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Disease Threat From Immigrant Children Wildly Overstated

The Central American kids arriving in Texas are likely to be better-vaccinated than children in Texas.
by Published on
Eugenio del Bosque


With thousands of children from Central America arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border, an old plague is once again sweeping the country—the fear of the diseased immigrant.

“Our schools cannot handle this influx, we don’t even know what all diseases they have,” U.S. Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said recently. “Our health care systems can’t withstand this influx.”

Fox News commentator Cal Thomas asks, for example, if “the unaccompanied minors pouring over the border…have brought with them proof of vaccination?” Thomas accuses the border-crossers of harboring vaccine-preventable diseases such as “mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus and diphtheria.”

Before demonizing undocumented children, we should look at the facts: The vast majority of Central Americans are vaccinated against all these diseases. Governments concerned about health, and good parents investing in their kids, have made Central American kids better-vaccinated than Texan kids. We fear them not because they are actually sick, but because of powerful anti-immigration narratives that link foreigners to disease.

Consider, for example, Guatemala. According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Guatemalan kids are more likely than Texans to be immunized for most infectious diseases. Guatemala has universal health care. Vaccines are 100 percent funded by the government.

By comparison, one in six kids in Texas is uninsured, and even insured families often must pay for vaccination. That means that many Texas kids fall behind on vaccinations, or miss them altogether when their family can’t afford a doctor’s visit. Other families refuse vaccination.

Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet, a Fox News commentator and former director of the ultra-conservative political group Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, writes in the McAllen Monitor that measles is among the “diseases the United States had controlled or virtually eradicated” that are “carried across the border by this tsunami of illegals.”

Fact check: UNICEF reports that 93 percent of kids in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are vaccinated against measles. That’s better than American kids (92 percent).

Furthermore, it’s absurd to claim that the U.S. has eradicated measles while Central America has not. In fact, measles outbreaks have resurged in some American cities. By contrast, according to the World Health Organization, neither Guatemala nor Honduras has had a reported case of measles since 1990.

Slate physician-writer (and Fox News contributor) Marc Siegel writes that unaccompanied minors “are a likely source” of the mosquito-borne dengue fever spreading to Texas. Siegel ignores two key public health points: First, legal immigrants and travelers are a much larger group than undocumented folks, and just as likely to carry dengue. (I don’t know about y’all, but I’ve never been screened for dengue fever at the Texas-Mexico border.)  Second, mosquitoes can fly.

Interestingly, Siegel is the author of three books—Swine Flu: The New Pandemic, Bird Flu: Everything you Need to Know about the Next Pandemic and False Alarm: Profiting from the Epidemic of Fear. That last title must be a memoir.

The narrative that foreigners bring disease has long been used to stir up anti-immigrant sentiment. In the early 1900s, the immigrant cook Mary Mallon—better known as Typhoid Mary—was imprisoned for life for infecting her wealthy patrons with Salmonella typhii.

In his book The Cholera Years, historian Charles Rosenberg describes how Irish immigrants to New York in the 1830s suffered disproportionately from cholera because they lived in poor and crowded neighborhoods. Instead of working to help them, the medical profession blamed the disease on immigrants being “exceedingly dirty.” Irish people were refused medical care, and many “wandered starved and half naked across the Canadian border.”

When Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2005, the Latino men who came to work rebuilding the city were accused of spreading infectious diseases such as chlamydia and HIV.

The targeting of vulnerable outsiders whenever disease breaks out is even older than this country. Historian Barbara Tuchman has described how outbreaks of plague in Europe would lead to pogroms. The lynchings of Jews, she writes “began in 1348 on the heels of the first plague deaths.” When we blame immigrants for infectious disease, we participate in a nasty—and deadly—old tradition.

Some diseases do flourish because of unsanitary conditions in the immigrant detention centers. For example, Fox News reports that the Border Patrol union is complaining that an agent “already has contracted the mite-borne skin infection” scabies.  Like lice, scabies is annoying but eminently treatable. It spreads anywhere people are in close quarters: summer camps, homeless shelters, college dorms.

While outbreaks of scabies are a decent indicator that conditions in the detention centers are unsanitary, scabies is not the kind of disease that should dictate immigration policy. To get rid of it, you treat the kid and wash his or her bedding.

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the diseases most calculated to frighten Texans. On the right-wing blog Breitbart Texas, Vliet claims that immigrants with TB “are putting others’ lives at risk,” and that multi-drug-resistant TB is the “most common form” of TB in Latin America.

The latter is simply false: Fewer than 1 percent of TB cases in the Americas are multi-drug-resistant, according to the WHO. Most of those cases are still treatable. According to the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), no cases of the more difficult extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) were reported here in 2012.

More than 90 percent of Central Americans are vaccinated against TB, according to the WHO. The vaccine, called the BCG, is imperfect. It’s used in countries where TB is still common, but some cases will break through the vaccine’s coverage.

Americans are not routinely vaccinated. According to the state health department, the 1,233 cases of TB that occurred in Texas in 2012 were mostly along the border and in prisons. The disease has stayed crouched in those centers of poverty because it flourishes where people live in close quarters and suffer from diseases like alcoholism and HIV, which knock down their immune defenses. Eradicate poverty, and TB fades away.

Fear of disease is motivating people to move against immigrants. In League City, the City Council voted this week to prohibit the housing or processing of undocumented immigrants. The resolution cited the “threat of communicable diseases reported to be prevalent” among immigrants as a justification for the use of police power to protect “citizens” from these children.

And in Murrieta, California, protesters blocked buses carrying migrant children after it was revealed that some of them had been hospitalized for fevers.

Fear turns sick kids into a threat. But the threat of tuberculosis is overblown. The state health department is screening unaccompanied minors for the disease. Some small percentage of them—like a tiny percentage of Texan kids overall—probably have TB. It can be controlled and treated before it spreads.

Even if these unaccompanied minors did pose a huge tuberculosis threat—which they do not—Texas is equipped to deal with it. We have clinics, first-line antibiotics and even a tuberculosis sanitarium to house folks who can’t keep up with the daily antibiotics on their own.

There are legitimate health concerns associated with human migration. But the narrative that immigrants such as these children are particularly diseased has more to do with fear than it does with science.

Rachel Pearson is a sixth-year MD/PhD student at the University of Texas Medical Branch and the Institute for the Medical Humanities.

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  • Take The Cannoli

    Gee, we only need to “eradicate poverty” to avoid danger from TB infected immigrants.

    • chuke

      Gee, we only need to “eradicate Fox News” to avoid danger from fear mongering.

      • 1bimbo

        what should frighten you is the extent to which obama has failed as a president.. he has doomed the modern day donkey party to the dust bin of history..

      • TBonePickens

        Did you not watch MSNBC after the Hobby Lobby ruling? They were wetting themselves over a silly “war on women” because a company doesn’t have to pay for two birth control methods they found objectionable.
        Both sides do it.

        • Barbara D Holtzman

          Just as evidence that y’all are really really lousy with facts: it was four birth control methods, not two. The Hobby Lobby decision opened a whole can of worms, you have no idea. It was just another battle in the war on women, but that was hardly the worst of it.

          • jadedhorse

            and it was 4 abortifants. i know i spelled that wrong, so in your messiahs words ” sue me ” Get your facts right

          • gtrippp

            A War on Women? Cuz they only agree to pay for SIXTEEN forms of birth control, but not 4 abortion drugs? Between this and your other comments, it’s easy to see how this country was dumb enough to elect Obama twice.

          • Barack

            “Birth Control” Duh! Anyone see the similarity to responsibility? It isn’t Big Brother or Business responsibility to provide this.
            Wake up children.
            When did self control and responsibility become the requirement of everyone but the individual?

          • Kenneth Browning

            My god you people ignorant. Not “big businesses job,” who the hell pays for their insurance? Last I checked the employee did. The employer pays for very little of it. If I’m paying for my insurance, I want to be able to get what I need. Not what some asshole sitting in an office thinks I need. It’s hilarious how I keep hearing this. Have you people never had health insurance through your job or something? Oh, and hobby lobby has no problem investing in these companies that make these birth controls.

          • Will

            “Oh, and hobby lobby has no problem investing in these companies that make these birth controls.”

            Sources please.

            That would change my opinion of the company. Not the fact that forcing someone to go against their religious beliefs has a long history in this country. That is established. The question is, where did you read about hobby lobby owning stock in these Godless abortofactant manufacturers?

          • Walter Goerlitz

            Talk about out of touch. Most employer provided health insurance is fifty percent paid by the employer. Which means they should get an equal say in what you get.
            Don’t be such a liberal tool and let them think for you.

          • Giddeon

            Self control? I bet you still use government-funded roads and public schools and water like a freeloading liberal! Not me buddy, go back to daddy Obama and cry in his lap until you’re off the grid like a real American.

          • Barack

            How asinine you sound. To equate roads and public schools to government provided birth control shows you are not serious.
            What a liberal tactic.

          • ArtRocks

            Why are men talking about women’s health issues?? GET YOUR OWN VAGINA..then come to the table..until then shut the Hell up!!

          • TBonePickens

            Oh, wow, 4 not two. My mistake. Are they still legal? Yes. All you want is someone else paying for it.

            BTW, the can of worms was opened when Obamacare was created. You can’t create a law that infringes upon our basic freedoms and the freedom of religion is one of the biggies. Seriously, you didn’t see this coming? We told you it was a train wreck. You didn’t listen.

      • cheesemaster

        I wonder what the term is for irrational fear of honest debate coupled with instant reliance on personal attacks. In the immortal words of lolcats, you has it.

      • Will

        If the shape this country is in doesn’t put a chill down your back, you have a remarkable ability to turn off facts and live like everything is ok.

      • 1bimbo

        ‘eradicate’ a media outlet.. please lay out your plan, fuhrer chuke, to control the message for the masses

  • SocraticGadfly

    “Dirty”? Isn’t that what Danny Goeb says about “them” in general? Speaking of, the problems in Central America are largely the results of decades of wingnut meddling come home to roost:

    • 1bimbo

      knock it off already.. everybody knows this border things is a huge donkey party fail

      • chuke

        Excuse me? The Do Nothing House presided over by John Boehner has let a border security bill sponsored by Republican Rep. McCaul, H.R. 1417, sit gathering dust for 14 months. It might have helped with this crisis. The Senate passed an immigration bill. The House hasn’t.

        • Billy Vaughn

          Um, do you realize how many bills have been sent to the Senate from the House that dumbass Harry Reid say’s nope to? Don’t put the blame on just the House. How can any Democrat say their party is doing a good job??

          • texasaggie

            By looking at the record. The bills that were sent by the House have almost entirely been pure stupidity that don’t merit any consideration at all, and you know it.

          • 1bimbo

            somehow bill clinton and newt gingrich managed to get things done.. ronald reagan and tip o’neill managed to get things done.. yet obama can’t manage to do anything but create chaos

          • Diane Johnson McCarter

            Look at congress……you been in a coma for the last four years, fool?

          • 1bimbo

            do you have reading comprehension issues? ronald reagan had a democratic congress and bill clinton had a GOP congress.. these leaders made it work.. your petty blaming of one branch without holding the executive branch responsible as well IS the problem

          • Barack

            Trying to rationally discuss issues with liberals supporters of the socialist democratic party is a waste of time, entertaining yes, but still a waste of time.

          • DoubleCheck

            Maybe that’s because you haven’t figured that you need to speak to Barack’s bankster-coporate overlors.

          • Walter Goerlitz

            I have no illusions who control Obama and both political parties. I just think the one using the guise of capitalism is less evil.

          • ArtRocks

            hahahahaa! good one Diane! Yes those leaders made it work..because in each case DIMWIT the Presidents were ..wait for it!!!….WHITE!!! DUHHHHH! Get a clue…the Rethugs and Tea Pissers hate the Black Guy!!! IN YOUR FACE!!!

          • Friday Foxx

            Race! Race! Race! It must be because of Race! Hate to break it to you but using race as an excuse to allow for sub-par behavior, performance and achievement is strictly used by the black community. “White” people don’t suffer from the race disease that can be cured by simply acknowledging that we are Americans first. By that I mean, if you consider yourself an “African American” while I consider myself an “American”…who’s the one with the “race” issue. P.S. if I where to address myself by the PC progressive title identifying my “race” before my country I wouldn’t be “white” to “so-called” minority groups, I would be “French-Canadian-Indian-Scotch-Irish-German-Polish….AMERICAN!” DumbA$$$.

