Research Links Drilling Activities to Water Contamination in North Texas

The study explored different scenarios that may have accounted for elevated methane in the groundwater.

Used with permission from Thomas Darrah, OSU

The study explored different scenarios that may have accounted for elevated methane in the groundwater.

For years, some residents of Parker County in North Texas have believed that nearby gas drilling was responsible for high levels of methane in neighborhood water wells. Research published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences appears to back that up.

The study looked at water contamination in Texas and Pennsylvania. It suggests that faulty cement jobs on drilling wells could be at fault in North Texas. Cement is poured between the rock wall and the steel tubing of oil and gas wells to block contaminants.

“We think either there isn’t enough cement in this location or more likely there are cracks or imperfections in that cement. That’s what allowed the strong gas to move up through the well and then out into peoples drinking water,” says Robert Jackson, a professor of environmental sciences at Stanford, who co-authored of the study.

“One of the most interesting things was that we saw two houses go from clean to contaminated over the study period,” says Jackson. “One home, in particular, the methane in their water jumped tenfold from one sampling time to the next. So we caught contamination in the act.”

The results back up residents’ claims that gas wells operated by Range Resources contaminated their wells.  One of those residents, Steve Lipsky, is currently embroiled in a legal battle with the company after suggesting that the wells caused his water to become flammable.

But the study may contain a silver lining for the industry, says lead author Thomas Darrah of Ohio State University.

“By looking at some of the worst case scenarios or at least the most controversial scenarios of methane contamination,” he says, the study shows “there is an implementable engineering solutions that could potentially could fix the aspects of shale gas drilling that is a concern.”

The Railroad Commission of Texas regulates the state’s oil and gas industry. In May, it released an investigation saying there was insufficient evidence to link the methane in the wells to drilling operations. In an email to StateImpact Texas, Commission spokesperson Ramona Nye says staff is reviewing the new study and has no statement at this time.


  • Paul Rowe

    The RR Commission, as I understand it, limited its finding to a conclusion that the gas was not coming from the producing shale. That shale is a mile or two down, so that’s not really a surprise. We spent a day trying to find the wells involved, but they are in a secured compound of country mansions. We ended the day pretty sure this was as the expert has indicated.

    Water quality is first and foremost about well bore integrity. Thanks for the story, and for covering the facts correctly, and for not tangling in hydraulic fracturing. This can happen with any well, not just one that does fracing.

    Another story mentioned that the RR Commission did a revamp of drilling regs a while back. Our campaign (Mark Miller for RR Commission, Libertarian Party, see extensive web site) is going to go look at the regulation.

    Dr. Miller laments that the RR Commission investigation stopped where it did. There may be limitations on jurisdiction, but it would have been good to have pursued it. Miller points out we can use consultants and don’t have to permanently grow the government. It’s a shame it took an out of state expert to provide this credible information, and that we have settled for a “fracas”.

  • Paul Rowe

    Mose, fabulous graphic by the way. Great choice.

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