Results for #coal

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  1. Photos · View all
  2. Patriot Coal has warned it may close or lay off up to 670 workers at Highland and Dodge Hill mines in Union Co within two months.

  3. Weekly OTC market roundup: Depressed prices could remain under pressure

  4. A WIN! French bank Societe Generale is out of Alpha project, ! BRAVO FoE France Bizi! & ATTAC France!

  5. 's power plants work at minimum capacity due to shortage

  6. As Coal Crashes, US Governors Push Wind Energy - CleanTechnica

  7. Gods and faith versus Coal in name of climate change - The Guardian

  8. Tell the Senate to end tax breaks for wealthy and powerful oil, gas and companies:

  9. Get smart about clean electricity with this interactive map from .

  10. Toxic Industrial & Pool Creeping Over India Kills Thousands of Kids Day by Day

  11. RT : In 2009 Obama admin made promises re: mountaintop removal . Clock ticking, groups starting to worry:

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