          • Murasaki Shikibu

            I notice you can’t pair Obama’s name with anyone in the GOTP. That’s because the race baiters on the right refuse to work with him on ANYTHING. The dividers on the right refuse to allow anything to get done and you blame the president for not accomplishing anything. “None so blind as one who will not see”.

          • 1bimbo

            i believe you’re the one with blinders on.. scores of legislation from the GOP house, sent to the senate, blocked for even consideration by reid.. obama’s own party working against his potential effectiveness of the president.. just to name a few:

            H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

            H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

            H. J. Res. 37, Disapproval of FCC’s Net Neutrality Act

            H.R. 2018, the Clean Water Cooperative Federalism Act

            H.R. 1315, Consumer Financial Protection & Soundness Improvement Act

            H.R. 2587, Protecting Jobs from Government Interference Act

            H.R. 2401, Transparency in Regulatory Analysis of Impacts on the Nation (TRAIN ACT)

            H.R. 2021, the Jobs and Energy Permitting Act of 2011

            H.R. 1938, North American-Made Energy Security Act

          • ArtRocks

   exactly true to it’s name BIMBO without a BRAIN!..BLIND,DUMB AND DEAF!..Move along BBD…Your Rock called…it wants it’s slug back under it!

          • Lore Earll

            Tell me the last time Obama reached out to compromise on ANYTHING with a republican? In typical neighborhood agitator style he name calls and gives speeches in ubonics. LMAO. Even BLACKS are labeling him the worst president ever and you stupid white liberals are still standing in line to throw your panties at him. This is HILARIOUS.

          • M Dondarrion

            He’s tried many, many times and the republicans have shut negotiations down. Who wants to negotiate with terrorists like the GOP anyway? All they want to do is shut down Social Security and Medicare and ruin the U.S. economy. GOPers in Congress just passed a bill making permanent an additional $287 BILLION added to our deficit! The true GOPer Mantra is ‘spend, spend, spend’ and ‘ruin, ruin, ruin’

          • Barack

            It is because he creates nothing but mistrust.

          • M Dondarrion

            Actually it’s the republican party that has created mistrust by brainwashing most into believing their lies about everyone NOT a republican. They even created ugliness towards their own if they DARE to agree with the President or try to negotiate with Democrats which is what Congress and POLITICS are all about.

          • Walter Goerlitz

            Really? That is incredible, I would venture to guess you believe your drivel and the pabulum fed you daily by the MSM as surrogates of the socialist democratic party.

          • Joanne

            The chaos you speak of needs to be blamed on all politicians in office right now. Everyone keeps thinking that it is just Obama. If you knew what the Constitution is and what it is supposed to be, you would know that there isn’t a single politician abiding to it.

          • cheesemaster

            For example.

          • Will

            Honestly Aggie, Do you seriously believe that it is pure stupidity to lock down the border before talking about how many more immigrants this country can handle above the 1.5 million/yr that are now swarming in? We’ve try 6 or 7 times already, waiting till after the latest amnesty, to fix border security. Every time, the ” locking down the border” portion of the bill was ignored. That is why all house bills demand security before negotiations more amnesties or increases in legal immigration. NO MORE amnesties. Lock the darn border down. Wait for the dust to settle, then come back in 2 years, we’ll talk about allowing more bottom end workers in to further flood the starting end of the labor market. I’d say the house has tried to get real reform on the table, while the senate has tossed the workable plans.

          • Aheadontheleft

            Look into how much it will cost to “lock down the border” and get back to us. If you think the deficit is a problem now, wait till we want to pay for a wall and all the necessary border patrol agents to actually lock that border down.

          • Will

            The quote was for 3.8B for the fence, just a little less than uhbamma asked for to pay for the damage of not doing it. Now we’re stuck with a 3.7B bill to pay for the results of not getting it done. A small fleet of surveillance drones on the border might mitigate the need for a fence altogether, IF there was a large enough border patrol presence. There really isn’t though. A completed fence would be alot cheaper eventually than drone/agents. The big thing is, when they get caught why not take them back and make them LEAVE.

          • Kat

            And permanent support of the undesirables is so much cheaper right? These are not Mexico and South American country produces..they are the countries undesirables and the reason why Mexico and Guatemala signed an agreement to streamline them to the US. ..they are ECSTATIC TO BE RID OF THE PARASITES AND GANG MEMBERS

          • Aheadontheleft

            They are CHILDREN.

          • Kat

            Have you looked at the train that derailed bringing illegals …those are not children..just like all the illegals already here that want amnesty are not you really think little kids were able to travel from South America to the US by themselves? Who changed the diapers on the way the border guards are changing now..really..use some common sense

          • Aheadontheleft

            Inform yourself. They were brought to the border by coyotes.

            Look it up.

          • Kat

            Really…maybe we should hunt coyotes since there must be so many to bring in over 50 thousand small kids in such a short you honestly believe your comments..try just a little common sense

          • M Dondarrion

            Duhhhhrrrrrrr the more you speak the dumber you become. Coyotes are those men who are paid to take the children over the border. Do you even read?

          • Kat

            your kidding right…do you not get any of you have a brain cell between you/

          • Will

            I’ve read that 20000 thousand were kids, and the other 120000 that showed up in the last 6 weeks are adult aged, many dope gang bums. If we can’t have independent journalists on the scene, they are hiding something. When someone makes a big point of hiding facts, I always assume that the facts being hidden would disprove the false narrative. Why do YOU think we can’t have independent journalists go and report? Why was a US Congressman not allowed to see the “children”? Why are the medical professionals on the scene being threatened with fines and jail time to keep quiet about what they are seeing? Why did the union rep. for ICE say that the union members he represents are being endangered by these infected refugees? Are you able to get past the highschool popularity contest mentality and see that not only is “your man” brak lying to me, he is lying to you too.

          • M Dondarrion

            Wow you really, truly are stupid. It’s all over the news, the children are being interviewed, there are massive amounts of video – another rabies infested brainwashed traitorous GOPer is Kat.

          • Kat

            yes.. those investigative liberal reporters.. reading script from the White House..sorry have not seen video..please share and I will concede.. you see THAT is the difference between a liberal and conservative.. conservatives look at facts.. liberals when presented with contradictory facts goes to the name you have proven

          • Will

            Why are the medical personnel being threatened to keep quiet about the disease? Why if they are children, can’t we see the “children”? They are a mix of south and central American refugees (really?), drug-gang members, islamic terrorists and regular poor old peon mexicans. What matters to me is at what ratios, and what ratio of the refugees have communicable diseases, and the big one Which communicable diseases. I don’t hate kids. I have a daughter and grandson and granddaughter. I Know why poor folks would like to be able to bring their hopelessly sick kids to the US and throw them over the fence, like they are doing. They wouldn’t have traveled 2 to 4thousand miles to do that if they had a hope to get them cured in their home countries, and I’ll give them credit for doing it. I just can’t see how we can accept hundreds of thousands of the most needy charity cases. We are already broke and going behind at a rate of over a trillion per year. Are You planning on donating 30% of YOUR salary?

          • Aheadontheleft

            How do you know that I am not already donating 30% or even more of my salary? You don’t. However, I can tell you are misinformed since you are stating as fact several things that are just blatantly false. Turn off Fox, stop reading Breitbart (they are the main source for this garbage about these children having deceases). Since the countries these children are coming from have single payer health care, it’s likely that their vaccinations are more current than many American children. No medical personnel are being threatened. But if they are RWNJ bigots, I can understand why they wouldn’t want the truth to get out about these children.

          • Cassy_Again

            The disease thing is a bit of a scare tactic. Most of these countries have government-funded healthcare and vaccinations are free. For instance, Guatemalan children are more likely than Texans to be immunized for most infectious diseases. “UNICEF reports that 93 percent of kids in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are vaccinated against measles.”

            More than 90 percent of Central Americans are vaccinated against TB, while Americans are not routinely vaccinated.

            They don’t have experts like Jenny McCarthy to warn them against evil vaccines.

          • MSB_Concerned_Citizen
          • Kat

            you keep believing Rachael Maddow ..MSNBC ratings in the tank especially hers..I will believe my friend who is a Arizona border guard.. after all…he is actually there.. where is Racheal.. reporting from her studio..

          • M Dondarrion

            So 18 month old babies are undesirables and parasites eh? Tell me you support abortion then. Scumbag. Many of those refugee children and families are also going to neighboring countries that don’t have a U.S. CAUSED drug cartel problem. We OWE these children safe harbor – their blood and all the innocent blood caused by all you druggie users and sellers is on your hands and on your soul as well.

          • Kat

            if you are so saintly concerned ,hop on down to the border and help out or host a few in your home.. they are looking for families to take them in.. better yet.. you go to their countries and fix the problem down there… obviously all the money the US is sending them is not helping.. we owe them nothing, we owe American children everything.. black youth unemployment is 50% and our government is killing veterans on fake waiting lists..ever hear the saying “charity begins at home”.. guess Americans are not as important to you..BTW Fast and Furious guns are still showing up after Obama sold them to drug cartels to try and champion a cause for gun you know how many Mexican citizens were slaughtered with those guns? google it

          • Cassy_Again

            Actually, “charity begins at home” means that love is taught in the home. If parents are loving and benevolent, then they’ll raise children who are likewise kind and caring. If you have ever read the Bible, you’ll know the Greek word agape means both Christian love and charity. Charity was regarded as a state of mind, not the giving of material goods.

          • Kat

            really..than explain to me why our government feels the need to spend billions (material goods) to support illegal immigrants over Americans.. through one anchor baby, the ENTIRE family gets financial support. Maybe you should explain the bible to Obama and his corrupt administration. They do not care about illegals.. they only want to remain in power by any means possible.. it is has been proven Obama is busing illegals to Social Security offices where they are getting numbers and passports.. maybe you should rethink your “at home” is where charity begins.. put your money and home where your charity state of mind is…liberals are hypocrites… as long as it does not personally affect them or their personal what if Americans suffer

          • M Dondarrion

            These are refugee children – not illegal immigrants. They are looking for safe harbor just as all those war torn asian, middle eastern and african countries are doing.

          • Will

            I agree with accepting refugee’s that are demonstrably unaccompanied minors. Never to allow for their parents to be anchored in. No adult age, (18+) immigrants. No drug-gang members no matter their age, and no islamic terrorists are to be allowed out of the fema prisons, until the day of their deportation. Then we can talk about a fence and fully staffed border patrol/ICE, before we consider increasing legal immigration. All these kids are a result of bad actors in our government inviting them to make a run through Mexico and if they can make it to the border, they have a free ticket to paradise on the backs of tax-paying Americans

          • cheesemaster

            Examples, if you dare. But, you don’t. You’re no Aggie.

          • Joanne

            I am a democrat, not that it matters. Neither the Republicans or the Democrats are doing their jobs. They both together have failed the American people.

        • TBonePickens

          What law is Obama missing that he needs to close the border?
          This is an Executive Branch issue that now belongs to Obama. Do not try to deflect his failures to anyone else. He has the laws he needs to close the border.

          • Barbara D Holtzman

            LOL. So THIS, you want him to use an executive order for. That’s rich.

          • Diane Johnson McCarter

            Freaking idiot….you can not EO this!

          • Will

            No need for any additional legislation, Diane. Immigration laws are on the books and ignored already. All any executive would need to do is obey them.

          • 1bimbo

            he needs no executive order.. he’s ordered the border patrol to stand down.. they are 45 miles away from the border.. they’re in intercept and diaper-changing mode, not border security mode

          • DoubleCheck

            You think Joe Biden should have chance as chief bankster servant?

          • Giddeon

            Genuine question here please don’t assume I’m a ~liberal troll~:

            So if the democrats are colluding puppets of the banks, and I’m not saying they’re not, what does that make all the literally billionaire republicans with ties to and stake in megabanks? Just gosh darned lovable patriots who mixed up with the wrong crowd?

            I mean yes money has a really toxic effect on our government and that’s a huge problem we should fix on both sides but it’s not like Barack “socialist broken healthcare for the people” Obama is somehow disproportionately more a bank puppet than John “I backed off from holding the government hostage to repeal Obamacare because bankers literally told me to” Boehner or his other yacht club buddies in the House.

          • Will

            Democrats have there Neocoms, Repubs are currently over-run with statist Neocons. Both of these two varieties of politician work for the same people. They do different parts of the destruction, and run different talking points but are both on the same side, Not ours. Tea/Libertarians are the only voices for limited federal government. Take your pick, the tea party was an outgrowth of libertarians. The international bankers have owned our politicians for many decades.

