The Slatest

Nurse Says She Won’t Obey Ebola Quarantine; Maine Looks to Enforce Mandatory Isolation

Oct. 28 2014 10:12 PMFifty Protocols, Fifty States, One Gigantic MessChris Christie, Andrew Cuomo, and other American governors are the last people who should be making rules about Ebola.
The World
Oct. 28 2014 11:24 AMFinally, Some Good News About Ebola in West Africa: Infections May Be Dropping in Liberia
The Gist
Oct. 27 2014 6:48 PMDon’t Get Ebola in MissouriWhat’s the difference between how New York City and Dallas officials handled Ebola? It’s all about the money.
Oct. 27 2014 1:17 AMThe Wrong Policy for the Wrong ReasonsNew York and New Jersey’s mandatory Ebola quarantine is about politics, not public health.
The Slatest
Oct. 26 2014 1:04 PMNJ Governor Christie: Ebola Quarantine Will Become National Policy
The Slatest
Oct. 24 2014 4:35 PMYes, We Have Dick Cheney to Thank for Ebola Drugs
The Slatest
Oct. 23 2014 10:28 PMNew York City Doctor Who Recently Returned From Guinea Tests Positive for Ebola
Oct. 22 2014 11:52 PMThe Ebola StoryHow our minds build narratives out of disaster.
The Slatest
Oct. 22 2014 4:54 PMCDC Announces Monitoring of All Travelers to U.S. From Ebola-Stricken Countries
The World
Oct. 22 2014 11:57 AMWhy Has the World Health Organization Done Such a Bad Job Responding to the Ebola Crisis?
The Slatest
Oct. 21 2014 7:56 PMNBC Cameraman Declared Ebola-Free, Will Be Released From Hospital
Oct. 20 2014 8:14 PMYou Should Be Optimistic About EbolaDon’t panic. Here are all the signs that the U.S. is containing the disease.
The Slatest
Oct. 20 2014 6:57 PMAnother American Doctor Successfully Treated for Ebola, Released from Emory Hospital
The Slatest
Oct. 18 2014 3:03 PMObama Urges Against Ebola “Hysteria,” Says Travel Ban Could Make Things Worse
Oct. 17 2014 1:05 PMThe Ebola VoterThirteen ways Democrats and Republicans are exploiting the virus for political gain.
Oct. 28 2014 12:16 PMGeneral HospitalWhy the GOP insists on finding a military solution for fighting Ebola.
Future Tense
Oct. 28 2014 8:41 AMConcierge Doomsday PreppersThis Virginia entrepreneur will let you bury a survival bunker on his property—for a fee.
The Slatest
Oct. 27 2014 3:22 PMArmy Quarantines U.S. Troops Returning From Liberia
Medical Examiner
Oct. 26 2014 1:29 PMHugger-in-ChiefIn embracing an Ebola victim, Barack Obama succeeded where Ronald Reagan failed.
The Slatest
Oct. 25 2014 5:53 PMNurse Quarantined for Ebola Work Blasts “Frenzy of Disorganization” at NJ Airport
The Slatest
Oct. 24 2014 12:30 PMNIH Says Dallas Nurse Now Ebola-Free, Will Be Released From Hospital
The Slatest
Oct. 23 2014 9:47 AMNorth Korea Quarantines Itself to Join Global Community on Ebola Panic, Bans All Tourists
The Slatest
Oct. 22 2014 7:46 PMFamily of Dallas Nurse With Ebola Says She’s Now Virus-Free
The World
Oct. 22 2014 2:05 PMPaul Farmer Says Up to Ninety Percent of Those Infected Should Survive Ebola. Is He Right?
Oct. 22 2014 11:30 AMWhere Does Ebola Hide?My nerve-wracking research with shrieking bats.
The Slatest
Oct. 20 2014 9:14 PMCDC Announces New Guidelines for Health Care Workers Treating Ebola Patients
Oct. 20 2014 7:13 PMDeadly AdviceWhen it comes to Ebola, ignore American public opinion: It’s ignorant and misinformed about the disease.
The Slatest
Oct. 19 2014 1:20 PMTexas Lab Worker on Cruise Tests Negative for Ebola as Dallas Hospital Apologizes
The World
Oct. 17 2014 5:36 PMAmerica’s Fears of Immigration, Terrorism, and Ebola Are Combining Into a Supercluster of Anxiety
The Slatest
Oct. 17 2014 1:00 PMDallas Hospital Worker With Possible Ebola Specimen Contact Is On Cruise-Ship Vacation