Sujewa Ekanayake

Brooklyn, New York

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User Bio

Sujewa Ekanayake has recently completed: Breakthrough Weekend (in post, release in 2014), Brooklyn Fantastic (in post, release in 2014) - both feature length fiction movies. Prior to those: Date Number One (2006, 2008) - a feature length comedy about several first dates, Indie Film Blogger Road Trip (2009) - a feature length documentary that explores the vibrant world of blogs that cover independent film, 17 DC Poets (2002) - a performance documentary that shows several DC poets working. He lives, works, & hangs out in NYC these days while keeping in touch with the rest of the world and much of the universe through open and secret methods. Sujewa blogs primarily at He hails from parts unknown, also sometimes referred to as Sri Lanka.

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  1. Julia Pott
  2. dihard
  3. Lex Productions
  4. Emily Kai Bock
  6. FatCat Films
  7. Rebecca Tharp
  8. schroberts
  9. Gabito Guzman
  10. laura turner garrison
  11. Brett Dougherty
  12. ojo
  13. Redwood House of Music
  14. CANADA
  15. Eugenia Loli
  16. eric cwiertny
  17. Kendall Bruns
  18. Carleton Torpin

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