            “what does that make all the literally billionaire republicans with ties to and stake in megabanks?”

            It makes them part of the “Elite”. Elite are called elite when they have so much money and power that they quit striving for more money and concern themselves only with making sure that the unwashed masses are too poor to use up the resources that they think belong to their progeny.

          • M Dondarrion

            Yeah, yeah, and Libertarians also want to destoy Social Security, Medicare and let Wall Street control everything while paying slave wages (if any at all) to the masses seeking work. No regs is their mantra.

          • cheesemaster

            I think libertarians say let supply and demand set wages. Your side says let big business say that unless they get slave labor, they’ll have to pay market wages. Lordy, no! We must have more illegals, temp workers, and legal workers, because a 15% black unemployment number is just fine. Then, when your artificial market pays slave labor, you insist on raising the minimum wage. Genius!

          • M Dondarrion

            In fact the Koch Brothers are aligned with the Republicans but are in fact Libertarian.

          • DoubleCheck

            Where did you get the idea that recognition of corruption where it occurs means that I’m a conservative?

          • Walter Goerlitz

            It makes them the same. The problem is two fold, we must take back our political system from the bankers and the puppets they own in both parties.
            Now, how to do that?

          • cheesemaster

            Of course he is a more disproportionately more bank puppet – he has a pen and a phone. Boehner only has tissues.

          • Will

            Don’t you really think that drunken, dopey Joe Biden would be fairly easy to keep a ring-fence around?

          • Will

            Multiple copies of immigration reform have directives to close the border. You know, finish the fence. This isn’t in the elite plan for the US. That plan says we are to be brought low so that we can be dovetailed into the rest of the world smoothly when the world currency, and world government is implemented.

          • Kat

   about an executive order that helps our country rather than further destroy it..novel change

          • Will

            Barbara, We already have comprehensive immigration legislation in place. Our current president,(and the last 4 preceding him), have utterly Failed to enforce that comprehensive immigration legislation. This isn’t a R/D issue, it is an issue between American citizens and the political class. Search up some old news reports and remind yourself of what you read in the papers back for 35 or 40 years. This is no ‘new problem’.

          • cheesemaster

            Right! Because carrying out the laws of the land requires an EO! That’s rich! Yeah! LOL. I’m new at hyperbole – did I get it right?

          • M Dondarrion

            Or grant asylum to the children until the drug addict/seller cartel gangs are killed off by the military in Honduras and Guatelmala, so they can eventually go home. But wait, the druggies in the U.S. would rather those children DIE so they can keep their cocaine and heroin coming in from those countries.

          • TBonePickens

            The kids aren’t coming here because of strife in their home country. Those countries have been a mess for years and years. This influx is because of Obama’s policies and you know it. You are well aware of it and are trying to deflect the blame from our President’s horrible policies. You were told that this would happen and scoffed at it. Now that it is happening you are making excuses.

            A recent report was issued by the El Paso Intelligence Center (led by DEA and DHS) which found, “Of the 230 migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos to UAC (unaccompanied children) and adult females OTMs (other than Mexicans) traveling with minors.”

            You were told by many of us that this would happen. Now the illegal aliens are confirming it. Quit making excuses. This is because of Obama. He is simply horrible at his job.

          • Aheadontheleft

            Do you understand WHY these people in Central America have the impression that they will get a free pass at the border? Guess which US media is all over Central American television? FOX.

        • Lore Earll

          This current Congressional House has passed more bills than in past history. And this current congressional SENATE HAS DONE THE FEWEST. You libs sure are IGNORANT. But keep it up. You idiots sure are funny.

        • Paul

          oh for christ sakes you prog drones need to put a sock in it. our marxist-in-chief has been using his ‘phone and pen’ to ignore dozens of laws on the books for years now. he and his marxist minions have been shouting from the rooftops about the ‘dream act’ which failed to pass three times, yet continues to act as a beacon for immigrants. another beacon for immigrants is the advertising the Soetero administration does in Mexico and Central America telling people how to sign up for welfare when they get here. the net effect is a flashing neon ‘Bienvenidos!’ sign at the border. all this despite current US laws stating that immigrants must be able to support themselves financially.

          anyone with half a brain knows that all this lawlessness is just another prog attempt to rig our election system and to push the Cloward-Piven strategy to bankrupt our system so that full-on marxism can be foisted upon us as the ‘fix’

        • cheesemaster

          Right. Enforcing existing law, and building the fence that was ordered by law are just too dang much. Dang. It’s hard!

        • MOLON LABE

          F*** that halfbreed golfer in the White House. Here’s to ‘hope and change’ that AF1 experiences severe mechanical failure at 30k feet with the ENTIRE family on board

    • DoubleCheck

      Actually, it’s been standard American procedure since the Filibuster William Walker, through the “Dollar Diplomacy” of William Taft, the depredations of the United Fruit Company, and repeated CIA rapes called “regime changes.”

  • 1bimbo

    go give them hugs.. the ones who are coughing and itching their big red bumps.. put some gold bond powder on it.. no biggie

    • wirkkala

      Apparently, the ones who are coughing and itching are Texans.

      • 1bimbo

        the ones with itchy trigger fingers are texans

  • Final_Word

    This article just ignores the silly little fact that they are illegally coming into the country to try and paint those that oppose this invasion as the bad guys.

    • chuke

      This is a humanitarian crisis. Refugees from violence are fleeing their countries all over the world. Those from Central America are also fleeing to other nations, not just the United States. How we respond to this challenge defines who we are as Americans, who we are as people of faith, who we are human beings.

      • texasaggie

        Not to mention that the violence they are fleeing had its roots in the US starting with St. Ronald of Alzheimer’s and his glorious wars in Central America that led to military dictatorships and a thriving drug smuggling industry.

        • 1bimbo

          central america is a cesspool of poverty, drug abuse and corruption.. your flashback to reagan is humorous.. you must be that guy at work who blames the guy you replaced for your f*ck ups

          • unclebarb

            That is a common thread that runs through Obamabots. It is always somebody else’s fault.

          • Auntie Warhol

            ^ something teabaggers always say while denying anything is ever their fault.

          • Barack

            LOL! How uninformed can a liberal be?

          • Auntie Warhol

            LOL! How content-free can a bagger comment be?

          • Barack

            Can you explain to me what you think a “bagger” is? Especially in light of the fact “tea bagging” is a deviant liberal action.

          • Auntie Warhol
          • Walter Goerlitz

            Humans are so funny. LOL!

          • 1bimbo

            auntiwarhol came all the way over from wonkette just to post a pic of her grandmother

          • Will

            How can a tea partier be blamed for anything? We haven’t had a bit of influence in Washington DC. Yet. Give us 8 unrestricted years, and we’ll find out what can be done. Give us static for the continued domination or Republicans and Democrats and you are wasting your breath. We don’t care much for the destruction either.

          • SophieCT

            CAFTA 2005. You must be the guy who was born yesterday and has no idea there is history.

          • 1bimbo

            go shave your armpits

          • Kenneth Browning

            You’re the guy who ignores his countries glorious history because you don’t want to admit said country has been nothing but a drain on the rest of the world. Do we need to count how many governments the U.S. has overthrown and dictators the U.S. has put in power in Latin America? Let’s start with Chile, Guatemala, Brazil, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Honduras, do we need to keep going?

          • 1bimbo

            all those sovereign nations you listed receive welfare/foreign aid from the US.. the US pours money into the black hole of these socialist countries, some of which pretend to be democracies.. speaking of ‘glorious history’-spain, great britain, the soviet union, china-all have legacies of shuffling power around in the world, they’ve just managed to dwindle to inconsequential level.. you just fester in your anti-americanism.. i take it you live in another country because the USA must be just too awful for you, i guess that’s why illegals are crawling over each other like ants to get into this country

          • Giddeon

            Wait so your argument is “a bunch of other bad countries did it, and the US does it to terrible countries, therefore the US is good and you’re anti-American?”

            I mean if America is pouring a bunch of money into festering socialist hellholes then wouldn’t being anti-America be a good thing? Maybe you should be more anti-America and more pro-Freedom since America is a smoldering Obama-loving police state. Texas should secede and form a better America.

          • Walter Goerlitz

            Secession is an excellent idea could you get Texas, Arizona, California, Alaska to join? To watch America break up due to people being unable to vote intelligently is sad.
            Socialist Democrats are enemies of America, try eradication of the enemy first.

          • 1bimbo

            ‘bad countries?’ you and i differ on that point.. if you’re into social ‘justice’, social totalitarianism and most likely communism then you must h8 america to its core.. our nation is a democratic republic.. in texas we honor the US constitution.. we also fight voraciously for our liberty.. it’s when tyrants like obama walk all over We The People with a complicit congress, traitorous progressives spread anti-american propaganda, and the complicit MSM feeds that gruel to the masses that we see the likes of commenters like you come out of the woodwork to bash our great nation as a ‘bad country’.. we have a great country.. but right now we have sh*tty leadership.

      • unclebarb

        The ruination of America is not how we define ourselves. These kids are in danger in the US too. We do not have to open the door to illegals overrunning the nation to be defined as good.

        • SophieCT

          You are under the mistaken impression that we can only be nice to one or the other.

    • Vape Escape

      I bet you call yourself a Christian yet you CLEARLY show you think Americans > all other humans.

    • fatibel

      It’s one thing to oppose something. It’s quite another to base that opposition on lies and fear mongering. Calling a bunch of scared and traumatized children “dirty and diseased” doesn’t make your case any stronger. Just the facts, please.

      • cheesemaster

        Just the facts, please? You first. I guess it’s too much work to lay out the lies and fear mongering than to simply level the accusation and silence dissent.

        • fatibel

          The lies and fear mongering are what this entire article are about. I didn’t think I needed to repeat what had already been laid out so clearly.

          • cheesemaster

            The column is nothing but non-sequiturs. Just thought maybe you’d try logic and reason. It’s cool, I’m not surprised. Try one point, and we can debate that.

          • Giddeon

            Not trying to be insulting, just mapping out what I understand is going on here:

            You say: “illegal immigrant children have lots of diseases compared to Americans”
            Article says: “The countries where these kids are coming from have higher vaccination rates than kids in the US, so for at least viral diseases that’s very unlikely”
            You say: “you are speaking non-sequiters and I am going to make a meta-argument about your side instead of providing proof that these kids have diseases that would shut you down instantly”

            Fundamentally you (or at least your side of the argument) are/is the one making the assertion that “immigrant children have diseases” so the burden of proof to provide evidence of a disproportionate number of immigrants with diseases is on you. And not just sensationalist news report proof from either side, like actual verifiable numbers from the medical community or hell even a survey or something.

          • cheesemaster

            If there is no evidence that illegal aliens bring many diseases, then this rebuttal is moot. Otherwise, it is a non-sequitur to claim that illegal immigrants do not have higher incidents of diseases in these several states because their countries claim to have high rates of vaccination.

      • unclebarb

        I believe they were more scared in the hands of cartels. The fact remains that they are dirty and diseased. That isn’t a slam, it is fact.

      • Will

        That is a very sadly funny post Fatibel. The invaders may be one or the other (frightened or diseased) but it’s seems very likely that they are BOTH. My grandfather died long before I was born, of TB. It had until recently been eradicated in the US. It’s back. It’s also treatable but what else will we have to stop in the way of pandemics. I don’t know and neither do you. It might not be an issue. The certain thing is, that it shouldn’t be left to chance. The medical proffessionals have been forced to sign confidentiality agreements under threat of fines and jail sentences. That may not concern you, but it surely concerns many Americans. In other words, how are we supposed to get the facts you want when the folks with inside information are being threatened to silence. It’s just like his college records. Why shouldn’t I have doubts, if you are found to be hiding information about those records?

    • Rose Bounds

      We’re talking children most under age 10. That’s not an invasion and these aren’t immigrants these are refugees. There’s a difference; and we’re talking about human children. What kind of monsters could we be to dehumanize little kids like this? Most of us treat our dogs better than that. The parents of these children have been murdered. There’s no where left for them to run. They’re just kids. They don’t think things through. They aren’t legally accountable even by the wretched laws in this country. They are refugee children and human beings. Apparently mercy and compassion are no longer considered old fashioned conservative values anymore. Damn shame.

