Before They Were Stars, NBA Players Sent Ill-Advised Tweets

For the most part, athletes today are savvy enough not to post anything too dumb to social media. Some of them just turn their accounts over to a castrated social media team, while the rest have seen enough social media controversies snowball to stay safe. But this wasn't always the case.

Imgur user Nbaplayertweets has dug up a treasure trove of long-forgotten tweets from NBA players. Some were from before Twitter was a "thing," others from tender-aged college students before they made it big. Our favorite is the rampage then-Weber State student Damian Lillard went on against LeBron James:

There are a bunch of other interesting tweets in there, including Kevin Durant calling somebody a "fag boi," Draymond Green making fun of David Stern's teeth, and numerous players making fun of Lil B.

Find any other interesting athlete tweets? Put them in the comments.


Photo via Wilfredo Lee/AP