How do I discover more videos I might like?

There are lots of hot spots on Vimeo to discover great videos! First you can start on the Discover tab, which highlights the most popular videos from the week.

Explore Channels to find videos curated around certain themes that might interest you. If you find Channels that look cool, follow them! Videos from that Channel will show up in your feed whenever they're updated.

Groups are also a great place to unearth interesting videos. A Group is a mini-community within Vimeo that allows people to interact and share with one another.  There are TONS of Groups here, and we encourage you to join Groups to meet new people and find the great videos people are creating for that Group. Joining a Group also means any video added to that group will show up in your feed so you can always see what gets added!

When you find a video you like, check out the other work uploaded by that member. If you see that they upload lots of great videos, go ahead and follow them! Following someone automatically populates your feed with that member’s uploads, along with videos that they’ve been liking.

The Activity tab on your homepage is also another great way to discover videos that people are liking and commenting on right now. You can sort that activity by all users or just the people you follow, to see what everyone's watching and talking about.

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Why isn’t my video showing up when I search for it?

The best way to have your video show up in search is to tag it appropriately in your video's settings. If it still doesn't show up, try adding more information in your description.

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