      • jadedhorse

        from what i have read, over 300K illegals this year alone. of those, approx 50K are ” children” that leaves approx 250K ” adults” and that IS an invasion

      • mike

        I would call this child abuse of the highest order. A refugee is defined as a person who is outside their home country because they have suffered (or feared) persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or because they are a member of a persecuted social category of persons or because they are fleeing a war. Clearly this is NOT the case. The most humane thing to do at this point is to return these children to their biological parents and inform all the Central American countries that we will not be recipients of their children.

        • Giddeon

          So it’s more like they’re refugees from the US, because we pretty much persecute them based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion, fleeing the drug war we started, and as a lower social category of persons. We should send them to Europe, they love refugees and feeling smugly superior to Americans for no reason. Problem solved!

      • gtrippp

        The Freedom Act applies to anyone that CLAIMS to have entered US before they were 16. No proof of age, or when they came, needed.

  • JimmyD

    Holy crap, did I stumble into an impromptu meeting of Bigots Anonymous?

    • Bjørn Remseth

      It’s useful to see these things from time to time, just to remember that they do exist and have real effects today, not just decades ago.

    • cheesemaster

      That is the standard response from liberals to those with whom they disagree. Congrats.

      • SophieCT

        Actually, it’s the standard response of liberals when they encounter bigots.

        • 1bimbo

          lying is the standard response of liberals

          • Giddeon

            No YOU’RE wrong you big dumbface liberal cootie-haver!!!

        • cheesemaster

          Yikes, you just said the equivalent of “I know you are, but what am I”. Think about your age, your life experience, and re-evaluate everything.

    • x3zy

      Really? Until I see the a large number of the good democrats and liberals, (who love to champion these children and other illegal immigrants as publically as possible such as Pelosi, Feinstein, Schumer..etc) actually welcome these children into their community or let these children attend the same schools as their own children, then they can call people bigots. Until then, they are not better then any Republican who call themselves “Christian” but love to start wars and sentence people to death.

      • L G

        YES!!! Exactly x3zy!!

      • Noble Devotie

        These children are being welcomed by democrats and liberal in their communities. It is only among the white trash right wingers that they are threatened and terrorized.

        • x3zy

          Oh really? Examples please. Again don’t see any of the Pelosis or the Schumers of the world in a rush to welcome these people into their neighborhood. I would love to see Clay Jenkins welcome these kids into his Highland Park community. True that the right-wingers who say they love them like Thick Rick Perry isn’t going to live amongst them. Nor Rubio nor Menendez. Sorry but not going to happen. Even the leaders of the countries that these children originate from don’t seem to care for them. I don’t believe the parents do either. There is no way I would ever let my children walk through Central America with complete strangers alone.

          • Noble Devotie

            They are going to large cities where, instead of being welcomed by ingbred troglodytes carrying weapons and yelling at them, they are finding homes with organizations that care for them.

          • x3zy

            Never seen anyone with weapons yelling at them.

          • Chic Magnet Bailey

            How about YOUR HOME, how many do you have guest? And what gives your socialist swine in the White House the right to violate immigration laws? Your a pathetic piece of crap, a traitor and and idiot.

          • Loretta

            Good!!! keep them there. We don’t want them or the crime that goes with people like that, and we are tired of paying their way. Yes, keep them, and wear them like a ball and chain around your neck

          • Silver Fox

            You don’t live in Central America and have NO idea what they are going through in those countries. You have never been that deperate.

            So you are telling us if your children were under threat of being killed of starving to death, you would just sit and do nothing….

            yeah right

        • Chic Magnet Bailey

          Your an idiot, Boston had marches against the illegals dropped off at their steps. Wheres your facts big mouth who has no name. Liberal ass.

        • Loretta

          Yeah, welcomed. Just like the loving welcome prez Obomer Obola gave them when he went to the border for a big ole lovefest welcome, with kisses and hugs and unicorns and rainbows. Oh wait….

      • James Montale

        Attend the same schools as the children of liberals? Like for instance Sidwell Friends School where Obama’s daughters and Joe Biden’s grandchildren are enrolled and where Chelsea Clinton and Al Gore’s son attended. Tuition is $36,000 a year. Of course textbooks, lab fees, and athletic equipment are all extra.

        • Loretta

          Let them go to conservative schools so they can learn how to be an American, then they can vote Republican—lololololololol

      • Jeff Wagner

        They are being welcomed in WI and other places. I’d take a family into my home and I’m a liberal.

        • HH Principe Croccifixio M-Marc

          Okay when and where I will pay to send them to you

        • Loretta

          Hahaha let us know how that works out for you. Especially when they don’t know how to even use a toilet, have diseases, lice and can’t speak a lick of English, except maybe ‘give me all the free stuff’

      • txvoltaire

        It’s too bad these kids aren’t still fetuses! I bet you’d protest them then (at least until they’re born)!

        • x3zy

          Ummm……no. I don’t have any idea why you would think that I am pro-life. I never once insinuated to be so.

          • Guest

            He’s saying you’d have no problem killing unborn immigrants. Are you dense or just obtuse?

      • Travis Fleenor

        No doubt. Call them all out on their hypocrisy. Neither the Democans or the Republicrats have a monopoly on lies or grandstanding.

    • Walter Goerlitz

      Look! We have a liberal who thinks asinine statements are considered clever. Do you do your Daddy with that mouth?

      • JimmyD

        Insults from a documented Nazi apologist are pretty easily dismissed. No wonder you’re on the bigots’ side.

        • Walter Goerlitz

          Nazi apologist? Interesting, please expound upon this silly statement. Surely you did not read the book.

    • L G

      Jimmy D, People are extremely poorly educated on this topic. They believe one side or the other to the extremes and the facts, as usual, are somewhere in the middle. Unless this hypocritical “Christian” nation takes in these “children” average age, 14, at their own expense, adopts them into their own homes, and are totally monetarily responsible for them, they should shut up!!

      This countries cities are tossing out their homeless, men, women, children, teens, and veterans!! Look it up!! It is a fact!!

      Yet, we welcome in illegals by the thousands each monthly…children or not!! Most of these “children”—minors average age is 14. They are not little kids or babies!! They are not orphans either!!! They have families and relatives at “home”!!! The are trying to take advantage of our laws which were made to allow this, which the law makers did not have this craziness in mind when working them up!!

      But, let us bring in thousand more daily into our country that we will then need to take care of that are crossing our southern borders illegally each day from other countries!! Sure, that makes sense!!

      I posted just yesterday how a group of homeless in Lorain, Ohio were given until Monday to leave. Worse than that, the cops came in while they were all of taking showers at some center, and tore up the homeless belonging and many of their tents…the things that help them to survive!!!! There are multiple cities now doing this!! Disgusting. Guess if they are not presented with little “innocent” children’s faces, no one gives a damn!! This stuff is going on everywhere. I saw a new one today in another city on my news group!

      Yup, who cares about our citizens! We need to make room and find funds for thousands of illegals whose lives back home are lousy, so they can have a better life here at our citizen tax payers expense!! Money for these illegals is not coming out of the country they left to take care of them here!! Why not use that money instead for our legal citizens; for our homeless men, women, children, and whole families, and our veterans living on our streets?!! Nope!! Cant do. Illegals are much more important!!

      NO!!! I am NOT against immigration!! Our country was built on immigrants who came here with skills, build businesses, made jobs for others, and took care of their own without any money, food, clothing, housing, education and more handed to them from the government!! This immigrants came to work and help this country grow, not live off of it!! Moochers back then knew no one would take care of them. Many teens came in back them too. They knew no one was going to give them a free ride though. They worked or they starved. They contributed to the community or the community tossed them out!!!

      Today’s immigration is not the same as others. Everyone wants to say it is, but it is simply not true!!! MY families roots came in as business people! Bakers, tailors, builders, carpenters, and more. They did not come with their hands out!!! They came with working hands to grows and make a community better, not to drain it’s resources!!

      Canada and most countries will not take anyone in legally unless they can show they can support themselves and not be a burden to their country!! Oddly enough, so do the very countries that these illegals are coming from now and pouring into our country from!! You can’t go to Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and all the other “south of the border” counties these people and minors are coming from. YOU have to have legal papers to live there and a way and means to support yourself so you do not drain THEIR countries resources. What an idea, eh??

      I just do not think at this time the USA can afford to take in more illegals!!! We have millions right now that we can’t afford already. And a great many we have no idea where they are or who they are!! Our economics are already suffering. Americans cannot find jobs. There is not enough money for services for the needy already and those keep getting cut more and more! Elderly are making choices on whether to eat of=r buy medications to stay alive. Children in school are being turned down food if their “account” have no money in them. People on the streets now are told to leave…to where? Who cares!!!

      Many fear illness and diseases with this vast amount of people pouring in! The vast majority of Central Americans are vaccinated against all these diseases many say, so no fear of diseases. Yet, other articles show otherwise, with an influx of many illnesses, large lice infestations, outbreaks of scabies and more health issues, many due to the crowded conditions because there are no places to put all these people to process them all! Where do you put over 250 children crossing over to the USA EACH DAY!??? Do people even think for a second about this!! The border towns have no way to handle this!! What city does??? And people wonder why border towns are getting upset. Tell the government YOU want 250 new children coming into your town each day? Then they can ship them to you!! Hope you all speak Spanish and your city has enough money to take care of all their immediate needs!!!

      57,000 unaccompanied children, mostly from Central America, have been apprehended crossing the US border illegally since last October to May. (Many uncounted got away to simply disappear into the interior of the USA.) That is about 1,780 each WEEK!!! 250 a DAY! That does Not including adults, or adults with children!!!

      All OTHERS totaled 112,000—16,000 a MONTH—4,000 a WEEK—572 a DAY!! Seeing the issue you here yet, people?? Totals of BOTH equals 822 new people a day, with no means of support entering our country each DAY!!!

      Plus, if these people, including all the thousands of children, do not have their shots records with them, guess what? (Do you really think they are all carrying their shots records with them when they cross?) They will all need to be vaccinated all over again!!! At the taxpayers expense!

      Where are all these children going to go to school?? Our educational system is already underfunded, understaffed and crowded now! They don’t speak English. So, they will need special educational settings!! MORE tax payers money out the window for people who shouldn’t even be here!! Money for housing, food, clothing all the other necessities of life…money that could be better spent on citizens of this country!!

      People are not thinking!!! They have no idea what the reality of all this is!! This is not about a few children, with their pitiful dirty smiling faces needing help!! Up to 100,000 of them are expected by years end!! Double that the next few years if nothing is done!!

      Many will be shipped back!! Guess at whose expense?? Not at their home counties expense for sure!!! And yes, lots of illegals are shipped back “home”!!!

      Everyone name calls others, but without any knowledge of the reality of this. Both major parties are trying to blame the other one when BOTH are at fault in this!! Bush signed the paper work in 2008 that is being used for this, even though it was not meant to due to a loophole the fools drawing it up never saw! Other blame Obama with their overactive imagination, again, trying, of course to make him the bad guy!! For Pete’s sake can they all work on anything to get something done for the good of us all???

      Our “leaders” really need to stop tossing the ball back and forth! This is not a game of “hot potato”!! And people, you really need to research this and stop thinking this is about a bunch of innocence little kids needing help!! It is not!!! It is a whole lot deeper and a whole lot more complex!!!

      Oh, too, all you “Christians” out there. Walk the walk; do not simply and easily talk the talk and criticize. The USA claims to be made up of 77% Christians! In the 2001 survey that is 35 million people!!

      That is more than enough Christians to step up to this issue and each family adopt one of these “fatherless” minors, all 100,000 expected by years end that we are all talking about!! After all, most those “children” are also Christian since all their homelands are also Christian…which those countries seem to forget also, since they are not taking care of their own either!!

      Otherwise, you are a hypocrite, and we all know what Jesus says about them!!! Do this for your “country”; be patriotic! Do this for all the “pitiful” minors crossing over who need your help, and the problem is solved. (Note, too, that most those “children” coming here lived rough street fighting lives!! Many were in gangs and many were arrested or did illegal things to fill their families needs and their own!! Better put the jewelry away!! Or the guns or anything you have valuable laying around!)

      YOU get them English lessons, you put them in your school system. YOU feed, cloth and shelter them….and not one penny from your government!!

      How many “Christian” takers???? Didn’t think so!! So much for “Christians” taking care of the poor like Jesus said. But, what did I expect? Christians do not take care of the poor here either. So very “Christ-like” of them!! So, you all either step up or shut up!!

