up the right* kind of infant for adoption to the right** kind of family. And it’s a lot of high pressure. They’ve been caught out repeatedly in investigations for this kind of thing; I can provide links if you’re truly interested.

            * Caucasian, and preferably male
            ** Evangelical Christian or Catholic

          • night porter
          • jan stewart

            why? I can give you many many links to reproductive coercian as it applies to adoption and fostering….

          • night porter

            I suggest you read up on it to educate yourself, sweetie.

          • JamieHaman

            Fricking scary report! Thanks for sharing this, it was an eye-opener.

          • night porter


            According to anti-choicers, it’s always the woman’s fault, and she always has complete control of her life and can always say ‘no’ because life is simple and shit.

          • JamieHaman

            There are days when I wish I could see some things in the simple ‘black and white” that so many of these forced birthers see it as. That’s just not a realistic view at all, imo.
            That kind of sabotage is not something I’ve ever had to deal with, but I’ve certainly seen a number of intimate partners pressuring women to get pregnant, and the hell with the consequences.
            Simple and shit is right.

          • night porter

            Now read this:

            Link to the original studies and the ACOG page on coercion if pro liars ever give you shit about how women are always better off if they give birth

          • JamieHaman

            How have you missed the women who didn’t want that child, but had it anyway? They get bullied into parenting, often with someone unsuitable, and go right on to make that child absolutely miserable. If you see no unhappy children where you are, I suggest you take your blinders off.

          • jan stewart

            hmmm and what has that to do with the topic to hand? yes there are many unhappy mothers fathers and children… does adoption make them happy? An abortion would have suited the situation better….

          • JamieHaman

            Yes, abortion certainly would suit a lot of parents, and their children better. You say ” My point is that there are very very very few women who don’t want their child, I have personally never met one. I have personally met many who were coerced and bullied out of parenting.”
            My point is that women get just as bullied into parenting (keeping an unwanted, unwelcomed child) as opposed to either aborting or adopting that child to a stranger.
            I’ve seen plenty of parents who were unwilling, miserable, and certainly taking it out on that child. I’m asking how in the world you don’t see that?
            I don’t recommend adoption, because I know both: adopted, and the mothers who give those children up. All of them adapt, accept, deny, or come to some kind of terms with their situation, none is happy about it, even when later they do see their child, or themselves were better off.
            I recommend birth control first, second and third.
            I don’t want anyone coerced. Not into being pregnant, not abortion, adoption, or raising an unwelcome, unwanted child.
            I want every born child to be a wanted, welcomed child.

          • Blue Orion

            In most states, women can leave their unwanted infants at hospitals and other designated offices. I don’t think anyone has ever turned in a kid at their local DSS or DHS office. In some states there was no age cutoff and you had a few instances of people leaving older children. Very sad–generally in those instances the family was just going through a hard time. We don’t really know much about the women who leave babies anonymously at hospitals.

          • paganheart

            One of my nieces was a preemie who spent the first two months of her life in a NICU. While she was there, there were at least five other infants in the NICU who were effectively abandoned. Their mothers gave birth to them, then walked out of the hospital, often claiming they needed to make a phone call or go have a smoke, and never coming back. According to the nurses, no one was trying very hard to find them; they’d call the cops and file a report, and the police would put out a bulletin, that’s it. In nearly all the cases, the babies had drugs in their system, so the moms may have walked away knowing they were just going to be arrested and lose their babies to the state anyhow. The nurses also said there had been instances where homeless women came in and gave birth, then told the nurses to call CPS because they weren’t taking their babies with them. So yes, it happens. It’s a sad world we live in.

          • Kathi J

            Not really accurate. People loose custody of their children for various reasons, mostly routed in poverty and substance abuse. The state generally gives a short time for them to get the child back and if that doesn’t happen they begin proceedings to severe parental rights.

          • Guest

            I don’t know in which state you reside, but it is anything but a “short time” in which birth parents have to get their kids back where I live. Yes, there are time frames but the judges never abide by them. Children are languishing in foster care for YEARS. Social services bend over backwards in providing services such as parenting classes, visits with the children, drug counseling, providing transportation to those services and parents still don’t go..this is all in my experience as a foster parent for the past 13 years…Parents here are given every opportunity to reunite. Our state waits until the parents voluntarily terminate their rights…only in cases of extreme abuse(or death) will the state terminate rights.

          • Kathi J

            Children are languishing in foster care for years because people don’t want to adopt older, troubled, minority children, not because they are not available for adoption. My state has differing time-frame depending on the child’s age. The younger (below 3) the shorter the time frame (a year). If parents are attempting to do whatever the court orders to get their child back then judges do seem to give them more leeway. Some foster parents are content to have the child remain with them but not adopt them, guess it has to do with not losing benefits (?).

          • JamieHaman

            Seems to me you are describing children who are unwanted (for whatever reason) by their biological parents. If the state allows those children to “languish in foster care for YEARS, then the state you live in contributes to the unadoptable child problem doesn’t it?

      • lady_black

        An infant may be *born* “troubled.” These people do not want children, they want *accessories*.

      • Kathi J

        Thousands of infertile people wanting healthy, white infants — not just any child. And adoption agencies more than happy to assist them provided they pay big bucks for that baby.

        • P. McCoy

          The Terry Meewsens of 700 Club fame go to the Ukraine to get White children-how Christian they are, they refuse to adopt the healthy but non Aryan child in their own U S of A!

          • Jennifer Starr

            Terry Meeuwsen is a nasty woman.

          • Nessie

            A valid point. But just to be clear, a child in need of a home is a child in need of a home regardless of national origin.

          • P. McCoy

            Not when racism makes one leave one’s homeland for that elusive White healthy infant when there are plenty of children available nearby. There is truth to the saying: “charity begins at home.”

          • Nessie

            I never denied that.

          • P. McCoy

            If you say so; Terry’s kids are adults now and Americans probably can’t get their hands on any more Ukrainian or Russian children anyway.

          • marvelously

            Not all kids who are placed for international adoption need a home. This is a big business we are talking about, and you have to have a supply to meet the demand. There are plenty of babies whose parents were forced to give them up.

          • Nessie

            I’m aware of that.

      • P. McCoy

        The pro life across America ads stress Aryan children even in non White or non English speaking non White neighborhoods. They aren’t fooling anybody with their racism.

