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In Big Bend, Battle Looms on Fracking Along the Border

From Marfa Public Radio: The Big Bend of Texas, so named for the way the region hugs a massive bend in the Rio Grande, is renown for its desert landscapes, open spaces and tranquility. But parts of it lie within the oil-rich Permian Basin, the nation’s highest producing oil field thanks in large measure to fracking technology. And now, Mexico [...]

Presidio County Water Managers Offer Answers, but Citizens Have More Questions

From Marfa Public Radio:  Two weeks ago, a small group of citizens vocalized concerns over Marfa’s practice of selling bulk water to clients outside the city. “Our water is too cheap. It needs to be expensive. We need water conservation. We need to think about that,” said Buck Johnston. Two weeks ago the Marfa resident [...]

Who’s Behind Denton’s Fracking Ban? Head Texas Regulator Thinks It Could Be Russia

Barry Smitherman is the chairman of the Railroad Commission of Texas, now running for Attorney General. He is skeptical of the science behind climate change.

Doualy Xaykaothao KERA News The Denton City Council listened to seven hours of public testimonies from more than 100 people. After collecting thousands of signatures from local residents, a proposal to ban the oil and gas production technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” in the city of Denton will end up before voters this [...]

Marfa Residents Protest City Water Sales

From Marfa Public Radio:  With reports of drilling activity approaching the Big Bend region, some residents of Marfa are concerned about the city’s practice of selling its water supply in bulk, sometimes to drilling companies. On Thursday, protesters parked and left their cars in front of city fire hydrants, hoping to block trucks from accessing [...]

Big Bend Area Residents call for Local Fracking Ban

From KRTS Marfa:  Some West Texas residents are starting to put pressure on local officials to keep hydraulic fracturing out of the Big Bend region. Fracking is of course widespread in the Midland-Odessa region, but there are active gas leases in counties further south toward the border, and some are worried the industry might be edging ever-closer [...]

Rising Oil and Gas Boom Does Little for Poor in Texas

When it comes to the oil and gas drilling boom in the country, Texas is king. Actually, make that crown a global one: over a quarter of all the active drilling rigs in the world are right here in the Lone Star State. The boom – taking place thanks to hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” and [...]

Judge Approves Three Million Dollar Verdict in Fracking Lawsuit

A Texas family claiming emissions from gas drilling made them sick is one step closer to collecting a $3 million jury award against the drilling company, Aruba Petroleum. When the Parr family of Wise County won their case, it was called the first successful “fracking lawsuit” in the county. Aruba asked Dallas County Judge Mark [...]

How Wasted Gas From Drilling Could Save Millions of Gallons of Texas Water

Millions of gallons of water from hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” could be treated and reused without extra energy costs using gas that is typically burned off at drilling sites, according to a new study by a team of scientists at the University of Texas at Austin. Enough natural gas is burnt on site to fuel [...]

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