Still trying to give your video that perfect look? Great news: we’ve got some simple tips to help. All you need is a crew of five to seven people, a $300,000 budget, one of those old-timey movie cameras with the big reels at the top, and Martin Scorcese’s phone number.

Or you could do it in seconds with Looks, the latest addition to the Enhancer. Make any video look better, quickly and easily.

Anyone can add Hollywood-style effects to their videos in just a few clicks, right on Vimeo. Simply choose one of your videos, try out a few of the 500+ Looks in the library, and adjust the intensity for your perfect look. With instant previews, you can view dozens of Looks in seconds, all applied to your own footage, so you can quickly find your favorite. You can also check out recommended Looks tailored to your specific video, or browse by genre, mood, location, color, time period, even holiday. This means you can finally finish that ‘40s Christmas crime drama you’ve been working on since 1947. Check out some of the results:

Vimeo’s visual enhancing platform is powered by Vivoom, the same solution used by tiny entertainment startups such as Sony, Warner Brothers, and ESPN. Now you can use cinema-quality Looks (built with the same powerhouse engine the pros use) to make your videos look amazing.

Looks are the ideal complement to the Music half of the Enhancer, which enables you to easily add a soundtrack to your video. With the Enhancer at your disposal, your video “My Dinner with Grandma” can be as badass in reality as it is in your twisted imagination. Looks are available FREE for a limited time only, so give your video the perfect Look now.

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mmmm, not sure it will be a good idea.
From now , all the quality/pictures styles or editing method could be unreal from the original file, and no more questions would be shown/asked to the filmaker , about how he got this "amazing look".....

Don´t like, sorry. :(


Dustin Plus

Hmmmm. Seems "neat" for a quick coverall style but most users will probably want more flexibility. I played with it very briefly and couldn't figure out how to add multiple picture styles to the track. You can only vary the intensity of one. So for instance, if you have a day into night video, you're out of luck.

More options to Vimeo users isn't necessarily a bad thing but we are always cautious to the changes taking place over at HQ.



The people at Vimeo know how to do things right imo. This feature is not meant to be for the serious filmmaker. So I think a feature like this should be simple and very easy to use for people who want to upload their raw video and only want to do some very basic stuff in an easy way. That's why so much people use Instagram; beacause it's very easy to use. Actually I think Vimeo became kind of a combination of Instagram and 500px, only for motion pictures, which I think is awesome.

Josh Reichlin

Josh Reichlin Plus

Awesome work team! Love where this tech is headed. Come 2015 we'll have flying cars, hover boards and FCP built right into Vimeo.



Sort of like a video equivalent of Instagram filters. No replacement for Magic Bullet or the like, but seems interesting!

armen perian

armen perian Plus

& Magic Bullet is no replacement for Color which is no replacement for DaVinci. ;) more options is always a good thing.

Stunt Dog

Stunt Dog

Yuck, Instagram filters for video was my first thought, I'm not into it and sure its not gonna give DaVinci a run for its money, but its going to suit some people, a lot of people will like the option of throwing a 'one click fix' at stuff.

That said its funny how most 'Whoa Awesome!!' type comments are from from Vimeo staff.



It made me LOL. ;-)



Compromising move, Vimeo. I like who you are, don't be like everyone else.



Want to keep Vimeo awesome? Great news: I've got a simple tip to help. All you need is to change the limited time offer to make it last forever! (Much love)

Bart van der Gaag

Bart van der Gaag Plus

Only sliced bread is better! Although I'm rather fond of yogurt, and sex. But other then those 3, the mighty Enhancer enhances like sex on a yogurt sandwich.


Mark Staff

I know exactly what you mean.

Boat Safety Films

Boat Safety Films Plus

I hope this "addition" to the "enhancer" comes in a non-descript brown paper bag

Alexis Dubosc

Alexis Dubosc Plus

I don't think it's a good idea, you created a platform especially for video makers and then you had this tool who may be used only by people who don't even know what the word "edit" mean. I can't imagine someone finishing his editing by saying "I will use the vimeo tool to color grade" :/. Even if I'm not okay with this idea I know that your intentions were great. Keep the good work vimeo team.

Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith

Couldn't have said it any better myself.



Sometimes in photography circles I will talk about 'grading this' or 'grading that' and the other photographer will give me a blank stare and then say 'What's grading'? I wonder if I am using it in the wrong sense....

Mike McVicar

Mike McVicar

God forbid anyone release anything on this site that is not colour corrected to death!

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

We're not forcing you to color correct anything – just giving people the option :)

Mike McVicar

Mike McVicar

Point taken. :) - It does have its uses.

Imran Saif

Imran Saif

With the Enhancer at your disposal, your video “My Dinner with Grandma” can be as badass in reality as it is in your twisted imagination.

This should make things clear. Plus, didn't we all start somewhere? Maybe this will inspire someone to actually learn the science behind color correction.

Using it is an option, which is a good thing.

Great to see the platform evolving.

john cliff

john cliff Plus

goodbye quality, hello quantity - not a good move if you want to preserve the integrity of the service and provide aspiring filmakers (like myself) with high quality, inspirational work to view and learn from - wonder what the Pro members are thinking - it's already hard to recommend ppl to browse Vimeo with the amount of porn showing in the Discover feed - sadly this just further cheapens the brand to me

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Hi John,

This isn't the first time we've heard this concern, and I'll offer the same answer I normally do:

Great videos on Vimeo will always float to the top, we're not promoting all content coming from Enhancer. Users had the same concern with the ease of uploading from the new iPhone app. The Vimeo experience is what you make it, so unless you're deliberately searching for Enhanced videos, I wouldn't worry about seeing content you'd rather not view.

