Melissa Lyons Staff

New York, NY

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I like watching music videos with a good beat, short documentaries with heart and one minute videos that make me laugh for five.

Unfortunately, I can't answer help questions via the messaging system. If you need help, get in touch with us here:


  1. Steve Savalle
  2. RocketJump
  3. Eoin Duffy
  4. Chris Simpson
  6. Elena Kim
  7. Christine Amorose
  8. Alena Amano
  9. Vimeo
  10. Marc Van Olmen
  11. Rich Bloom
  12. Covered California
  13. Sethward Allison
  14. Eat Our Feelings
  15. Rob Steiner
  16. The Lincoln Motor Company
  17. Friends of Malaysia
  18. Kyoko Kobayashi

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