Disease detectives ID, track down those exposed to Ebola

Dr. Michelle Chevalier recalls flying to Dallas and standing at an airport baggage carousel last week, feeling remarkably calm despite the Ebola crisis in Texas.

She was ready for the long and hard work ahead.

Chevalier is one of a dozen investigators with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention who are trying to identify and monitor everyone who came into contact with Thomas Eric Duncan, the patient diagnosed with Ebola who died at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas on Wednesday.

She had been working at the CDC’s Emergency Operations Center in Atlanta, helping to coordinate and support the efforts of fellow disease detectives who had been deployed to West Africa.

Then, with just a few hours’ notice, Chevalier learned that she’d been assigned to the Dallas case. Not knowing when she’d return to Atlanta, she paid her rent, took care of her bills and packed enough clothes for at least two weeks.

Arriving Wednesday, Oct. 1, in Dallas, she joined a community contact tracing team, a mix of CDC investigators and staff from Dallas County Health and Human Services. Together, they’re tracing the path that Duncan took once he had become infectious.

Ebola is only contagious when a person has developed symptoms.

“I was relieved he wasn’t sick when he landed at the airport,” said Chevalier. It would have made her job a lot harder.

The local officials are running the operation, and Chevalier knows this well. At the CDC, she has been told time and time again to work carefully with local and state health workers.

She was told: Respect their authority, defer to their knowledge of local issues and always represent the CDC as a helpful, collaborative federal agency.

If she didn’t, the ramifications would be long-standing. Because of past encounters that didn’t go well, dozens of county and state health departments across the country prefer not to request CDC assistance.

But Chevalier felt prepared, not just for the investigation but for the navigation of local politics and personalities. “You have to be sensitive,” she said. “But I have the experience to do that.”

Chevalier, a graduate of Harvard University and Cornell University, was an OB/GYN resident at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York before joining the CDC last year. During three trips to Jamaica, she studied the use of long-term contraceptives and worked carefully alongside team members at the ministry of health.

On her first day in Dallas, Chevalier worked until midnight, tracing and retracing Duncan’s steps and compiling a list of people who may have come into contact with him when he had symptoms. The list started off small with 18 to 20 potential contacts, then grew to 100 the next day.

“We kept asking people: ‘Is there anyone else we should know about? Anyone else he had contact with?’” said Chevalier. She didn’t want to miss a thing.

That night, she had less than six hours sleep. Waking at 5 a.m., she grabbed a cup of tea and rushed to meet her team. “There’s no time to eat breakfast,” she said. “The investigation is the most important thing on my mind.”

Last Thursday, at a daily 7 a.m. strategy session, Dr. Stephanie Schrag took the lead. A trusted epidemiologist who has worked at the CDC for 26 years, Schrag did a quick roundup of the potential contacts who had been identified.

The team had two tasks. The first was to find anyone else who should be on that list. Where had Duncan visited that first day that he became sick? Who had held his hand, mopped his brow and comforted him as he fell ill?

Their second task was to closely monitor those contacts for fever and signs of the disease. The team took to their phones. Chevalier called a man who had seen Duncan the day before he went to the hospital and asked that contact what his temperature was. He replied he was feeling fine.

“I need to know what time I can visit you this afternoon,” said Chevalier. She jotted down the time, said goodbye and worked her way down the list.

Other people were not so easy to track down. “There was one woman we just could not find,” said Chevalier. “The address in the medical system was wrong. She must have moved.”

To find the woman, Chevalier said, she had to “do a lot more detective work.” She used a phone directory, the woman’s emergency contact information and a tip from the woman’s ex-landlord to track her down.

But Duncan, the Ebola patient, had also come into contact with health care workers at Presbyterian’s emergency room in his first visit there Sept. 25.

He’d been sent home with antibiotics. Chevalier needed to know which health care workers had tended to him. For that, she turned to her fellow disease detective, Dr. Lauren Epstein.

Epstein was also surviving on five hours of sleep and eating on the fly.

A graduate of George Washington University and Tufts University, Epstein is an expert at dealing with investigations involving health care workers and health care settings. In Atlanta, she works at the CDC’s Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion, which focuses on protecting the health of patients and health care workers.

She led outbreak investigations of drug-resistant bacteria in Illinois and studied how some hospitals were spreading these infections. “Those previous investigations definitely helped to prepare me for Dallas,” she said.

Epstein is working on a different team called the health care contact tracing team. The team is based at Presbyterian and camps out in a different office each day.

Epstein was making a list filled with the names and phone numbers of doctors, nurses, technicians and other Presbyterian staff. “Then we interviewed them,” she said. “We were trying to work out what the risk of exposure was and what their risk of Ebola was.”

Just like Duncan’s community contacts, those health care workers are receiving twice-a-day temperature checks and close monitoring for signs of Ebola.

The task is “hard and stressful,” Epstein said, but she’s confident the CDC team will be able to stop the spread of infection. “This is something that I know how to do,” she said.

Every morning, as she approaches Presbyterian, she walks past TV news vans and reporters, and sometimes there’s a helicopter buzzing overhead.

“There’s a lot of pressure from everybody who is watching,” she said. “It’s definitely more intense than my other investigations.”

With long days and more public scrutiny ahead, teamwork is key to a successful investigation. Epstein said she’s “impressed with how everyone is stepping up to make sure the work gets done, even in the midst of all the focus.”

“I’m not getting as much sleep as I’d like,” she admitted. “But we are working hard and working well together.”

Dr. Seema Yasmin, a former epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a physician and a professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. Follow her on Twitter at @DoctorYasmin.

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