        • fiona64

          And almost always male children to boot. “My brother is a blessing” – remember that one? Because no female child of any ethnicity could possibly be a blessing.

          • P. McCoy

            Well these ads stress White little girls, cute too especially the red head smiles. It would be nice to see even some olive skinned Whites too- a step in the right direction.

      • Emily4HL

        My husband and I plan to adopt when we start our family because I have a scary genetic disorder that I don’t want to pass on and that would make pregnancy very dangerous. It is very, very scary to hope you will bond with a child as you form your family. I am interested in adopting through the foster system and am open to adopting a child with physical or behavioral issues. There’s a lot of emotions tangled in me about worrying that I’ll feel a child becomes part of our family. I would worry less about adopting an infant.

        There’s also a tremendous amount of grief that couples looking to adopt infants feel at not getting that early time with a baby if they adopt an 8 year old. I feel bad about all these feelings, but its true, not because I want an acessory, but because I feel I have a better chance of thoroughly embracing that child. I do agree that these problems have everything to do with me and not the children.

        • fiona64

          I applaud your decision to adopt from the foster system. However, the purpose of adoption is *not* to provide you with an infant that meets your laundry list of acceptable qualities, but to provide a child with a permanent home.

          • Emily4HL

            I agree with you and I fully realize that having one’s own biological children is no guarantee that you get the qualities you want either. In my case, a biological child has a 50% shot at the really scary disease I have, which makes me somehow oddly more comfortable with adopting a child with a disability. I don’t have a laundry list. Thinking about adoption gives me a mixed sense of hope, excitement, and intense grief.

            I’m just trying to explain part of the grief that goes with deciding you cannot (or will not, with good reason) have your own children. It’s not purely logical and I’m very aware of where my logic and my feelings conflict. You are giving up the chance to bond from before in the womb. You embrace known challenges, which is in some ways harder than unknown challenges. With an infant, you can pretend there aren’t any challenges and hope that you won’t create baggage. All families, biological or adopted, create baggage, so I realize that’s a huge illusion. There will always be challenges.

            I don’t completely agree that the purpose of adoption is just to give kids a home. I believe the purpose of adoption is greater than that, to create a family, for both the children we adopt and ourselves. In some ways, if the only purpose is to provide children with homes, any home will do. I want to find a child who fits as well into our family as possible, for everyone’s benefit. Older children have preferences for their homes, which can be the benefits of adopting an older child. That child, or children, will be a huge part of determining our family dynamic, so its certainly not all about what I want. I think its going to be a matter of making a family together, especially if we adopt an older child.

            At this point in my research, I’ve read a lot of profiles about what the
            older kids want, which lets me think about whether or not we can give them
            that. I really like the idea being a pre-placement home for a kid who has been
            released from adoption. Wanting to try it out seems harsh in one light, but everyone needs to fit together. It doesn’t have to be perfect and I’m sure it won’t be at first, but we might as well start from a place of common strength. When we do adopt, for instance, I want to chose one of the many children whose profiles are all about loving animals, because we’d have something to build from.

            I would love the chance to adopt an infant. Given that option, I would have almost no criteria. I am more worried about adopting an older child and I don’t like that I have those feelings. The downside, and plus side, is how much that child has already formed. I think looking for “the right fit,” which is not so much a laundry list, but looking for a bit of compatibility is much more important then.

            There’s also a somewhat interesting age issue. I’m currently 27. We will not make this leap until we are more financially secure, likely not before 30. If I adopt an older child from the foster system, most of them are over 9, most more like 12-15. It would be a little odd to add an older child as our first child, especially given that I would have been 21, or younger, when that child was born. Likely not a big deal, just odd to think about. There is definitely a comfort in starting your family with an infant, because you start being a parent when they start their lives.

            I guess what I’m mostly saying is that there are probably lots of couples like us, with the best intentions, who have to deal with the simple fact that its a little hard and little scary to start your family in a non-traditional way. I don’t think it will matter in the end, but the feelings now are damn confusing.

            That got long. Thanks for listening.

          • fiona64

            I appreciate your clarification. Thank you.

    • night porter


  • Dana

    Adoption is an alternative to parenting, not an alternative to pregnancy.

    And actually, open adoption is a nightmare. It’s not bad enough that the mother was used as a Handmaid to fulfill some other person’s parenting fantasies; she must also resign herself to her child being taken away from her over and over and over again every time a visit ends, and in a lot of cases she can’t refer to the child as “hers” without the adopter(s) feeling threatened. Adopters refer to mothers as “our birthmother”, as if she is owned property, and feel free to try to control how she feels and how she reacts to those feelings. Open adoption really is about the benefit to the adoptee, which is also dubious, especially if the original parents go on to have other children. “Why do my siblings get to stay with Mom and I don’t?”

    I feel so strongly about this at this point: don’t have children you don’t intend to raise. They are YOUR children. You do NOT owe them to ANYONE else. Every time one of you feels sorry for an infertile and hands your child away, you contribute to society’s perception of women as just breeders for husbands and states and churches and infertile couples (whether strangers or not–family often takes advantage of a relative “in trouble” too!). We really need to, as the feminist movement (doesn’t matter which “wave”), start stepping up for women who would parent if their circumstances were just better. There’s NO reason we can’t do that and keep contraception and abortion safe and legal too. None. Zero. As long as fertile women are used as dumb breeders, we’ll never be equal. Period.

    • Renee Davis

      “We really need to, as the feminist movement (doesn’t matter which ‘wave’), start stepping up for women who would parent if their circumstances were just better.”

      Yes. Yes, yes, YES. And not just for women, but for their partners and their children, as well. No one is a “blank slate.” There are profound consequences to passing around human beings as if they’re Cabbage Patch dolls.

      As an adoptee, I feel it’s much kinder and more responsible to terminate the further development of a clump of cells than to hand off a living, breathing, feeling human being to strangers.

      • HeilMary1

        Better aborted then sexually and medically trafficked by hateful nuns and priests.

        • LoreneFairchild

          I hated being adopted but I am glad my mother didn’t abort me. Abortion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I’m glad I’m alive.

          • Nessie

            Adoption and parenting are perminant too. And the physical sand psychological effects of pregnancy can last a lifetime. Take your exsistianal angst elseware, we’ve heard it all before.

          • LoreneFairchild

            Parenting should be permanent. Adoptions can be legally overturned by the adoptee and the first parents once the adoptee is an adult. How do you overturn an abortion?

