Results for #shale

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  1. Photos · View all
  2. "Even if the drilling could somehow continue, the bounty simply will not last." ()

  3. ICYMI: U.S. production is one of the single most important reasons for the recent fall in oil .

  4. Analysts: Permian Basin boom in good position to withstand turbulence

  5. . : Eagle Ford to Produce1.65 Million Barrels Daily in December

  6. New guest post by today on our blog: “What is and why is it important to ?”:

  7. 1/ Cameron rejected need for specific shale gas regs + saw off EU proposals for binding rules for

  8. MDN: LNG Facility the Crown Jewel in Scuttled PGW Sale

  9. New gas publication begs so many questions and leaves so much unsaid

  10. Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling saved US consumers $248 billion last year.

  11. gas made simple - this factsheet explains what shale is for, how it's regulated and where it is

  12. boom could make U.S. world's top producer:

  13. $107,200 = The U.S. average annual wage in the oil and gas industry in 2012, double the national average.

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