      Otherwise, with no other realistic solution in sight, we really truly need to at least temporarily close our borders to all illegals and ship everyone back!! Knowing they cant just pop in here and be taken care of the rest of their lives on the USA tax payer’s money, it will stop the influx. No one will want to go through all the trouble to come if they know they will be sent right back!

      If we ever get back on our feet financially in this country, where we can afford to help others besides our own citizens, reopen the borders and take in legals only!!! Make everyone work as hard as some do, legally, to come and stay already!! How fair is it to the ones doing entry to this country legal and proper if we simply let anyone in illegally!!??

      • nannymm

        Undocumented workers do not come here with their hands out. The come here to work. They don’t get handouts. They don’t get “welfare” or “food stamps.” They are ineligible for any assistance, including “Obamacare. ” No matter how many times right wingers claim otherwise, it just doesn’t change the fact that undocumented workers cannot collect any form of public assistance. Period.
        These immigrants are hard working. They pick our produce, kill and process our poultry, clean our homes and businesses, wash dishes at our restaurants, mow our lawns and sweep our streets. They care for our children and our senior citizens. They fix our roofs and do other repairs in our homes and businesses. They work long hard hours at some of the hardest and dirtiest jobs imaginable. They are poorly paid, have few or no benefits, no paid sick leave or vacation time. If they are injured on the job there is no worker’s compensation. If they are sick they still must work. They work at jobs that few if any Americans will do for wages that Americans would never accept. They work in conditions that Americans won’t and for long hours that Americans don’t.
        Yet so many of you refuse to admit these truths. You are either too ignorant to accept the truth or you prefer to lie about these undocumented workers. It’s sad and it’s disgraceful.

        • Sherry

          seriously? They don’t get welfare or food stamps??? I’d like to know what state you live in that this doesn’t happen.

          • Denis

            I DARE YOU you get ANY HELP without showing USA ID. Please go and try to see if you can get help being an undocumented worker.

          • grandpaez

            How many Id’s you want?

          • Kat

            One achor baby gives the WHOLE family freebies..more money for each one popped out..what a deal except for taxpayers

          • Chic Magnet Bailey

            Hey retard, they just passed out the largest ID card gathering in NYC WITH COUPONS to buy things. Guess your dare isn’t very intelligent like yourself.

          • Liz C

            It doesn’t matter what state you’re in, if you are an illegal, you will not get any sort of govt aid. At all. Even the pregnant women don’t get anything. And as for the kids born here to illegal parents, the parents, once again, don’t get any govt aid because they’re illegals. Without a social security number, you don’t get anything. What you’re talking about is simply lies and misinformation spread by the conservation media.
            From personal experience, I know plenty of illegal immigrants that work multiple jobs doing hard labor for peanuts (it’s not like they’re gonna complain to OSHA or the local gov’t). I also happen to know lots of American citizens (most of them are Anglo, white) who receive welfare, food stamps, section 8, etc. and they also happen to be the ones that have lots of kids.

          • Chic Magnet Bailey

            Strange how they just passed out vouchers in NYC and Boston. Oh, I guess that report slipped you news.

          • Liz C

            Vouchers? What sort of vouchers? Yes, that news did slip past me. Please do share what you’re referring to, instead of making snide comments. Thanks?!

          • M_Young

            That is wrong. Just plain wrong.

            First off, illegal immigrant households are eligible for programs for their insta-citizen children born here.

            If I was getting section 8 for my kids, plus ‘free’ school lunches, etc, you’d say I was on welfare.

            Well, the illegals do get those things.

            Second, ‘Latinos’ are about 1.5 as likely to be on some sort of government assistance as Americans in general. Whites are about half as likely to get government assistance. Of course whites are, for the time being, still the largest group, but even in absolute terms, whites get less welfare than ‘minorities’.

            To claim otherwise is either ignorant or anti-white.

          • Liz C

            Whoa there, buddy. First of, Latinos and illegal immigrants are two different groups. One group happens to be of Latino descent and the other is a hodge-podge of various ethnics who happen to come to the US illegally. There are plenty of “illegal” Poles, Irishmen, Russians, Balkans, Chinese, Korean, Middle Eastern, etc. and they certainly don’t fall into the Latino category.
            As for Section 8, I’m not quite sure the program works as you describe it. Perhaps you can share some data, instead of your personal feelings on it. Secondly, school lunches are certainly not a marker of being on welfare, but rather the district the school happens to be in and the average income of the folks living in that neighborhood. And honestly, school lunches should be free anyway, considering what most of us pay in property taxes, even without children.
            BTW, the reverse racism card is beyond played out. I’d research a new argument and come up with something better than that, because that’s old and sounds ignorant. Just sayin’.
            But you have yourself an excellent day. It’s a great day. We’re in the US, and fully literate and have enough food and clean water and a roof over our heads with internet access.

          • M_Young

            “Whoa there, buddy. First of, Latinos and illegal immigrants are two different groups. One group happens to be of Latino descent and the other is a hodge-podge of various ethnics who happen to come to the US illegally.”

            58% of illegal aliens are Mexican, another 23% are from other ‘Latin’ countries. All the rest of the ‘hodge lodge’ doesn’t amount to much.

            You made the assertion that ‘most’ of the people you know on government assistance are white. Well, that might be your ‘personal experience’, but it is not the statistical truth. Either you don’t know enough to participate in this policy debate, or you are anti-white and promulgating anti-white propaganda.

            As for Section 8 , see here


            See Aunt Zeytuni.

          • M_Young

            “Secondly, school lunches are certainly not a marker of being on welfare, but rather the district the school happens to be in and the average income of the folks living in that neighborhood. ”

            Uh, no, at least not in California. We have a school nearby that gets 77% of its students “free” breakfasts and lunches, but those whose parents make money and pay taxes (net) don’t get them.

          • Rose

            Yep, and it has been that way since I was in school. It was a middle class school and kids were bussed in from the ghetto and they all got free lunches.

          • Loretta

            I don’t know where you live, but you have it all wrong. They don’t need a SS card. They can steal others, or have one made. They get all the help they want and also vouchers so they can rent houses in decent neighborhoods—-so they can trash them like where they came from. Lots of kids???? hahahahaha Those illegals can’t even figure out how they keep having babies—they just do it.

        • Travis Fleenor
        • giveandtake

          Then what about the demands illegals have made, sporting their Mexican Flags and the President of Mexico telling us we must not put Military on the border. What is it the Mexican President want from Americans? Do they want the Southwest back? Mexico could use our Marine that is in a Tijuana Prison as a carrot and a stick. I hope not, because we have been more then generous to Mexico. I think all of the foreign countries think we are weak and they will certainly take advantage of our weakness. They say one out of ten people in the county of Los Angeles are illegals. So is the President saying our border is more secure than ever before?

        • chicagoisademocraticdump

          they didn’t have to come here with their hands out because the aclu had lawyers at the border and government agencies to assist them-thats the Obummer administration for you. Help people break the law literally. Hand them water, get them in a center where they can be fed by taxpayers who are hurting and a country that is beyond broke-the US is so broke they are printing dollars because other countries have stopped buying their debt-and we can’t afford these people and their huge laundry list of social problems.

          These ILLEGAL ALIENS who were only brought in and let in because they vote democrat over 80% of the time when given free stuff.

          These people were coddled from day one, housed from day one, shipped quietly and forced upon states all over where the governors of the states were not even given a heads up-they were also NOT TESTED for disease. At all.

          Its Obamas fault. And that is the real disgrace. Even my landscaper and painters and other hispanics DO NOT WANT THEM HERE. They don’t want their wages depressed and they are struggling for work as are americans as it is now.

        • Loretta

          BULLCRAP!! These ‘immigrants’ are different than the old Mexican immigrant workers. They don’t intend to work. They intend on sucking off the teat of the government, and your messiah Prez Obola invited them up here like the idiot he is. You have no clue do you?

      • JimmyD

        My God, are you still typing?

    • Travis Fleenor
  • Bogdan Silviu

    the twenty hidden numbers in each of the 10 fantasy lands scenes,
    number appear in a different location on each play. – See more at:

  • Arakiba

    The South is stupid. We should force them to secede.

    • Billy Vaughn

      Nice comment, where are you from? I’m sure it’s a great place.

      • texasaggie

        Not really. Try living there sometime with no option to leave.

        • cheesemaster

          Sure, you’re being held against your will. You’re powerless against the “whoop” and “howdy”. I bet there are Aggies who would buy you a one way ticket.

    • TBonePickens

      That is very bigoted. Replace “The South is” with:

      Blacks are…
      Hispanics are…
      Gays are…
      Women are…
      Asians are…

      I’m pretty sure if you said any one of those others you’d get a lot of grief and perhaps have the comment removed.

  • bgbs

    You know this liberal retard drivel is getting old. The liberals will go to any length to paint a picture of illegals taking over America as good for America. The way they do this is by first putting down American people, and then portraying illegals as good citizen who need love and care.

    The reports are saying out of 300 thousands illegals who have flooded US in the past month, only 55 thousand are considered children. No wonder Obama Administration, “the most transparent administration”, has closed the door for media and any kind of reporting. Those camps are filled with diseases and gang-bangers, not vaccinated children.

    What sane folks need to realize, is that when they read a liberal drivel like this, the opposite is alway true.

    • Barbara D Holtzman

      Your evidence? I’d also like a ref to that 300k a month number. That would be almost 4 million in a year, and there’s a rotating number somewhat over 11 million total at any point in time.

      We Libruls actually are pretty angry at Obama for being the King of Deportation. I’m a scientist, I understood everything in that article and know it to be true, as opposed to your nonsense. I don’t argue with ignorant trolls.

  • MrKamikaze

    last time I checked there wasn’t a vaccination against Tuberculosis. None of the reports i have seen described common curable diseases as being a problem. More cherry picked news.

    • texasaggie

      There has been a vaccination against TB for decades. As mentioned, BCG has been used in countries where TB is a problem for a very long time. In fact, people who are vaccinated with it often have a very severe reaction to the TB intradermal test, so that is something to take into consideration when testing people.

    • SpeckledJim

      I’m not sure when you last checked, but there’s been a vaccination against it since the 1920s. I was given it as a kid in the UK in the ’80s.

      • MrKamikaze

        I sit corrected. I can see the reason i have never heard of it because its not used in the United States primarily because its lack of effectiveness.

  • texasaggie

    For what it’s worth, the treatment for scabies is ivermectin, a drug that has been used for decades in Africa to fight river blindness caused by a filarid nematode. It is safe in humans although not approved in the US that I’m aware of. Against Sarcoptes it does a magnificent job and is a lot more effective than the topical insecticides that are commonly used.

    • 1bimbo

      you get on down to the border and start rubbing your salve on the illegals..

  • Mee Hung Lowe

    Is the incidence of disease in the detention & housing facilities run by the gov’t and private contractors higher or lower than the general population? It doesn’t matter to me whether the country the people come from is vaccinating or not – if the diseases are spreading in the facilities, then the system is flawed and broken. If the staff at these facilities are contracting diseases, then we are putting people outside the facilities at risk.

  • Jeff

    What about MRSA? Hepatitis? HIV? One thing for sure, I dont trust the government one bit concerning this topic. If they were carrying disease, there is no way freakin way the government will ever tell us.

  • NWB

    Yet another example of life in Teabagistan, where ignorance has triumphed over knowledge, reason has been replaced with ideology, and compassion is derided as weakness.

    • cheesemaster

      Supporting open borders is inimical to our cherished concept of the protection of individual liberty.

    • kyrifles

      Polesmokistan is where ignorance has triumphed over knowledge. Reason has been replaced with wishful thinking, and rational thought is derided as wickedness.

    • NWB

      I don’t support open borders, but I do support following the law. President Bush, with bipartisan

      Congressional support, signed a law in 2008 that applies to these children who come from countries that are not contiguous to the U.S.A. The law was designed to try and stop human trafficking and identify whether some undocumented immigrants are eligible for political asylum. All the current President has done is ask Congress for additional funding to follow the law as it relates to this influx of children. So far during his presidency, he has deported more undocumented immigrants than any other President by a wide margin and I expect will continue to do so. Immigrant rights groups refer to him as the “Deporter in Chief”. Why won’t Congress, specifically the House, give him the additional funds to follow the law?

      • billybob

        Here’s a thought: why do we need to PROCESS these children? Why not just turn them away at the border? We are NOT the police of the world and we are NOT the orphanage of the world. We are a country who is already struggling with our own issues, spending massive amounts of resources while living under a cloud of crippling debt at all levels. Instead of putting so many resources into PROCESSING these children, how about closing the borders to ILLEGAL aliens.

