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Send a request, report an issue, suggest a feature, or ask a question. Our support team will get back to you quickly in email.

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By completing the Go Live request form below you will be authorizing us to begin the process of activating your new liveBooks website and connecting it to your personal or business URL. To complete the form, you will need the following information:

Domain Registrar

This is the company that you registered your actual .com name through. We need the URL of this company.

Domain Username & Password

We need the username and password you received from the domain registrar when you registered your URL.

Go Live Request

All fields required unless noted as optional

This email must be an address where we can send email setup information during the entire go live process. Therefore, it should not be an address containing the domain name you are going live on.
 What is this?
 What is this?
 What is this?
 What is this?

IMPORTANT: If your site and/or email is currently hosted with another company, be sure to backup (download to your home computer) any files and/or email messages that you want to keep BEFORE requesting to go live. Once we change your DNS / Name Servers, you may not have access to them. If your package includes email addresses, our support team will contact you to get the information we need to set up the addresses.

Submit Go Live Request

Video Tutorials

For an overview of the Go Live process, watch our Go Live Tutorial video below.

Go Live! Go Live Process View more video tutorials

Log into your editsuite

Login now
Simply enter your website URL below and let us know if
your site is live yet.

Is your site live?

Go to my editSuite

To enable Fotomoto on your Scaler website log into your editSuite and go to your editSuite home page or click on the edit content tab and select shopping cart. Then just follow the steps and start selling!

Did you forget your URL?
Then contact us via Chat or Email and we’ll help you as soon as possible.

Forget your username or password?
Enter your registered email address below. We will send an email to that address with your username and an option to reset your password.