            And as far as taking my “existential angst elswhere”….that doesn’t sound very “tolerant” of you.

          • Nessie

            Forgive me if I’m less than tolerant of people trying to strip women of their bodily autonomy. If you had been aborted, you wouldn’t have been born. That’s it. Boo hoo.

          • fiona64

            Parenting should be permanent.

            So, you argue that no child should move out of the house? That adults’ parents should make decisions for them?

            Oh, and that consent to sexual intercourse somehow means consent to gestate?


            And yes, your position is based in the kind of existential angst that most people outgrow at puberty: “Ohnoes … what if I never existed?” If you had never existed, you would never know the difference.

          • Blue Orion

            I had some guy in a grocery store (long story) ask me that question on abortion. “How would feel if you had been aborted?”. “I wouldn’t care,” I said, “How would you feel if you mother had sex with another man instead of your father?”.

            He actually said, “I would still be here!”. I really can’t even imagine where people get these bizarre ideas. It’s as if to them, abortion is the only way to not exist. As if miscarriages, birth control, menstruation, wars, literally anything that could have happened just did not exist at all, and only abortion stood in the way to thwart your existence.

          • Nessie

            It’s the Butterfly Effect: if my Mom had been killed in a car wreck as a teenager, then I wouldn’t exist; if my great-great grandfather had died in Korea, then I wouldn’t exist; if a certain Cretaceous mammal had been eaten by a dinosaur, then I wouldn’t be here. I could go on and on.

          • Blue Orion

            Exactly. It is pointless to prattle on about how you could not exist, the possibilities are literally infinite and none of them produce any meaningful difference from one another when the result is exactly the same.

          • LoreneFairchild

            Hands on parenting would not apply to adults, obviously. However, a mother is a mother forever even when her kids are adults leading their own lives.

            My “position” is based on my belief system that views life as sacred and beginning with conception.

          • fiona64

            Your “beliefs” are one hundred percent irrelevant to anyone other than yourself.

          • lady_black

            Well, parenting isn’t permanent. And your “real parents” are the ones who raised you. I have a son. He wasn’t adopted, but he may as well have been. He calls my husband “Dad” and his biological father by his first name, when he bothers to call him at all. His biological father denied him, forced him to get a DNA test and afterward, never bothered with him. Not a phone call, not a birthday card. Nothing. The one time I tried to travel 1000 miles at my own expense so he could see his son, he USED my son to pull a financial scam on his girlfriend. I had some CRAZY WOMAN calling my house, claiming my son stole her rings (for WHAT???). This is not a person who deserves a child. And he’s far from alone. My hope is that you grow up some day, and realize that maybe your relationship with your adopted parents wasn’t perfect, but you could have done much worse. I hope you come to appreciate what they did for you.

          • LoreneFairchild

            You’re telling me who my “real parents” are? Really?

            My adopted father was a pedophile. So was my adopted great uncle. When I told my adopted mother she got mad….AT ME! I was a little girl and she was mad at me.

            Do you still think they are my “real parents”?? Do you still want me to “appreciate what they did for me”????


          • Ineedacoffee

            and yet here you are arguing adoption is better than abortion

          • LoreneFairchild

            Only by a degree…..I am a family preservationist who believes children (barring abuse) do better with their biological families. I don’t like adoption (TIA) but at least the child is alive.

            My opinion….others are welcome to theirs.

          • Ineedacoffee

            preserving families should mean making sure the ones already here stay together and dont get ripped apart from the loss of the mother in pregnancy, birth or after
            What is SO wrong about helping in the here and now over forcing women to do something they are better off not doing?

          • fiona64

            Yep, you’re right; your life as an adoptee really shows why adoption is the better option. /sarcasm

          • LoreneFairchild

            It was only better by a degree. I’m alive and I have made a good life for myself.

          • fiona64

            You really *are*all about existential angst, aren’t you?

            Pro-tip: if you had never been born, you would never know the difference.

            I’m glad that your life is good. That doesn’t mean your experience or beliefs are universal.

          • LeeAnne Green

            No offense, but you kind of started it with your “abortion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem” diatribe. I’m thrilled beyond words that you are happy to be alive. I am ~beyond thrilled~ that I opted to abort instead of bringing any more children into the abusive marriage I was in at the time I chose to abort. I had already had one child with him, and tying myself and my child any further into that nightmare would have been a much more “permanent” than the “temporary problem” of having the abortion. I agree with Nessie: take your existential angst elsewhere. I don’t have to be “tolerant” of someone who is clearly trying to incite issues with “anti-choice” terminology.

          • night porter
          • almond_bubble_tea

            The problem with showing that Salon article to any anti-abortion folks is they’ll come right back and talk about how domestic violence meaning forcing the women to “abort” a child.


            “Pregnant women are often targets of violence by husbands or boyfriends
            who are not wanting to become a father and have failed in their efforts
            to force or pressure their partners to have an abortion. As a result of
            the tide of violence against pregnant women and their unborn children,
            39 states have enacted laws providing justice for both mother and unborn
            children when they are victims of violence.”

          • night porter

            I know. Which will still bite them in the ass, because being forced to either gestate or abort = a violation of the woman’s rights.

            The point, however, is that from a harm based perspective, denying women the right to an abortion is bad for their overall wellbeing, and instead puts their life and health in the hands of others who have no business making life’s decisions for them.

          • Nessie

            And yet those same people are often against stricter rape laws, economic equality, comprehensive sex education, increased funding for domestic violence shelters, and other measures which would actually prevent or help victims of abuse.

          • LoreneFairchild

            Not trying to incite. I was just sharing my opinion.

          • zygotepariah

            Adoptions *cannot* be legally overturned once the adoptee is an adult. There is no legal course of action to do so. I have several adoptee friends who are trying to terminate their adoptions and can’t. I myself can never terminate my own adoption and I’m in my 40s. To terminate you need to prove fraud and I cannot, despite the fact that I never signed the adoption contract. Adoptees are bound *forever* by the decisions of others. If the adoption didn’t work out, an adoptee can cease contact with the adoptive family, and in some provinces/states there is adult adoption where the adoptee can be adopted back by the natural parent(s), but there is otherwise no legal process to terminate an adoption once the adoptee is an adult.