        • NWB

          We could do this if Congress passed a revision to current law, and this would probably be the quickest way to resolve the issue. To act humanely, we should provide a safe way to get these children home.

          • conservativeprof

            Not true. Obama can turn them away without Confessional action. Congress should act to force Obama’s hand.

          • cheesemaster

            Why doesn’t the humane country of Mexico do this as soon as they pass into their country? Are you saying Mexico is cold-hearted?

        • SophieCT

          Because Bush signed it into law. Are you saying you want Obama to issue an executive order?

          • Will

            I want obama to obey the current immigration law, and quit allowing crises to go critical. We have no choice but to allow the children who escaped from child slavers (all ten of them) to be covered by asylum. The other 200 thousand should be turned away and sent back home. At least until the economy can absorb the tremendous burden they will be. This is a manufactured crisis.

          • nvrbl

            The law is they get a hearing.

        • Giddeon

          Burn foreign orphans to ease our reliance on foreign oil, I like the way you think.

      • conservativeprof

        Bush signed the law as a lame duck. He know that the bill would become law anyway under Obama. Democrats are refusing to change this law now.
        Obama is not the deporter in chief. The open borders group call him this just to goad him to get more lenient immigration enforcement and more welfare for illegal aliens. NumbersUSA and other groups have a careful analysis of Obama’s deportation lies. Even Obama admits that deportation statistics have been redefined to deceive the public about immigration law enforcement. You post is just propaganda.

      • Will

        Why didn’t congress give little george the funds to follow the law to build the fence after the fifth or sixth amnesty? Why did they come from central and even south america? Who offered them a free ticket?

      • cheesemaster

        Did you read the law? Did you know it was written for kids who were brought here against their will? You do support open borders, your protestations notwithstanding.

    • 1bimbo

      as you wallow in barakistan where socialist propoganda passes for knowledge, reason is replaced by chaos and permissiveness is confused with compassion

      • SophieCT

        Projection: a psychological affliction where you accuse the other person of having your own attributes.

        • 1bimbo

          lame: see liberal narrative

  • conservativeprof

    Here is a challenge to the leftists. Please put your money, homes, hospitals, and schools where your mouths are. Take these masses of illegal alien children into your homes, schools, hospitals, and communities. Let’s open up relocation camps in Democrat strongholds such as Marin County.
    Citing these general statistics is bogus. These statistics tell us nothing about the status of these masses of illegal aliens (children, teens, and adults). If these masses are so healthy, why has Herr Obama refused to allow reasonable access to media? Why the gag order on anyone involved with this horrible mess? Even politicians cannot conduct any investigation about the situation. Why the secrecy about the relocation of these masses of illegal aliens?
    The massive movement is almost entirely a result of Herr Obama’s amnesty, lack of enforcement of immigration laws, and substantial welfare benefits (schools, health care, food, housing, …). These illegal aliens understand that deportation will never occur. These illegal aliens know that substantial welfare benefits will be bestowed on them. These illegal aliens know that Obama and other Democrats will bestow amnesty on them. This onslaught is only a tip of the iceberg from any Democrat immigration bill. The Senate immigration bill is basically open southern borders. Passage of the bill would create absolute chaos on the border for many years. All amnesties have lead to future amnesties. The immigration lobby demands nothing short of open southern borders (in one direction only) and welfare for all.

    • Barbara D Holtzman

      Both Bush and Reagan granted amnesty, neither were Democrats as I recall. Obama is the deportation king. No one has said anything about amnesty.

      I live in an agricultural area, where we depend on migrants to get our crops in. White folks are no good at it.

      • billybob

        You mean, of course, that white folk want fair wages for it.

      • conservativeprof

        I have no problems with carefully designed guest worker programs. The details of the guest worker programs need to be open for honest debate about the conditions and size. For example, no welfare, families, permanent residency, low ball wages, …
        The past 20 years of immigration policy have demonstrated that amnesty only begets more amnesty and eventually open southern borders. Obama is the amnesty king. He has effectively stopped enforcement of immigration laws beyond the border. He has cooked the books on deportation counting. He has granted defacto amnesty to large groups. His policies have directly lead to this invasion. Numbers USA, FAIR, and a few other groups have plenty of research to demonstrate Obama’s treachery, putting the interests of the Democrat party above the interests of the country. Now he is concealing the magnitude and impacts of the invasion.

    • Barack

      Cher has a 30 room mansion, as does Barbara WaWa, Media moguls have multiple homes, Barack’s home in Chicago sits empty and yet no one has stepped up to take them in.
      So as we see liberals are prepared to help as long as you the taxpayer pay for it and they have no responsibility for their self gratification.

    • nvrbl

      Did you sell all of your stuff to finance us going into Iraq? The law is, the kids get a hearing. Get over it.

  • michaelj68

    Guatemala has universal health care.

    As someone with a Guatemalan wife who has family members who are doctors and has been there that is a absolutely not the reality. As with most things in Latin America there is the law, which claims universal care, and the reality. Did Ms. Pearson even bother googling about Guatemala’s health care system. I found this:

    The system sounds ideal. “Free healthcare for all,” at least via the public arm of ElMinisterio de Salud. The reality is that many, as much as 40% of the population, do not have access to healthcare. They cannot afford the perhaps 9-hour journey to the nearest doctor, neither in money for the bus nor in time away from work. The public hospitals are crowded and understaffed – patients are often turned away and asked to return another day, after they have made the trip and waited in line for hours. Communication between and even within arms is poor – a patient might leave a hospital with a new diagnosis of AIDS, which may or may not be communicated to his nearest Puesto de Salud via snail mail.

    Or this from the World Bank:

    Guatemala is among the worst performers in terms of health outcomes in Latin America, with one of the highest infant mortality rates, and one of the lowest life expectancies at birth. Major causes of death in Guatemala still include treatable, and communicable diseases, such as diarrhea, pneumonia, cholera, malnutrition, and tuberculosis. A significant share of Guatemalans lack access to health care services.

    • conservativeprof

      Of course the author never acknowledged reality. She just cited some bogus feel good statistics. Your post provides the reality of socialized medicine in poor countries. Herr Obama and his hench crowd would not be going to incredible lengths to conceal the reality of the invasion if the situation was as rosy as this author asserts. The opposite is true. Herr Obama is concealing the facts because he knows the facts will make the public furious.
      I am still waiting for the open borders crowd to accept these masses of illegal aliens in their homes, schools, and hospitals. Let’s build shelters in the White House and Congress.

    • AngelaQ

      Sounds a lot like Texas, eh?

    • Rachel

      These are really important points, especially with respect to the higher infant and child mortality rates throughout Central America. This is why we were careful to say that unaccompanied minors are “better vaccinated,” rather than “healthier” than Texas kids. It would be absurd to say that kids escaping violence, enduring these long journeys, and coming from countries where kids in general are at much higher risk of dying are “healthier.”

      One lesson I draw from these facts is that access to care is not the key to human health. Guatemalan kids are likelier than Texas kids to have access to medical care. But they don’t benefit from the safe clean water, safe healthy food, and strong health infrastructure that most Texas kids enjoy. So, Guatemalan kids get diarrheal diseases (like cholera) that Texas kids are unlikely to ever get. Even though it may be easier for them to see a doctor and get basic health care, access to care can’t make up for deficits in the basic public health infrastructure.

      As a medical student, I would also note that literally millions of Texans also face the kinds of conditions you’re describing in Guatemala: long lines, being denied care, and getting second-rate care at charity clinics. See my article Texas’ Other Death Penalty for more on the shortcomings of the Texas charity care “system.”

      Thanks for being such a thoughtful reader.

  • cheesemaster

    This column in no way refutes any evidence, anecdotal or otherwise which purports to claim that the influx of aliens has brought diseases and infestations which have been largely eradicated in the US. It simply is a smoke screen built on non sequiturs. It is overtly devoid of any fact-based argument.

  • BarryBarry

    Yet the evidence is clear that they are disease ridden. Such simple facts lost on people who would have us believe they are so incredibly smart.

    • Robin


  • Dantes

    Great. They can go back then, secure in the knowledge that they have universal health care in a wonderful country.

  • unclebarb

    If healthcare is so great there, then ship them back home. This is asinine. Doesn’t sound like “refugees” at all. I guess they are just illegal immigrants after all.

    • SophieCT

      Maybe there is no vaccination against being murdered by gang members, moron.

      • 1bimbo

        that’s what the kids say in chicago.. and detroit.. and in LA

  • Francesco Zerilli

    If the healthcare is so wonderful in Guatemala, then why are they flocking to the United States where according to Rachel, we are sub third world? Is she so stupid to not realize the hypocrisy of her own article?

    • SophieCT

      Maybe there is no vaccination against being murdered by gang members.

  • Donna Davenport

    Fantastic article. Thanks for this.

  • mike

    Rachel has written a very politically correct article that seeks to allay fears associated with the child immigrants that are illegally crossing our borders. I have found her comments concerning BCG vaccination interesting and worth considering. I have also found her remarks concerning vaccination status of Central American children worthwhile to consider. However, I think that the most disconcerting issues involve the fact that (1) we don’t know the immunization status of the children crossing the border and (2) no one seems interested in verifying this information. Actually, it seems that the status of these immigrants is being kept quite secret by HHS. Evidently, the vast majority of child coming across the border are from the poorest, most underdeveloped areas of Central America with the least resources to give us assurance that immunizations have actually occurred in the first place. Although, TB may not be as big of a concern as we have been told, Rachel conveniently avoided discussion of dengue, chikungunya, Chagas, bacterial pneumonia, lice, scabies, Hanson’s, and many other possible contagious diseases for which there are NO vaccinations. Moreover, Rachel has not addressed either the increased burden of disease nor the costs that this invasion will impose on the US healthcare system. I can understand this as she is still a student and idealism reigns in this era of life. Certainly, the print media chose Rachel as her messaging is consistent with a politically correct editorial. However, many infectious disease physicians have alerted the public to infectious disease problems arising from this invasion and I would recommend that Rachel study her infectious diseases a bit more carefully. I would also encourage Rachel to read about how immigration has spread disease from a historical perspective. Obviously, Rachel is a very smart girl so she can do the necessary research to verify that her assumptions concerning immigration and the spread of disease are inaccurate.

    • nvrbl

      ” , many infectious disease physicians have alerted the public to infectious disease problems arising from this invasion ” Who? because every scientist and physician familiar with the situation says the exact opposite.

      • mike

        Hey Nvrbl, please provide references to support your assertion.

        • nvrbl

          You were the one making vague statements. ” Many…………..say blah blah blah is not a reference.

          • mike



          • mike

            I am able to provide documentation to every assertion that I have made.
            Please research the following physicians and their comments concerning
            medical issues that we face from this influx of aliens: Dr. Jane
            Orient, an internal medicine specialist and the Executive Director of
            the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), Dr.
            Elizabeth Lee Vliet–a preventive medicine physician and former Director
            of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), Dr.
            Elaina George, a board-certified otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat

  • yura1968

    I never seen so many illogical and false statements in one single article. Evidently the author is counting on people’s ignorance (and lack of reasoning) to make them believe that we have nothing to worry. Here are some assumptions the author makes about illegal immigrant children…

    “The vast majority of Central Americans are vaccinated against all these
    diseases. Governments concerned about health, and good parents investing
    in their kids, have made Central American kids better-vaccinated than
    Texan kids”

    “According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Guatemalan
    kids are more likely than Texans to be immunized for most infectious
    diseases. Guatemala has universal health care. Vaccines are 100 percent
    funded by the government.”

    Even though it is true that many governments in central and south America paid 100% for child vaccinations (due to their laws) and everybody should be immunized (in the wonderful land of dreams), a lot of those governments are bankrupt and have been bankrupted for many years, which leads to many hospitals there not having the vaccines they are supposed to give to everybody (not just children). In fact, many hospitals there are the last place people want to be taken to when they are sick or injured.

    “…Vaccines are 100 percent funded by the government.” So we are supposed to assume this statement is an assurance of sorts???? and where is that money taken from by those governments to pay for all that? oh, yeah, UN or IMF funding by the American people, right? I don’t know why I feel I should be twice as worried by knowing this fact if I never heard of it before.

