National oil & gas summit for people like you and me

by TXsharon on January 23, 2013


Join us in Dallas, TX March 2-4: Frack Attack
National Summit

Stop the Frack Attack is planning its next steps, and we want you to be there. We will be gathering in Dallas, TX from March 2nd-4th for a Frack Attack National Summit.

Hundreds will attend to share stories, become better spokespeople, learn about clean energy alternatives, celebrate victories, and strengthen this national movement. On March 4th, we will also rally in Austin to welcome the Texas state government back to work. And to remind them who they’re supposed to work for — the people, and not the oil and gas industry.

Sign up HERE.

And check out the draft schedule and workshop list HERE:

Hope to see you there!

P.S. You may be asking yourself, why Texas? Well, hell’s bells! Texas is where I live so you need to get down here to see me. But besides that…

Texas is where modern (horizontal) fracking and horizontal drilling first got married in 2002–right in my backyard–with hundreds of communities impacted. As you fly into the Dallas/Forth Worth airport there are well pads as far as the eye can see, and once you land you are greeted by a compressor station right outside the airport. This is fracking at its worst, and it is home to many of the oil and gas companies destroying our communities around the country.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Tillotson January 24, 2013 at 8:11 am

I am intrigued. I’d love to see breakout sessions specifically related to urban drilling. How to affect ordinances, how to measure and document technical data to “help” our municipalities control the impact of these sites on the neighborhoods, etc….


TXsharon January 24, 2013 at 9:33 am

I’ve heard that there will be a workshop designed for local ordinances. There will also be workshops on how to organize.

There are two ways I recommend to measure and document and I have given these to Arlington residents many times.

1. We have a complaint driven regulatory system. As long as no one complaints, then there is no problem with urban drilling and this can be repeated at press conferences, in reports and by government officials. I have information on the Shale Survival tab at the top of this blog about making complaints.

2. Get independent testing. I have urged residents to take up small donations from people in their neighborhoods for this.

You know how to contact me. I will be happy to work with you on getting Arlington more organized.


Tillotson January 24, 2013 at 3:44 pm

I don’t think most residents care. But I know Arlington P&Z was very open to my input on the noise section of the new drilling ordinance and basically let me write it for them.

Then the CHK people finally found some good engineers who explained to them what I was asking for and we went to war over it. But I got most of it and I think the citizens of Arlington are (hopfully) benefitting from it.

I do know that when I did my own noise testing on the White Site, I got the whole concil behind me on cracking down on CHK.

But why does an aerospace engineer who happens to live close to one of these sites need to spearhead these kinds of things? It was a matter of chance that I ended up having to bring my experience to bear on this problem – otherwise, the noise ordinance would still be worthless, as I’m sure it is in most towns.


TXsharon January 24, 2013 at 3:50 pm

Good question.

When I attended the council meeting this week, I noticed that they seem to completely ignore any information given by anyone other than someone who lives in the immediate vicinity of the facility. That places regular people to become conversant in this complicated issue.

It’s as if learning from experience of others or research of others counts as nothing.


Tillotson January 25, 2013 at 8:06 am

Agree – even though they listened closely and considered my comments on the White Site, they pretty much refuse to carry those ideas on to other sites, with the exception of when we rewrote the ordinance.

TXsharon January 25, 2013 at 9:15 am

The ostrich effect.

Their governing is incredibly irresponsible. It will come back to haunt them.

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