          • LoreneFairchild

            As an adult, the biological parent/s can legally adopt their biological child back. The only consent needed is the adult adoptee and the biological parent/s. One of the terms used to describe this is “re-adoption”. That is what I meant by overturning the adoption. I spoke to an attorney about the possibility several years ago and he indicated that it was perfectly legal and doable. I have also read of adult adoptees and first-parents personally who chose this path. There was also a section of the book “Birthbond: Reunions Between Birthparents and Adoptees — What Happens After” by Judith Gediman and Linda Brown that covered the subect of re-adoption.

          • TheDingus

            On a human level, that is simply absurd. If you’ve been raised from infancy by one set of parents, changing that relationship on paper doesn’t erase the years of the relationship. You will have always been adopted. They will always have parented you through into adulthood.

            Furthermore, one presumes you’d only want to change the relationship on paper because you’re less than enamored of your legal adoptive parents. You’re proving the author’s point: adoption isn’t some magical anodyne that makes unwanted pregnancy all better.

          • zygotepariah

            Which is not the same thing as overturning an adoption. It’s just getting adopted again. And the premise is ludicrous — on paper, your adoptive parents become your biological parents, your biological parents become your adoptive parents. And yet another amended birth certificate is issued. An adoptee should simply be able to dissolve an adoption and restore natural filiation. I don’t need to marry someone else in order to get divorced, which is what the premise behind adult adoption is. Furthermore, your attorney is mistaken. Adult adoption is not universal — it is only allowed in some provinces/states. If you reside in a province/state that does not allow adult adoption you are out of luck.

          • LoreneFairchild

            I never stated that re-adoption was universal. I live in California and it is allowed. The attorney was also a California resident. My parents both live in two other states and it’s allowed there as well.
            I agree with you that it should be possible to annul an adoption but barring that some people are choosing re-adoption. I didn’t go that route but it seems to appeal to some.

          • HeilMary1

            I withdrew my up-vote since I clicked by accident on my slow computer.

          • Ineedacoffee

            Wheres the tolerance accepting what others do with their own body is none of your business

          • LoreneFairchild

            If I didn’t believe abortion was murder then I would probably agree with you. I can’t support taking the life of an innocent unborn child.

          • night porter

            Please explain, in detail, why abortion is murder ie unjust killing.

            Why should a mindless embryo have a right to a woman’s body? Why should it have a right that no one else has?

            How, exactly, is a woman acting unjustly by ending a pregnancy? Do you think that women who abort are cold blooded psychopathic killers?

          • LoreneFairchild

            No I do not feel that women who abort are psychopathic killers. I do believe that women who abort have been lied to and taught that the baby they’re carrying is no more than a clump of cells.

            Psalm 139

          • night porter

            I said that I wanted a detailed answer. Please explain why abortion is murder.

          • LoreneFairchild

            I believe I answered your question.
            Abortion is the deliberate destruction of a human life, albeit unborn. While An unborn child is dependent on the mother in utero it is a separate and distinct human life and should be treated as such. The only time an abortion should be considered is if the life of the mother is in physical jeopardy if the pregnancy continues.

            That is my belief….you are welcome to your own.

          • night porter

            That isn’t an answer.

            I’m a separate and distinct human life. Does that automatically give me a right to your body if I need your organs for life support?

            And ALL pregnancy threatens the health and life of womem.

          • Ineedacoffee

            So in that case, many are dying needing a kidney, would you be ok with someone telling you that you have a healthy one, we going to force you to undergo surgery as it will save a life, i mean only a small disruption to your life right?
            Essentially that is what you are saying to women who abort because they dont want or cant cope with another child cos adoption process and pregnancy and birth is only a small disruption to the womans life

          • JamieHaman

            Cancer is also separate, distinct, human and utterly dependant. Do you think it’s wrong to have the surgery and treatment for it? Bet not. Apparently, you also don’t understand that women have actual lives, and other responsibilities besides a clump of cells, caused by some stray sperm, that should it live long enough will become a person at birth.

          • Ineedacoffee

            There is no lie in that, it is a clump of cells
            The lie is that abortion is murder
            Abortion is a form of healthcare like it or not

          • Ineedacoffee

            but you support the possible death and destruction of an already living woman, with friends and family who will also suffer
            real nice…..

          • bird

            moot point, adoption is also a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

          • LoreneFairchild

            I found my real parents when I was 16. From that point on my adoption no longer mattered. I had found my family…so no, it’s not carved in stone forever.

          • Renee Davis

            I found my real mother at age 50 and have a very good relationship with her. I found my father’s gravestone last month–but have begun building a relationship with my aunt, my cousins, etc.

            Finding my family doesn’t magically erase the five decades that I lived without them.

            I will always, unfortunately, be adopted.

            Besides that, I believe that every woman has the right to choose whether or not she carries out a pregnancy and whether or not she brings a child into the world.

            I don’t exclude ONLY my mother from that.

          • LoreneFairchild

            I found my parents when I was 16. Perhaps it’s different for me because I found them so early in life. They’ve been in my life far longer than they were out of it. I have younger siblings who weren’t even born yet when I showed up. They have no memory of me being gone.

          • Ineedacoffee

            While im glad its all worked out for you and your in a good place, thats not the case for all and shouldnt be used to control or remove choices for other women

          • RachelK

            Thank you for sharing your story. However, it is not an argument for taking women’s choices away from them. It is not an argument against abortion. Adoption is one choice, and no one is trying to take it away. I want people to get the support they need to parent if they want to. I want them to get the support they need to choose adoption if they want to. And I want them to have access to abortion if that is what they choose, and to be supported in that choice as well. Every situation is different, but the choice belongs to the pregnant person.

          • mzklever

            I found my half-siblings when I was 16 and it was a Pandora’s box that I wish I’d never opened. It’s fabulous that your birth family is so great, but that is rare, not the norm. You’re extrapolating results based on a dataset of one. Bad science.

          • paganheart

            And the media too often plays up the stories of happy reunions between adoptees and their long-lost biological families, while ignoring the cases where the reunions don’t go so well.

            I have a cousin whose adoptee wife went looking for her biological parents, only to be thwarted at every turn. When she finally found her biological mother with the help of a private investigator, the woman wanted nothing to do with her. She had become pregnant as a result of date rape when she was 16, and her Southern Baptist parents refused to let her get an abortion. She told my cousin’s wife straight out in a letter: “I gave you up the minute you were born, I did not hold you, I did not even look at you. You never should have been born, and as far as I’m concerned you don’t exist.” Needless to say that’s a pretty damaging thing to learn about yourself, and she is still trying to come to terms with it. She did get her biological father’s name, but has not contacted him because what do you say to a man who is only a father because he raped your mother?

