

Connect Homepage Your virtual business card, Connect is the ultimate solution for professionals looking to promote their personality, skills, and work online. It’s perfect for resumes, profiles, and portfolios! Connect is ridiculously easy to set up and customize using the Customizer! The theme features a unique, vertically centered home page, and includes a page template for vertically centered content. The theme features a responsive grid, retina optimization, a variety of page templates, and much more. Promote yourself today with Connect!

Portfolio Page Template

Connect iPad

Connect features a three-column Portfolio Page Template that can be used to showcase projects or artwork.

Resume Page Template

Connect ResumeThe Connect theme also features a built-in resume template. Perfect for creating an online resume of your skills, experience, and education for prospective employers to see.

The resume template includes formatting to display your experience from previous jobs, projects, and schools.

Showcase your skills neatly and callout specific skill sets from your past job experiences and education.

Display a photo of yourself prominently at the top of the page, or include a photo relevant to your industry (or no photo).

Responsive Layout

Connect PhoneConnect boasts a fluid, responsive layout, so your photography will display beautifully across mobile devices. Images and galleries scale up and down seamlessly when resizing the browser window. Whether viewing the photo blog on a phone, or presenting work to a client on a tablet, you can feel confident Connect will maximize the viewing experience.

Full-Width Blog

Displaying large images in their full glory on the blog is a breeze! If you don’t want a sidebar with widgets on your blog — don’t add any. It’s that simple. The blog will look spectacular with or without widgets.

The Other Goodies

Many other goodies you’ve come to know and love with WordPress are also available with Connect — including the Custom Header and Background, Custom Menus, Widgets, Full-Width Page Template and more.

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

  1. The main column width is 558.
  2. The sidebar width is 270.
  3. The footer widget area widths are 184.
  4. Featured Images are 1600 by 1200 for Large images, 1200 by 800 for Medium images, and 640 by 640 for Small images on single posts and pages, and 960 by 320 as header images on single posts and pages.

Profile Image and Information

  1. Navigate to Appearance → Customize.
  2. Click Theme, then click to upload a new image under “Profile Image.”
  3. Follow on-screen instructions.
  4. Fill in appropriate info below.
  5. Click the blue Save & Publish button.

Setting up the Home Page Template

  1. Create a Page, preferably titled “Home.”
  2. Set the Home Page template within the Page Attributes module.
  3. Navigate to Settings → Reading within the Dashboard.
  4. Choose the option to display a static page for the Front page.
  5. Select your newly created “Home” page from the Front page drop down list.
  6. Click the blue Save button. Reading settings. Reading settings.

Setting Up a Blog Page

Setting up a Blog Page is very similar to setting up a Home Page.

  1. Create a Page, preferably titled “Blog.
  2. Navigate to Settings → Reading within the Dashboard.
  3. You should already have the option to display a static page under “Front Page Displays.”
  4. Select your newly created “Blog” page from the Posts page drop down list.
  5. Save the changes.

Here’s the full guide on setting up a static front page and a separate blog page.

Using the Slideshow Page Template

  1. Create a Page.
  2. Set the Slideshow template within the Page Attributes.
  3. Click Add Media to upload your images to the page.
  4. Once uploaded, select Uploaded to this page from the drop down menu in the Media Library tab.
  5. You may then drag and drop the images in the order you like.
  6. Close the window and Publish or Update the page.

Note: You do not need to insert the slideshow images in the page itself. Images uploaded to the Media Library of the page will automatically be added to the slideshow.

Three-Column Page Template

  • When creating a new page, choose the Three Column template in the Page Attributes module.
  • Be sure to add Widgets to both Left Sidebar and Right Sidebar under Appearance → Widgets.