    “UNICEF reports that 93 percent of kids in Guatemala, Honduras and El
    Salvador are vaccinated against measles. That’s better than American
    kids (92 percent)” … and the reporting agencies are no other than the governments that get their financial support from the UN to carry out all those welfare programs. What do you think they are going to say? “well, we didn’t quite vaccinated everybody we were supposed to because our comandate took half the money for this villa…”

    “By comparison, one in six kids in Texas is uninsured, and even insured
    families often must pay for vaccination. That means that many Texas kids
    fall behind on vaccinations, or miss them altogether when their family
    can’t afford a doctor’s visit. Other families refuse vaccination” Apparently our own government posting of free vaccines for those who cannot afford them is somehow not true, but the UN report of some banana republic government welfare is 100% truthful… (oh, yeah, BY THE WAY, the CDC offers those free vaccines for those who cannot afford them:

    “…By contrast, according to the World Health Organization, neither
    Guatemala nor Honduras has had a reported case of measles since 1990.” so I guess lack of information is good news; no reports, no problems. Now, if you go there, check out what our government thinks you should be aware of…

    Never mind measles… you may be killed in many other ways once you are there…

    I guess the smart readers can continue fact checking on their own; I really don’t have the time to go over every paragraph this author invented in his wonderful world of ignorance…

  • yourmusicteach

    A country vaccinating because it cares for it’s children? Good parents vaccinating because they love their children? Sending your children away is not care or love! They could have built an army to destroy the cartels with all the illegals that have come up here! Come ON!

  • JVP

    I dont’ believe the stats that the author presents, and others who have commented earlier convincingly highlight the flaws. But skip that….. even if “93%” of the children in Guatemala are vaccinated (flawed metric, but let’s roll with it)…..does anyone maybe think that it’s the other “7%”, the most under-privileged, that are flooding our border? The author, Rachel, is an idiot, or to be more kind, disingenuous.

  • Barack

    This picture clearly shows they are not children. The diseases are not overstated if one looks at how easily our population can be overwhelmed by them. Think back to societies which were devastated by simple diseases. The early natives of this country and South America were killed off by smallpox and measles.
    Our current society is not resistant to simple diseases which had essentially been eradicated in our society.
    Please think before you allow feelings to overrule rational thought.

  • Hal von Luebbert

    Excuse me, but when a few – less than twenty, as I recall – cases of “bird flu” were reported a few years ago, how did the liberals media and liberals behave? When AIDS first reared its ugly head, what was it the liberal media told us about risk (it was ALL lies, as any mathematician could determine – just from the “statistics” and “data” liberals were providing). What would happen to me, were I to attempt entry into any civilized nation on the globe without an immunization record (I was in the military, and my “shot” record reads like a state budget)? How many infected children is require to start an epidemic (all my life, I’ve been told the number is ONE)?

    In short – and, believe me, I could cite enough of this sort of thing to fill that damned book of which I just spoke – is there NOTHING political extremists like this liberal won’t politicize? Next, a Kristen Powers will when an epidemic occurs that “there have always been diseases” (recently, she answered a question concerning the sky-rocketing costs of insurance on account of Obamacare by saying “costs were going up anyway”).

    What worries me as much as the threat of a pandemic is the staggeringly stupid, baffle-babble contagious stupidity of people like this (liberal?) writer.

  • ReformSchool

    Aren’t students great? They have all the answers to none of the questions!

    • 1bimbo


  • Warmac9999

    How about mdr and xdr TB, or doesn’t that count. How about bacterial pneumonia, or doesn’t that count. How about scabies,more doesn’t that count. How about bioterrorism, or doesn’t that count. This article is deliberate distortion and mockery. If Central America is such a paradise of medical protections for its citizenry, then why not send the illegals back?

  • Mark Wester

    Bigot, racist, homophobes, islamaphobes, ……just another response of the left, libtards, satin/obama worshipers….coming out of their roosts…..Anyone….Anyone who thinks that immunizations south of the boarder is better than that of Texas or even North America….you got to be smoking crack!!!!

    • amytales

      “Satin worshipers”? LOL! I didn’t know that there were people who worshiped cloth, Mr. Brilliance. And yes, let’s disregard anything that you FEEL couldn’t possibly be correct (rather than acknowledging that the statistics cited came from somewhere and checking out the credibility of the source).

  • 1bimbo

    so central americans are escaping socialism, their failed universal healthcare system, corrupt governments and drug cartels.. being told they can come to america for free healthcare, amnesty, welfare and to create a pathway for more of their families.. sounds like a democrat’s utopia.. welcome to the american nightmare

    • William Harris

      the nightmare is the US involvement in the region since the 40’s supporting business interests buy overthrowing governments and reagan defying congress and illegally selling arms to right wight para military groups. reagan like all republicans are always scared of something but never realize that world events do not happen in a vacuum.

      • 1bimbo

        you must be having an acid flashback.. after your crash, come back and try debating today’s news

        • Big Cat

          oh yeah you’re right history starts the moment you hear about something

          • 1bimbo

            still blaming the guy you replaced at work, i see.. the modern day donkey party owns this one

          • Big Cat

            thought you were busy fighting other people and defending ole’ dixie

          • Big Cat

            The rally, which was also an interfaith prayer vigil, was meant to counter hundreds of planned “anti-amnesty” protests across the country over the Obama administration’s handling of the surge. Only three people showed up nearby as part of the national anti-immigrant protests. They said they expected others to arrive, but also speculated they may have “gotten the wrong address.”

            which out of the 3 were you


  • Kenneth Browning

    I wonder if people are aware of the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act? Oh, I forgot, it was signed into law before Obama was elected. Fox news has no reason to mention it though. And we all know, only King Reagan is allowed to grant amnesty.

  • Lore Earll

    This is easily one of the dumbest women in the world. That or she understands that libs are some of the MOST IGNORANT and will believe ANYTHING. Wow.

  • Kat

    Let me guess..leftist newspaper? If they have universal healthcare for all and the country is so progressive please explain why they are surging over our border? This reporter makes Guatemala sound like heaven..if so they should immediately be returned

  • Kendon Wheeler

    I’ll address some of your points one by one.

    “Guatemala has universal health care. Vaccines are 100 percent funded by the government.”

    If by universal health care and the fact that vaccines are 100 percent funded by the government, you mean that there are government health clinics available in some places, overcrowded and vastly under-resourced government hospitals that do not have sufficient supplies and medications to perform the most basic of health procedures on a timely basis, and that even though the vaccines may be available, many, many children in poor and rural areas are not vaccinated, then you are correct.

    “Fact check: UNICEF reports that 93 percent of kids in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are vaccinated against measles. That’s better than American kids (92 percent).”

    After having lived here for 26 years, caring and educating children, and having met with the country directors of UNICEF, we learned a long time ago to take their statistics with a grain of salt. Ditto for WHO on the 90% claim of TB vaccinations.

    I think it would be interesting to ask the Mexicans why they are not only allowing children to enter their country illegally and be subject to life-threatening situations with the narcs and gangs, but they are actually encouraging it. See this article:

  • Duardo Paz-Martinez

    The disease I see is White Guys fearing their demise…

    • 1bimbo

      such horsesh(*)t race-baiting.. everybody including brown people are sick of it.. in my family there are many races including white people, pendejo.. you’re as ugly a bigot as those ‘white’ people you criticize..

  • J William Pope

    If Central American governments are so concerned about health, and parents are so good, why are they sending all these kids to the USA?

    • ComradeAnon

      They are concerned about their LIVES. There is no vaccination against getting shot by a gang.

      • 1bimbo

        these guys are recruiting.. so those kids will be granted safe passage as soon as they join

  • Carl Perkins

    if this article is true, then it seems the kids have been taken care of and don’t need to flee to the USA where they may not get as good of socialized health care. They should stay in Central America where their government and parents take care of them.

  • M Dondarrion

    Georgia GOPer Congressman Phil Gingrey needs to be kicked out of Congress asap. This is just yet another reason to vote him out come November – among many many others, such as supporting Rumsfeld when he didn’t want to provide OUR soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan with protective armour from landmines.

    Plus these REFUGEE children are running for their LIVES, trying to find a safe harbor from the death and terror that certainly awaits them back in their homeland. SHAME on the U.S. traitorous taliban aka far right wing tea baggers. We turned back the refugees from Hitler’s takeover during WWII and now this too?

  • 1bimbo

    not to worry, the illegals are about to be quarantined …
    ‘The Obama administration has awarded a $50 million contract to a charitable group to buy a Texas resort hotel and transform it in to a 600 bed facility for juvenile illegal aliens. The beautiful Palm Aire resort and hotel has an indoor Olympic sized pool and an outdoor pool. Free Wi-Fi and cable TV are included in the simply decorated guest rooms. The Palm Aire Hotel and Suites is set to be sold to Baptist Child & Family Services (BCFS) operating under a federal contract, pending local government approval, according to reports from Weslaco, Texas where the hotel is located. Weslaco is a few miles north of the Rio Grande in Hidalgo County…’


      I assume that you are joking. But still, would not want any children put in care of Baptists. Better to put them with a real Christian group.

      • 1bimbo
        • JOHN KLINE

          I think all of that has to be a parody. But I was raised as a Southern Baptist in Louisiana and I know they would not be involved. They are too much hate-filled racists and bigots.

          • 1bimbo

            not true where i live, aside from the catholics, southern baptists donate the most money, volunteer the most time and host foreign children in their homes more than anyone

          • JOHN KLINE

            Well in my area of NE Louisiana it is not like that. I lived through integration and the Civil Rights Act passing. The Southern Baptists here were very much against it. Because of that I left the Southern Baptist church. They can be as mean-spirited, bigoted, racist as anyone.

          • 1bimbo

            i’m leery of the use of the words ‘bigoted and racist’ from liberals.. you wield those words the same way the slave masters used to wield the word n*66er.. my experience with southern baptists in texas is very different from yours.. painting southern baptists with such a broad brush would be like saying all illegals are criminal freeloaders

          • JOHN KLINE

            I was not calling the Southern Baptists in my region names. I was describing how they act. Maybe they are better where you live, even if it is Texas. But in 66 years, I have seen nothing to change my mind here. I am glad they seem to be better in Texas because Texans seem to have gone crazy with their politicians and actions. As for liberals using the term racist and bigoted, it is because more and more that is the way people seem to be thinking. It is getting almost as bad as back in the 50’s and 60’s when I was young.

  • SettingTheRecordStraight2

    What is this? A flailing attempt to try to prevent the widespread panic across the nation from the pandemic that is going to result from letting them all in here? Having worked in the health care field for 18 years, I can tell you that TB runs rampant with illegals, as does scabies. This is not to be taken lightly. It really sounds like you are trying to keep people from panicking. They need to.

    • Michael T

      Why then are immigrants from Mexico not exhibiting this same high potential for a pandemic that you suggest?

      • SettingTheRecordStraight2

        They haven’t been coming over in the droves they are now. There are no signs now, but it is coming. I am not “so fearful of it”. I work in the medical field and have for 18 years. I have seen what they bring over multiple times. A pandemic is coming. It won’t be immediate, but it is coming. I have worked in the medical field too long not to know. So stick to what you are good at, speculation.

        • Michael T

          All I ask is that you keep an open mind and view these reports with a touch of skepticism. Scare tactics are the stock in trade of the conservative media.

          • SettingTheRecordStraight2

            Yes, you are exactly proving my point. You are all lying to keep people from panicking.

  • Michael T

    Very well written and researched.

    Kudos for setting the record straight.

    Now someone needs to fact check the VP of the National Border Patrol Council who made a claim on Fox News that “A lot of our guys are coming down with scabies and lice.” How many is “a lot?”

    • 1bimbo

      5? 10? 100? is that too many?

      • Michael T

        If he offers no evidence, we both lose.

  • RODA

    Hello my name is roda, I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 3 years now I have being a HIV AID patient. I never think I live long again and am so grateful about DR LAWCY who cured my HIV AIDS last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends, he told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my HIV. I asked her if she con give to me the contact of this GREAT SPELL CASTER, she gave me his email, I emailed him he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and gave to me some herbs to take which I did and he told me that after two weeks I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so I emailed him and thanked him. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him/ You can contact him on his email on [email protected], and he will also help you……………

  • Pf Wag

    Yo Ms Pearson: how about giving the rest of the facts on TB as it involves illegal aliens and other foreign-born people? Like:

    Tuberculosis: US-Born Children of Immigrants at High Risk

    Addressing the Challenges of TB Elimination Among Foreign-Born Persons

    Dangerous Health Issues Associated with Illegal Immigration
    By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh

    Tuberculosis (TB): Illegal Immigrants Bring Serious New Threats
    By Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D. –

    Plan to Combat Extensively Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis Recommendations of the Federal Tuberculosis

    And since you are a student, why don’t you educate yourself on the 1990 TB Epidemic in New York City:


    Turning that tide cost the taxpayers $1B. In today’s dollars that would be $1,850,000,000. If it had been XDR TB, multiply that by about 25. I assume a grad student can do the math but that would be $46.3 BILLION. And that is just one city, albeit a rather large city.