            According to my cousin, the PI they hired has helped many other adoptees find their “real” parents, and told them that his wife’s case is more common than not. Very often, when an adoptee contacts their biological families for the first time, it brings up a lot of conflicting emotions and long-buried family secrets. Many adoptees find out that their biological mothers never told their husbands or subsequent children that they had placed a previous baby up for adoption years before. Many discover they were placed for adoption because they were secrets that needed to be swept under the rug (rape, incest, adultery, a relationship deemed unacceptable because the father was of a different race, etc.) Sometimes biological parents turn out to be criminals or drug addicts. And in other tragic cases, biological mothers turn out to be mentally disabled or severely mentally ill, and there is no way to even know who the biological fathers even are.

            There are times when adoptions are the best choice for everyone involved, but it is definitely not the shiny, happy panacea the anti-choice crowd makes it out to be. It is a messy, highly complicated, and sometimes very ugly thing. And there are just as many times when abortion is the better choice (or perhaps best of all, ensuring through education and proper use of birth control, that the pregnancy never happens in the first place.)

          • DonnaDiva

            Good for you! Your experience is NOT universal, however.

          • LoreneFairchild

            I totally understand and agree that my experience isn’t universal.

          • P. McCoy

            Not so-forced birth is slavery. Adoption means worrying about a sentient boy or girl for all of yourlife time. Abortion is a surgical procedure that excises the host body of an entity that survives via a parasitic relationship with a host body.

          • bird

            im not sure what you’re trying to say. i support women’s right to choose, theres no law that states anyone has to share their body with anyone or anything- regardless of circumstance and regardless of whether zygote is considered a “being” or not- without on-going consent. no one is talking about forced birth. for many adoptees, being adopted is much like slavery, too: we were signed over to strangers, seperated from our biological relatives and cultures, bought, sold, and sometimes traded or sold again, expected to be grateful for every meager ration(including not being an abortion), and aren’t allowed to see our own paperwork. so? all things are relative, but abortion and adoption are two very different things.

          • P. McCoy

            You had no sentience so your comment is senseless. But if giving birth to you was not forced on your mother great then.

          • fiona64

            Abortion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

            I remember when I thought that this was a profound argument …

            Every pregnancy is potentially life-threatening. Every. Single. One. Every pregnancy causes permanent physiological changes to a woman’s anatomy, even if it is relatively uncomplicated. Those are not “temporary problems.”

          • larrymotuz

            Just adding that other not-so-temporary impacts on families and their economic and social well-being also exist if one thinks about this.

          • HeilMary1

            Abortion saves women from deadly, disfiguring complications like bladder and bowel incontinence, cancer, organ failures, sepsis limb amputations and death. My incontinent mom disfigured me as her permanent abstinence excuse. Aborting me would have been so much kinder.

          • Ella Warnock

            Abortion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

            Well, let’s just say that a girl’s parents don’t allow an adoption but pressure for keeping the kid in the family and for the unwilling young woman to be the primary caregiver. Not exactly a ‘temporary problem’ anymore, is it?

          • lady_black

            I don’t think parents CAN veto an adoption, but they can certainly make her life miserable for as long as she is dependent on them, can’t they? My understanding is that a parent has some absolute rights over her offspring, no matter the age of the parent. For example a 13 year old mom can consent to surgery for her own child, even though she can’t consent for herself. That would include relinquishing for adoption. The only signature needed is hers (and the birth father, if known).

          • Ella Warnock

            I think the legalities are things an average young girl who has very controlling parents wouldn’t be aware of and exactly the kind of thing they’d make sure she didn’t discover. I can imagine being intimidated enough to not ask questions and doing whatever she’s told because that’s all she knows. That’s where a savvy and helpful nurse or doctor could step in and let her know what her legal options are and, of course, why parental notification is often so disastrous in the first place.

          • HeilMary1

            Especially if she’s disabled, disfigured or even dead from the delivery!

          • mzklever

            Ella Warnock, I’m so glad to know that someone else recognizes this as a problem. This very thing is part of the reason I chose to have an abortion. I knew I would not be able to withstand the pressure from my overbearing and abusive family to keep it rather than put it up for adoption. There was no way in hell I would subject another child to growing up in the environment in which I was raised, either. I have never once regretted my decision.

            My mother had me “out of wedlock” and constantly tells people what a saint she was for keeping me. Um, no. While I may be glad NOW to be alive, the first 27 years of my life were spent wishing she had NOT had me. So while I respect LoreneFairchild’s point of view, it is not ubiquitous. Abortion is often a humane solution to lifelong misery.

          • Ella Warnock

            I never had an unwanted pregnancy while I was under my mother’s roof, but I do understand your fears, and I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Growing out and away from that kind of control is such a lifelong challenge, isn’t it?

          • Marie Van Gompel Alsbergas

            Respect for the other point of view.

            What I read in too many of these posts is the demand for the respect of each individual writer’s personal POV. As long as men AND women do not respect their fertility and themselves, there will continue to be unwanted pregnancies. So few people consider their fertility as a critical part of their own sexuality and sensuality. The average American adult likely knows more about their triglycerides than they do about their fertility.

          • Nate Frein

            Funny. My mother considered aborting me.

            I wish she had.

          • JamieHaman

            Know where you’re coming from. Been there.

          • Blue Orion

            If you your mother had sex with another person you would not be here either. I’m not sure why people feel it’s somehow awful to envision the possibility of being aborted. It would be no different than any other of the infinite ways in which you could not exist. You cannot comprehend your own lack of existence.

            If you were aborted, you simply would not have cared, or been aware that you could care. A squashed lizard egg does not bemoan its own lack of existence, and neither does an

          • LoreneFairchild

            I believe life begins at conception which leads me to form a far different conclusion than the one you’ve chosen.

          • Blue Orion

            A conclusion of what? That if you had been aborted, somehow, magically, you would be here caring about how you were aborted?

            How exactly does that work with you guys? Seriously, I want to know because it makes zero logical sense at all. Do you envision yourselves sitting on puffy clouds as souls waiting to be born, and if your zygote is destroyed you are trapped in purgatory? Do you think your zygote has a teeny-tiny brain that thinks and fears? Because I can tell you right now that it doesn’t.