Brandon Demmert

Brandon Demmert

But I feel like most Vimeo users already have editing software. Why devalue the average video? I come to watch videos on Vimeo to avoid crappy production values. If I wanted to watch shitty webcam video's I could just go to youtube. Vimeo, your better than this. I'm sorry for the harshness.

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Hi Brandon,

The viewing experience on Vimeo is what you make it. There are tons of short straight-from-camera clips on Vimeo, but you won't see them unless you want to. I wouldn't be concerned that these will overrun Vimeo, and the goal here is to introduce users who are unfamiliar with editing to the concept so they can eventually make better videos!



I think it can be creative for begginers, and it's in the same way that the audio enhancer can do. Does the pro use the audio enhancer ? No. Does Youtube and the others video websites offers the same service ? No. I think the creativity made by the best of us will not be affected by this.
It's a good thing for beginners !

Moises Lizarraga

Moises Lizarraga

This is a cool feature. Obviously it's not a serious "film" making tool. So enjoy it for what it is and quit bitching! :-)

Avi Lambert

Avi Lambert

Pinterest and instragram and Vimeo, are they at all similar? The answer is yes. The imagification of life made so much more convenient to capture, share and distribute. An engaging new offering.

Myles Thompson

Myles Thompson Plus

One day soon the entire editing suite will be need for Final Cut etc. - just bring the raw footage into Vimeo, edit - and publish instantaneously.



Where is going Vimeo?

Romain Cousin

Romain Cousin Plus

I don't understand... We spend hours and hours to create our videos and we choose Vimeo for the quality of the upload. So why i'd like to add a color filter on a compressed video?
I don't want to see some videos of food or feet like on instagram ;)

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

This feature is geared towards users who are unfamiliar with editing or color grading, in the hopes that they will be guided to making better videos in the future!

mike ambs

mike ambs PRO

There is a lot of people complaining about this new feature...

I'd just like to say that I'm glad to see Vimeo experimenting with editing tools, I think it's important to continually add news ideas to the site to stay engaging and ahead.

The Vimeo player is beautiful, both in flash and in HTML, the music tools are a great resource, the upcoming Movie platform is exciting, this could be another one, or it could be something people maybe don't get into on a larger scale, it doesn't matter; Vimeo shouldn't be experimenting or designing new features to satisfy or advance only the professional side of Vimeo.

Keep trying new things, Vimeo - that in and of itself is important.

agung agriza

agung agriza

omg! it's great! love you vimeo and please make it forever, not limited ;)



It would be great if Vimeo plans to release something similar to a cloud-based open source post-production software with possibilities of Premiere, After Effects, Cinema 4D for example... especially for students who don't own computers strong enough for more technically demanding post-production :)

Lake Keene

Lake Keene Plus

I love this for people that shoot raw in iPhone and upload, really expands the possibilities.

For anyone above amateur that's really trying to get into the creative fields and have Broadcast ready work how about teaching them how to understand a Waveform and Vectorscope? I'm sure the great people at Vimeo can somehow embed this standard technology and knowledge into the enhancer in an intuitive and fun way.. then you would really have something.



awful idea
why not improve something people want - some more features, better stats, i dont know off the top of my head

oh why not fix the iphone app thats presently terrible...

i understand you need to monetise vimeo but this lowest common denominator youtube approach isnt what i would expect of vimeo.

i suppose another high end video hosting system will come along soon to fill the gap left as vimeo becomes a youtube clone.

Matt Schwarz

Matt Schwarz Staff

Hi Nic,

It's part of Vimeo's plan to revisit core site features and make them better, this is simply a different function our site offers. I'm not sure what your concerns are with the app, but you can always let us know:

The purpose of this feature is to introduce users who are unfamiliar with editing or color grading and help them realize how they can be used to their advantage. We aren't catering to the lowest common denominator, but rather helping users learn how to make better videos, which has been a core Vimeo goal for a long time.



i dont know where vimeo is going
this is weird

im very happy with the present service - it keeps all those home footage peasant 'LOL videos' away...this is just gonna encourage it. i already had to block 3 people this week when they 'LIKED' harlem shake videos and it appeared in my feed.




I love Vimeo °-° That's my first thought everytime I discover/learn something on Vimeo

Movie Vigilante

Movie Vigilante

I think if you use it selectively, it's a good option to have. Thank you for adding it.

jon  obsworth

jon obsworth Plus

a good intro, demystifying movie effect application for people !:)



hello! i am editing my work videos for my first time and I am really having headackes with my old computers (i need to work with 2 because of not enough memory) and I also just work with windows movie maker. not premiere. But i want to add more things. which programmes that i can find in the web (not paying. free) can be suitable to improve my videos? include many lines of sound for example? many controls of the colors of the image relating to each picture (fotograma)? I would really apreciate all the suggestions I could receive. cheers and have a nice afternoon wherever you are! ananosoy, from Buenos Aires. argentina



please somebody should guide, how can i be arming money with my videos on VIMEO please people i need help

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