Items Tagged with 'fracking'


Fracking Discussed at Lone Gubernatorial Debate in New York

The issue of hydraulic fracturing (fracking) came up during the only debate scheduled among the candidates running for governor in New York, in a race that two polls predict should be an easy win for the incumbent, Democrat Andrew Cuomo. Read More

Joint Industry Project Would Quantify Fracking Risks

The oil and natural gas industry, and other stakeholders, should collaborate to quantify potential risks of hydraulic fracturing (fracking), according to DNV GL, a global maritime and oil/gas safety consulting and accreditation organization. Read More

Anadarko, EOG to Disclose Fracking Risks to Investors

Two of the biggest onshore operators in the United States, Anadarko Petroleum Corp. and EOG Resources Inc., will disclose information on the financial risks posed to their investors associated with hydraulic fracturing (fracking) under an agreement reached Friday with the New York Office of the Attorney General (OAG). The settlement comes on the heels of ExxonMobil Corp.'s first unconventional drilling risk report, which was issued voluntarily to investors this week. Read More

Both Sides of Fracking Debate Unhappy With Illinois' Proposed Rules

Supporters and opponents of shale gas development in Illinois are both unhappy over revised rules governing hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and other elements of oil and gas law that were submitted last week by state regulators. Read More

BLM: California Fracking Impacts Overstated

Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) in California, including its associated water use, is relatively benign, according to an independent report commissioned by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) that was released Thursday. Read More

Poll Shows Uptick in Opposition to Fracking in New York State

A new poll shows opposition to hydraulic fracturing (fracking) has hit a new high among voters in New York State. Most poll respondents agreed that Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been avoiding making a decision about the practice. Read More

Santa Barbara Ballot Measure Aims to Ban 'Aggressive' Drilling

California’s Santa Barbara County has an initiative (Measure P) on the November ballot aimed at restricting, if not banning, most enhanced drilling practices. A new statewide law (SB 4) sets rules, reporting and permitting requirements for what is designated as "well stimulation" drilling, which includes hydraulic fracturing (fracking) and various acidization processes. Read More

Nevada Group Seeks Injunction Against BLM Leases

A conservation-minded citizens group in northeastern Nevada has filed for a preliminary injunction to block a disputed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lease sale until a more complete environmental review is done. Read More

Denton, TX, to Consider Fracking Ban Tuesday

The city council of Barnett Shale town Denton, TX, will have a "frackas" on its hands Tuesday evening when numerous citizens are expected to show up for a hearing at which the council will consider a petition to ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking) within the city limits. Read More

Waterless Well Stimulation Among Industry's Latest Innovations

Oilfield services companies are investing millions in technological innovations to make oil and natural gas wells cheaper to drill and more profitable to operate, but some of their products and solutions have a short shelf life, according to executives testifying before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources on Thursday. Read More