What is following?

Following is a simple way to keep up with people and activity on Vimeo. When you follow someone or something, you will receive updates on that person or thing in the feed on your homepage. Following updates appear on your feed in real time, and you’ll also see any new updates whenever you log in to Vimeo.

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How do I follow someone or something on Vimeo?

It’s easy — just click the Follow button on a person’s Profile, or anywhere else it appears.

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What can I follow on Vimeo?

You can follow people, a.k.a. other Vimeo members, as well as their likes and appearances. You also can follow Channels and tags to find out when a Channel is updated or when a tag that interests you is applied to a new video.

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Why should I follow people?

We'll give your four good reasons:
  1. Following is an easy way to stay connected to what others are doing on Vimeo.
  2. When you follow others, you increase your chances of discovering videos you’ll enjoy.
  3. Following is a sign of social goodwill — it shows the person you follow that you are a fan of what they do on Vimeo.
  4. Following makes sharing simpler. The people you follow are the first to show up when you want to share something you find on Vimeo.

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What happens when I follow someone or something?

When you follow someone or something, you’ll receive updates on that person or thing in your homepage feed. Updates happen in real time, and you’ll also see any new updates whenever you log in. Control what appears in your feed using your feed manager.

In addition, you’ll be able to send messages to the people you follow.

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If I follow someone, do they automatically follow me as well?

Nope. The person you follow will be notified that you are following them, but they will follow you only if they choose to do so.

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Can I follow someone without them being notified?

No dice. When you follow someone, they receive a notification in their feed.

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Can I follow anyone on Vimeo?

Yep, you can follow any person on Vimeo, unless that person has blocked you. Learn more about blocking members here.

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How can I see whom I follow on Vimeo?

Hover your mouse over Me in the top navigation bar and click Following.

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How can I see who follows me on Vimeo?

Hover your mouse over Me in the top navigation bar, and click Following. On your Following page, you will see a tab for Followers. Click it to see who's jazzed about the cool things you're doing.

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How can I find people to follow?

We built a special page to help you find your friends on Vimeo. You can use Facebook, Twitter, or Google to search Vimeo for people you already know. And when you find your friends, you can follow them right away.

You can also browse Channels to find others who are interested in the same things you are. Even better, you can even follow the Channels themselves!

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Is it okay to follow someone if I don't know them?

Sure. When trying to decide whether to follow someone, ask yourself this fundamental question: Do I want to watch this person’s videos? If the answer's yes, follow them! And maybe leave them a message telling them what you think of their videos.

Following is a cool way to bookmark the people you like on Vimeo, while keeping up to date on the videos they upload and enjoy. Keep in mind that not everyone you follow will follow you back (it's nothing personal), and that following thousands of people does not mean thousands of people will suddenly start watching your videos (you'll probably just be a little overwhelmed with videos to watch).

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Is there a limit to how many people I can follow?

To ensure optimal performance, you are limited to following 1,000 people. Beyond that, we’d have to load excessive amounts of data, the site would be slow, and you’d be unhappy. And we need you happy.

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Can I stop following someone?

Yes, you can. It’s called “unfollowing” (imagine that) and you can do it by heading to that member’s Profile and clicking the Unfollow button. Makes sense, right?

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If I unfollow someone, will they be notified?

Nope. A person is not notified when you unfollow them — so you’re in the clear! Unless of course the person you unfollow goes through their list of followers and sees that you’ve mysteriously disappeared. In that case, you might have some explaining to do.

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Can I stop someone from following me?

Yes. You can block members from following you in the “Advanced” tab of your settings. Read more about blocking people on Vimeo.

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What is my feed? Why do videos show up there?

Your feed is a never-ending supply of the freshest videos that appear based on the things you follow on Vimeo. Any time you follow a member, their videos and the videos they like will show up in your feed. Similarly, when you follow a Channel or join a Group, videos added to those will show up in your feed. To help keep you well stocked with amazing videos, you automatically follow our Staff Picks, but you can unfollow at any time.

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