          • Ineedacoffee

            I dont believe it begins then
            When I birth the child and it does not need an umbilical cord for survival

          • Terri Yancy

            But if you weren’t, you wouldn’t have any opinion about it.

        • madihwa

          Or mistreated by adoptive parents who either (1) decide they don’t like the child as much as they expected to and mistreat it or (2) purposely adopt a child for predatory purposes, such as sex trafficking or to use themselves or (3) to use as a slave or (4) decide to the child is too much trouble and send them off to a special school or camp and when the child is 18 washes their hands of him or her.

    • Weavre Cooper

      I agree with your basic premise – but not with applying it to every single case, and not to referring to fertile women as “dumb breeders” if they give a child for adoption. I believe that a woman truly does have the right to choose, and that feminism is diminished when we snipe women who make choices different from ours. I support a woman’s right to abort, her right to parent (including all the attendant rights that make that feasible), her right to hire a nanny, her right to give her child for adoption, her right to be a surrogate and carry someone else’s child… Her right to choose, period. No one – not I, not you, not anyone else – has the right to demonize any woman for making the choice she deems best for herself, her body, her offspring, as long as she isn’t causing actual harm in doing so. Period.

  • Kathi J

    I would have been happier if the author had counseled women seeking abortion, worked with at-risk teens to prevent unintentional pregnancies rather than worked in the very industry that thrives on women and girls being manipulated and coerced into giving up their babies for adoption, i.e. “sale to the highest bidder”.

    • bird

      yes, she makes some good points, but seems a bit like a wolf in sheeps clothing at certain points.

    • Renee Davis


  • P. McCoy

    Look at current flap the Lesbian couple is in over their chagrin that an insemination gone ‘wrong’ resulted in getting a Black (according to the unofficial yet socially official one drop of Black blood rule )child. You would think that they had been given a plague carrier! But alas, the stigma of being Black even a harmless healthy baby continues.
    How I wish the mother had asked to go on Oprah for help instead of pursuing a lawsuit; could have been a life lesson for everyone and a great good for the baby.

    • lady_black

      Um… I’d be very upset too. The donor they bargained for isn’t the donor they got. The child is loved. That isn’t the point.

      • P. McCoy

        The child is loved? Then why the lawsuit? When the little girl learns about it is she going to ask: suing because my moms have to move to a less racist neighborhood is a big hardship? Suing because mom can’t deal with the hygiene of my hair? It all gets down to suing because I am not White ? Asking Oprah for help would have been far more positive and life affirming- she could have had a mentor who would have changed her life for the better rather than engaging the court system simply because she was not White!

        • Nessie

          I understand your sentiments, but that doesn’t change the fact that the IVF Clinic made a mistake.

        • lady_black

          The lawsuit is about exactly what I just mentioned. Do women NOT have the absolute right to choose the father of her children? I’ve heard people say things like “She wanted a baby, she got one!” That’s HORRIBLE. It’s like raping someone who’s passed out. She was inseminated by a donor she didn’t pick, and she wasn’t even aware of it until the mistake was discovered. Race doesn’t even need to come into it, but it does complicate the matter. Donors are selected by the couple for physical characteristics among other things. We don’t know the race of the selected donor. We can safely assume he wasn’t black. Just from a contract POV, this is a terrible injustice. The child is the mother’s biological child. Of course she’s loved. But the sperm bank is in the wrong, and they need to pay. I would be furious.

          • P. McCoy

            Unfortunately, race and one of THE most despised in the United States comes into play here. Therefore the situation should have been handled with this in mind. I can understand even (and I am not accusing anyone here of this) race issue fatigue) race issues get wearisome. However the deed is done and what’s left in most Black people’s eyes is the viewpoint that this couple is suing because they got Black sperm and voila- they have a child who is making their lives intolerable because the moms have to get away from their comfort zone and can’t cope with the fact that Black hair is not a wash and cut dry deal.

            My heart goes out to the child; maybe she will overcome on her own. But I don’t think she is loved. Just my three cents

          • Nessie

            The fact that this couple chose to move to a less-racist neighborhood for their daughter’s sake, instead of just sure during her to the foster system and trying again, seems proof enough that this child is loved.
            McCoy, I can understand why you disagree with the parents’ decision to file a lawsuit, but I think that you’re being overly judgemental.

          • Unicorn Farm

            “The fact that this couple chose to move to a less-racist neighborhood for their daughter’s sake”
            I agree. Good god, I live in the south, and the amount of racism here is mind-numbing. It’s awful, and it’s just out there, everywhere. It’s also highly variable (as it is across the nation). There are definitely a number of cities I would NOT want to live in if I was black or had a black child, full stop. I’d move, hands down.
            I agree the lawsuit appears distasteful. But I think a lot of people are piling on this woman in a reactionary manner.

          • Nessie

            This made be idealism on my part, but I believe that this couple was at least partially motivated by the desire to make sure this kind of mix-up doesn’t happen again; since the next couple might not be as willing to except a child of the “wrong” race into their family.

          • Ella Warnock

            I do wonder if people’s reactions would be more sympathetic to a black couple who had wanted a black child and ended up with a white one. Would the same people tell them they’re racists and need to ‘just get over it?’

          • Nessie

            Truth be told, parents of all sorts are already held to unnitainable standard. Bad parents exist, yes, but even the best parents make questionable decisions occasionally. Parents, after all, are only human.

          • Ella Warnock

            True. We should all be giving each other the benefit of the doubt.

          • Unicorn Farm

            Quite possibly. What if you had your husband’s sperm banked and wanted to use his, and the bank mixed it up? I can see a lot of possibilities where a couple didn’t even pick a donor from a book but rather used the bank to access a particular person’s sperm, which they of course would want the bank to use.

          • lady_black

            Look… Either you believe a woman has an absolute right to choose who she’ll have children with, or she doesn’t. A white couple picking a white donor is NOT “racism” under any circumstances.

          • P. McCoy

            I am glad that the moms chose to move and yes a White person picking a White donor is not racist. The lawsuit though is a thorny one at best; her reasons or the trials she claimed to face though sorry to say smack of racism. It’s an all around testy situation. As I say, if she had gone to Oprah perhaps a less racist way of pursuing the lawsuit could have been executed. Criticism by others here notwithstanding, it still looks like the reasons for the lawsuit are how I viewed it earlier.

