Items Tagged with 'report'


Analyst Cuts 2015 Delivered Price, Yet December Seen 2 Cents Higher

December natural gas is expected to open 2 cents higher Thursday morning at $3.81 as traders attempt to work highly variable near-term weather forecasts into their trading strategies and brace for weekly government storage figures. Overnight oil markets fell. Read More

$126B in Colorado Oil, Gas Economic Benefits Outlined in Study

Economic benefits from Colorado's upstream and midstream oil and natural gas industry totaled $126 billion between 2008 and 2012, according to a study highlighted Thursday by the University of Colorado's Leeds School of Business. Read More

Pennsylvania Legislature Passes Bill Calling for Monthly Unconventional Production Reports

Lawmakers in both chambers of the Pennsylvania General Assembly have unanimously passed a bill requiring operators of unconventional oil and gas wells to report their production on a monthly basis, a similar practice in other major producing states. The bill is awaiting Gov. Tom Corbett's signature. Read More

Hefty Storage Injection On Tap, Yet November Called 2 Cents Higher

November natural gas is seen opening 2 cents higher Thursday morning at $3.87 as traders brace themselves for what is anticipated to be another government report showing a bin-busting addition to natural gas inventories. Overnight oil markets slumped. Read More

GWPC: More States Regulating Fracking, Requiring Baseline Water Testing

Regulators in 27 states, which collectively account for 98% of domestic oil and natural gas production, have "substantially improved groundwater protection laws and regulations governing oil and natural gas production," including laws governing hydraulic fracturing (fracking), according to a report by the Ground Water Protection Council (GWPC). Read More

Technicians See Market Near Support; October Called a Penny Lower

October natural gas is set to open a penny lower Thursday morning at $3.84 as traders prepare for a government storage report that is expected to be one of the thinner ones of the injection season but well above historical averages. Overnight oil markets worked lower. Read More

Water Not Everywhere, Nor Where It's Most Wanted for Fracking, Study Finds

Development of the world's shale plays will require millions of gallons of water for hydraulic fracturing (fracking). In many instances, reserves are in areas with "stressed" water supplies, according to the World Resources Institute (WRI). But in the United States -- the country that pioneered shale development -- the energy industry is also pioneering water reuse and recycling. Read More

Land Management Overlooked in Oil, Gas Production Rush, Report Says

Oil and natural gas exploration and production (E&P) companies are not maximizing the value of their growing land organization as they rush into the shale production boom, a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) has concluded. Read More

BLM: California Fracking Impacts Overstated

Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in California, including its associated water use, is relatively benign, according to an independent report commissioned by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that was released Thursday. Read More

Report: Polar Vortex May Slow Coal-Fired Retirements

In the aftermath of last winter's polar vortex, and the consequent spike in natural gas prices, some independent system operators (ISO) are reconsidering plans to retire coal-fired generators that proved critical to maintaining system reliability, according to a report by ScottMadden Inc. Read More