            We can agree to Disagree of course; I just pray that the daughter will overcome this trial when she’s older.

          • night porter

            They had to build a case, somehow, in order to sue for damages. Unfortunately, any case they make will appear racist, I think, like it or not.

            Anyway, I agree with LB. The company screwed up, and should pay for that. The people did not get what they paid for, as callous as that sounds. If, for example, I order an Aby cat, but am shipped a Siamese, I will still adore the Siamese, but that does not change the fact that the vendor screwed up.

          • lady_black

            At least you could ship the Siamese back if you didn’t want it. Someone will want it. Like me. I love Siamese. You can’t ship a child back. It doesn’t sound callous at all. Not if you believe a woman has an absolute right to choose who she’ll have children with. I’m seeing way too much “She wanted a baby, she got a baby. Any sperm will do.” nonsense even on this forum, and I see that as inherently anti-choice. And a bit “rapey.” I’m very disappointed.

          • night porter


          • Unicorn Farm

            “The lawsuit though is a thorny one at best;”

            Nope. Pretty solid. Breach of contract/ negligence. Read my above post about wrongful birth lawsuits. Ugly names, good purpose and good results.

            “Her reasons or the trials she claimed to face though sorry to say smack of racism.”

            Or pleading what is necessary to recover damages.

            “As I say, if she had gone to Oprah perhaps a less racist way of pursuing the lawsuit could have been executed.”

            I don’t see how that going on Oprah would have provided a more private, less racially charged way of handling this. It would have invited more and more public scrutiny. Plus, what remedy could she possibly have expected from Oprah? I don’t understand this at all.

          • P. McCoy

            I see the logic of what you are saying; thanks. With Oprah I think perhaps she could have played a mentor in finding a lot of resources to help the couple and the child, ranging from hair and skin issues (some Black skins need special care with rough bumps on elbows other skin areas as well as support groups designed to help bi racial children etc;. Maybe even legal assistance would have been made available. I am just thinking of the child and wanting her to get all the support she may need-Oprah seems like a great and resouceful mentor to me. Thanks to all for the excellent legalese explained for the

            layperson. Much appreciated.

            here. Much sppre

          • P. McCoy

            Please excuse the typos-I could not correct them.

          • Unicorn Farm

            You’re welcome. Glad it’s helpful.

          • TheDingus

            They do smack of racism, but not the women’s: the racism all around them. Pretending these women and their child don’t have to deal with racism is willfully naive.

          • Unicorn Farm

            “Unfortunately, race and one of THE most despised in the United States comes into play here. Therefore the situation should have been handled with this in mind.”

            No. She is entitled to file her lawsuit any way that she wants. She has no obligation to be sensitive to issues in American society in the way she handles her private legal affairs. Sorry. Nope.

          • LeeAnne Green

            From a contract point of view, you are correct. But from the “I don’t want to deal with the trauma of having a black baby in this town” (paraphrased quote from the one suing) point of view, the mother is a prejudiced piece of crap, and doubly so, because the mother herself is a minority (lesbian).

          • lady_black

            Are you living her life, now? Look, thanks for admitting that she has a breach of contract case. That’s a no-brainer. However, she has to show damages in order to recover. She’s trying to show true financial harm as well as punitive damages. Since I don’t live in her town, I can’t assess the value of her financial damages. From a philosophical point of view, either you believe a woman has the right to choose who she reproduces with, or you don’t. I happen to believe she has that right, and the sperm bank violated her. A white couple choosing a white sperm donor isn’t “a racist piece of crap.” They are attempting to mitigate the questions that will now be raised, and she shouldn’t need to deal with that. No matter how much she loves her daughter, the damage has been done, and it wasn’t done by her. The sperm bank needs to pay. And I would say the same thing no matter what the race of the woman is.

          • Unicorn Farm

            Yeah, do you know for sure that she’s a prejudiced piece of crap?
            Or did she just plead the facts in the complaint that were necessary for her to achieve economic recovery to which she is entitled for breach of contract, like her lawyer probably told her to?
            Lawsuits get filed all the time with hyperbolic language included in them for the purpose of pleading facts necessary to recover.
            If everything written in the course of a lawsuit were to be taken literally and held to reflect a person’s actual beliefs… well, we’d all be screwed.
            Unicorn Farm, Esq.

          • TheDingus

            Call her racist if you want; you might as well say any two white people who marry and have white babies are racist.

            You’re dismissing these people’s lives far too easily, including the child’s. I have a good friend who chose to marry the black father of her mixed race child. (The marriage failed and the father did his best to never lift a finger for his son.) She raised him in a nice, lily white town, and both of them were treated like crap from the get go. Both of them: the mother, and the child. It was painful and difficult even when she chose it freely. She thought she knew what she was getting into, but I sat with her many a time when she expressed the pain of what happened to her child on a day-to-day basis. One thing for sure: you cannot call her a racist.

            This is not a minor issue. Those women had a contract, and not just their lives but the life of their child is going to be more difficult, which is not the choice they made or wanted to make. It hasn’t got a thing to do with them being racist.

          • Unicorn Farm

            Despite my opinion that the racial angle of this lawsuit is unsettling, I agree with you, LB. Women have the right to determine who fathers their child, and that is particularly so where they contracted for and paid valuable consideration for that right.

        • Unicorn Farm

          “The child is loved? Then why the lawsuit?”

          Lawyer here! Maybe I can explain. Obviously, I am not a part of this family, but I do not believe the fact that they filed the lawsuit means that the child is not loved. Parents file so-called “wrongful birth” lawsuits all the time when their children are born with severe disabilities. Folks, particularly the anti’s, react to these all the time with accusations that the parents do not love their child. This could not be further from the truth- wrongful birth lawsuits, while distastefully styled for sure, provide a means for the parents to recover the costs they will incur to raise the child with all the extra care it would need. The money is held in trust for the benefit of the child.
          It seems to me like this lawsuit is an extreme version of a wrongful birth lawsuit. It likely arises out of breach of contract/ negligence on the part of the facility- which did mess up. Do I believe that the consequences of the breach/negligence (a black child) are as severe as having to raise a child with a severe, costly disability? No. Do I think this is distasteful, and outside the norm? Yes. But so do lots of other people, and that’s why it made the news.
          Do I think it means they don’t love their daughter? No. I think they see this as a way to make a buck, and plead the facts that would allow them to make that buck.

          • smh

            Shocking, a lawyer defends the shaky (at best) ethics of her profession.

            Just because these families have the RIGHT to sue and have a good chance of winning does not mean they SHOULD. It does not mean it is truly in the best interests of the children. Has anyone ever interviewed the children who are the foci of these wrongful birth lawsuits and asked them how it affected their lives, their self-esteems and their relationships with their parents?

            I’m willing to bet these lawsuits are as good for the children as a long drawn out high-conflict divorces – which have conclusively been show to be very bad for children – but lawyers love to take these cases on because it’s $$$$ in their pockets.

          • Unicorn Farm

            “Shocking, a lawyer defends the shaky (at best) ethics of her profession”

            Huh? You’re attacking my assessment of this situation because I’m a lawyer? Yeah, maybe someone who actually *works* in this field actually knows what she’s talking about, unlike you, and you do what for a living? You have what authority to speak on this issue? Save your headshaking and your outrage.

            “Just because these families have the RIGHT to sue and have a good chance of winning does not mean they SHOULD.”

            Why not? If it’s the only way to a) punish malpractice and b) acquire the incredible sums of money that are *necessary to provide care for the child*, then WHY shouldn’t a parent do this?

            ‘It does not mean it is truly in the best interests of the children”

            Says who? You? Based on what? Please tell me how it is not in the best interests of a child to recover money needed to take care of the child. Do you know anything about brain damaged babies that are often the subject of these lawsuits? Do you know that it costs millions of dollars to raise a child who has cerebral palsy caused by negligence? Do you think most parents just have that lying around? It seems like it is absolutely in the best interest of the child to get that money.

            “Has anyone ever interviewed the children who are the foci of these wrongful birth lawsuits and asked them how it affected their lives, their self-esteems and their relationships with their parents?”

            Well, most of them who recover vast sums are severely brain damaged, so probably not, you imbecile. Gee, what’s a bigger problem? Severe mental retardation or damaged feeeeeeeelings? Spare me. Further, why can’t a parent just sit down and explain to the child (if the child is even cognizant, which many aren’t) “this is what we had to do to make sure that we had the resources we needed to provide you the care you deserve. We know it sounds bad, but we did this because we love you and wanted to provide for you.” You know what’s damaging to a child? Untreated cerebral palsy.

            “but lawyers love to take these cases on because it’s $$$$ in their pockets.”

            Yeah, heaven forbid a lawyer gets paid for providing a service. Oh, the humanity. Do you perform services for free?

            You have no basis to slander my integrity or the integrity of my profession. You have provided no basis for your assertion that these lawsuits are the result of questionable ethics. The legal profession is one of the most highly regulated professions and layers have fiduciary duties to their clients and to the public and the judicial system. I have ever met a lawyer who doesn’t take his or her professionalism and integrity very seriously. I sure hope you’re never facing the wrong end of a lawsuit, because I know who you’ll be calling.

            Always remember, everyone hates lawyers until they need one.

          • fiona64

            Are you really claiming that someone does not have the right to choose the father of her child? Because that’s what it looks like to me.

          • smh

            Keep looking.

  • Cactus_Wren

    Breaking the Silence: On Living Pro-Lifers’ Choice for Women

    The author of this article freely admits that she’s made, at different points in her life, both choices: she’s had an abortion and she’s given a baby up for adoption. And as she says, “Believe me when I say that of the two choices, it was adoption that nearly destroyed me – and it never ends.”

    Post-adoption counseling turned out to be focused on getting yourself together enough to make yourself a new Christian baby so you could be a good Christian wife and mother. I kept getting the same thing. What if you don’t want to have a New Baby ™, or can’t? Or you’re not religious? And why the fuck are actual babies so disposable that you’re expected to get over it after a suitable period of mourning (i.e., till you get a good Christian husband) in the case of adoption? It’s odd how this does not apply in the case of aborting a blastocyst, when you’re expected to wall yourself into a tomb away from decent society and gnaw on the bitter bones of your own despicable evil. Bad woman. BAD.

    • almond_bubble_tea

      I posted this link several times on LAN and all the regulars there said this person must have been the “exception” to the rule that adoption is all unicorns and rainbows.

      • fiona64

        I don’t know what they’re smoking over there …

    • lady_black

      I get an error message. I’d like to read it, but your link seems not to work.

      • Cactus_Wren

        Fixed — so sorry about that, and thanks for letting me know!

        • lady_black

          Much obliged. I’ll read it tomorrow.

    • Arekushieru

      Did the author of this book also write for Shakesville? I seem to remember something very similar posted there. And I am absolutely 100% amazed by this woman!

      • Cactus_Wren

        The link is to that incredible Shakesville guest posting. That writer’s strength is simply astounding.

  • missedgehead

    Anti-choicers forget that the woman still has to go through an unwanted pregnancy.

    • Ella Warnock

      Oh, they don’t forget that. It’s a feature, not a bug.

      • marvelously

        Exactly. Apparently, one must be harshly and eternally punished for their behavior.

  • JamieHaman

    I think the big reason women choose abortion so readily over adoption is two fold, everyone has seen the dispair in the heart of the child/adult who discovers they’ve been adopted, with the question of “How could she give me up? Didn’t she love me enough to keep me?”
    The second reason is the number of horror stories concerning the abuse that some adoptive parents met out.
    I suspect women who might otherwise allow adoption are also unwilling to be utterly cut off from the child, which adoptive parents are very willing to do.

  • DonnaDiva

    As an adoptee born prior to Roe v Wade and adopted through a Catholic agency notorious for coercive practices, I thank you for this article. If every abortion were instead a pregnancy carried to term with an infant available for adoption there would simply be a whole lot of orphans in the country, as there would never be a large enough number of parents willing to adopt them all. The shortage in (desirable) infants that people like Ross Douthat bemoan is as much to do with decreased stigma on single motherhood as abortion, if not more.

  • Emily4HL

    As someone who cannot have children, but desperately wants them and plans to adopt, I agree wholeheartedly with this article. I am also so saddened by the adoptees in the comments who have had horrible experiences.

  • larrymotuz

    It should be noted also that not all ‘plans for placement’ actually result in an ‘adopted child’. Some stay in the foster care system until released from ‘care’.

    • fiona64

      Yep. I keep bringing that up to those who tout adoption as a panacea, always claiming that “someone out there wants your baby” — despite a boatload of evidence to the contrary.