    It has already been documented, and you “neglected” to mention that many illegal aliens with regular TB don’t complete the course of drugs. Get one with XDR TB in a school and every child in the school could come down with it.

    (Ms Pearson knows it but also didn’t mention that TB is highly contagious.)

    You ready to risk that and put it on all those innocent children for the sake of for your bleeding heart compassion?

  • L G

    People are extremely poorly educated on this topic. They believe one side or the other to the extremes and the facts, as usual, are somewhere in the middle. Unless this hypocritical “Christian” nation takes in these “children” average age, 14, at their own expense, adopts them into their own homes, and are totally monetarily responsible for them, they should shut up!!

    This countries cities are tossing out their homeless, men, women, children, teens, and veterans!! Look it up!! It is a fact!!

    Yet, we welcome in illegals by the thousands each monthly…children or not!! Most of these “children”—minors average age is 14. They are not little kids or babies!! They are not orphans either!!! They have families and relatives at “home”!!! The are trying to take advantage of our laws which were made to allow this, which the law makers did not have this craziness in mind when working them up!!

    But, let us bring in thousand more daily into our country that we will then need to take care of that are crossing our southern borders illegally each day from other countries!! Sure, that makes sense!!

    I posted just yesterday how a group of homeless in Lorain, Ohio were given until Monday to leave. Worse than that, the cops came in while they were all of taking showers at some center, and tore up the homeless belonging and many of their tents…the things that help them to survive!!!! There are multiple cities now doing this!! Disgusting. Guess if they are not presented with little “innocent” children’s faces, no one gives a damn!! This stuff is going on everywhere. I saw a new one today in another city on my news group!

    Yup, who cares about our citizens! We need to make room and find funds for thousands of illegals whose lives back home are lousy, so they can have a better life here at our citizen tax payers expense!! Money for these illegals is not coming out of the country they left to take care of them here!! Why not use that money instead for our legal citizens; for our homeless men, women, children, and whole families, and our veterans living on our streets?!! Nope!! Cant do. Illegals are much more important!!

    NO!!! I am NOT against immigration!! Our country was built on immigrants who came here with skills, build businesses, made jobs for others, and took care of their own without any money, food, clothing, housing, education and more handed to them from the government!! This immigrants came to work and help this country grow, not live off of it!! Moochers back then knew no one would take care of them. Many teens came in back them too. They knew no one was going to give them a free ride though. They worked or they starved. They contributed to the community or the community tossed them out!!!

    Today’s immigration is not the same as others. Everyone wants to say it is, but it is simply not true!!! MY families roots came in as business people! Bakers, tailors, builders, carpenters, and more. They did not come with their hands out!!! They came with working hands to grows and make a community better, not to drain it’s resources!!

    Canada and most countries will not take anyone in legally unless they can show they can support themselves and not be a burden to their country!! Oddly enough, so do the very countries that these illegals are coming from now and pouring into our country from!! You can’t go to Belize, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, and all the other “south of the border” counties these people and minors are coming from. YOU have to have legal papers to live there and a way and means to support yourself so you do not drain THEIR countries resources. What an idea, eh??

    I just do not think at this time the USA can afford to take in more illegals!!! We have millions right now that we can’t afford already. And a great many we have no idea where they are or who they are!! Our economics are already suffering. Americans cannot find jobs. There is not enough money for services for the needy already and those keep getting cut more and more! Elderly are making choices on whether to eat of=r buy medications to stay alive. Children in school are being turned down food if their “account” have no money in them. People on the streets now are told to leave…to where? Who cares!!!

    Many fear illness and diseases with this vast amount of people pouring in! The vast majority of Central Americans are vaccinated against all these diseases many say, so no fear of diseases. Yet, other articles show otherwise, with an influx of many illnesses, large lice infestations, outbreaks of scabies and more health issues, many due to the crowded conditions because there are no places to put all these people to process them all! Where do you put over 250 children crossing over to the USA EACH DAY!??? Do people even think for a second about this!! The border towns have no way to handle this!! What city does??? And people wonder why border towns are getting upset. Tell the government YOU want 250 new children coming into your town each day? Then they can ship them to you!! Hope you all speak Spanish and your city has enough money to take care of all their immediate needs!!!

    57,000 unaccompanied children, mostly from Central America, have been apprehended crossing the US border illegally since last October to May. (Many uncounted got away to simply disappear into the interior of the USA.) That is about 1,780 each WEEK!!! 250 a DAY! That does Not including adults, or adults with children!!!

    All OTHERS totaled 112,000—16,000 a MONTH—4,000 a WEEK—572 a DAY!! Seeing the issue you here yet, people?? Totals of BOTH equals 822 new people a day, with no means of support entering our country each DAY!!!

    Plus, if these people, including all the thousands of children, do not have their shots records with them, guess what? (Do you really think they are all carrying their shots records with them when they cross?) They will all need to be vaccinated all over again!!! At the taxpayers expense!

    Where are all these children going to go to school?? Our educational system is already underfunded, understaffed and crowded now! They don’t speak English. So, they will need special educational settings!! MORE tax payers money out the window for people who shouldn’t even be here!! Money for housing, food, clothing all the other necessities of life…money that could be better spent on citizens of this country!!

    People are not thinking!!! They have no idea what the reality of all this is!! This is not about a few children, with their pitiful dirty smiling faces needing help!! Up to 100,000 of them are expected by years end!! Double that the next few years if nothing is done!!

    Many will be shipped back!! Guess at whose expense?? Not at their home counties expense for sure!!! And yes, lots of illegals are shipped back “home”!!!

    Everyone name calls others, but without any knowledge of the reality of this. Look at the comments here. That side is to blame because….No the other side is to blame because…Both major parties are trying to blame the other one when BOTH are at fault in this!! Bush signed the paper work in 2008 that is being used for this, even though it was not meant to due to a loophole the fools drawing it up never saw! Other blame Obama with their overactive imagination, again, trying, of course to make him the bad guy!! I for one think Obama has no idea what to do because he can’t please both sides!! So, because he knows for a fact no matter what he does, even if it is the best For Pete’s sake can they all work on anything to get something done for the good of us all???

    Our “leaders” really need to stop tossing the ball back and forth! This is not a game of “hot potato”!! And people, you really need to research this and stop thinking this is about a bunch of innocence little kids needing help!! It is not!!! It is a whole lot deeper and a whole lot more complex!!!

    Oh, too, all you “Christians” out there. Walk the walk; do not simply and easily talk the talk and criticize. The USA claims to be made up of 77% Christians! In the 2001 survey that is 35 million people!!

    That is more than enough Christians to step up to this issue and each family adopt one of these “fatherless” minors, all 100,000 expected by years end that we are all talking about!! After all, most those “children” are also Christian since all their homelands are also Christian…which those countries seem to forget also, since they are not taking care of their own either!!

    Otherwise, you are a hypocrite, and we all know what Jesus says about them!!! Do this for your “country”; be patriotic! Do this for all the “pitiful” minors crossing over who need your help, and the problem is solved. (Note, too, that most those “children” coming here lived rough street fighting lives!! Many were in gangs and many were arrested or did illegal things to fill their families needs and their own!! Better put the jewelry away!! Or the guns or anything you have valuable laying around!)

    YOU get them English lessons, you put them in your school system. YOU feed, cloth and shelter them….and not one penny from your government!!

    How many “Christian” takers???? Didn’t think so!! So much for “Christians” taking care of the poor like Jesus said. But, what did I expect? Christians do not take care of the poor here either. So very “Christ-like” of them!! So, you all either step up or shut up!!

    Otherwise, with no other realistic solution in sight, we really truly need to at least temporarily close our borders to all illegals and ship everyone back!! Knowing they cant just pop in here and be taken care of the rest of their lives on the USA tax payer’s money, it will stop the influx. No one will want to go through all the trouble to come if they know they will be sent right back!

    If we ever get back on our feet financially in this country, where we can afford to help others besides our own citizens, reopen the borders and take in legals only just like most every other country!!! Make everyone work as hard as some do, legally, to come and stay already!! How fair is it to the ones doing entry to this country legal and proper if we simply let anyone in illegally!!??

  • Faye Hall
  • Jeff Wagner

    Any of you bigots of Irish ancestry? Or Italian? Or Polish, or German, or Japanese? All those immigrants were demonized just like you bigots are demonizing the Central Americans. You’re just like chickens – you’ll peck to death anyone different than you are. Shame on you.

    • 1bimbo

      minorities who are citizens are just as p i s s e d and stand to lose the most out of all of this.. there have been millions of legal immigrants come to the US since the height of the ellis island immigration in the 1920s.. all those nationalities you named were processed and given legal entry as opposed to wave after wave of the overfed future welfare queens we see everyday coming here to look to uncle sam to be their sugar daddy.. there are 100,000,000 people from various nations around the world gaining legal entry every year.. why your favoritism towards central americans?

  • blevinslaw

    It seems to me that Americans with children of school age would be very reluctant to send them to school where they may come in contact with children who are carrying diseases. I don’t have any or I would keep them home rather than see them sick because of a government that is more in favor of the illegal than the legal.

  • Bob

    Breaking news(Sept 7)…. Unidentified Respiratory Virus Hit Kids Across Country. Obama supporters are in denial.

  • Travis Fleenor
  • chicagoisademocraticdump

    Oh what a bs article. Yeah I guess thats why we mysteriously get a new unknown disease where kids are becoming paralyzed about 30 days after all these filthy illegals are forced upon Americans through a liberal policy of not turning away people breaking the law. Obama and the CDC are creating a banana republic environment and that is why we have EBOLA spreading and other “new diseases” completely foreign and unknown to this country. People don’t bathe down in these countries and don’t have the same level of Hygiene and that is a fact. Thus they have high amounts of epidemics, diseases that we are not used to. Shame on this President. He is a complete liar who is putting his own residents at great risk because he is not smart enough and doesn’t care enough of his own residents. He is ALWAYS on the side of illegal aliens.

  • Chic Magnet Bailey

    A million dollars to anyone modifying Ebola to attach to liberals !

  • M_Young

    Uh, the Irish immigrant, Typhoid Molly, really did spread the disease. She continued to work as a cook even after being told not to by those dastardly ‘nativist’ health authorities.

    Also, she was not ‘imprisoned’ for life, she was quarantined (after recklessly endangering public health).

    As for today, how about this

    The high school in question is about 50 percent ‘Latino’ and 48 percent Asian. Almost certainly the TB comes from immigrant families.

  • Caljoe

    Have you heard of the D-68 virus?

  • snowcloud

    Nothing to see here. Move along now!

  • snowcloud

    I wonder how many of these kids were allowed to go to Sidwell School for girls, the school of the Obama daughters; I mean, there is NO DANGER WHATSOEVER of infection, right? Good question!

  • Amy Judd

    Rachel Johnson is ignorant and has not done her homework! These people are killing our children.

  • Amy Judd
  • Gurcharan Kaur

    I am Gurcharan Kaur from New York. I was in trouble when doctor told me that I have been diagnosed with HIV… I though about my children and my husband, I know my children will face a serious problem when I’m gone, I lost hope and I wept all day, but one day I was surfing the internet I found Dr. Oraede’s contact number. I called him and he guided me. I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for my health. Thank God, now everything is fine, I’m cured by Dr. Oraede herbal medicine, I’m very thankful to Dr. Oraede and very happy with my hubby and children. email him on [email protected]; [email protected], call him on +2349038604218, email me on [email protected]…….

  • cynthia

    ([email protected]).D R ezomo is the only Dr who could ever get
    my HIV-AIDS cured with his healing spell, I have tried almost
    everything but I couldn’t find any solution on my disease, despite all
    these happening to me, I always spend a lot to buy a HIV drugs from
    hospital and taking some several medications but no relieve, until one
    day I was just browsing on the internet when I come across a great post
    of! Michelle! who truly said that she was been diagnose with HIV and was
    healed that very week through the help of these great powerful healing
    spell doctor, sometime I really wonder why people called him DR
    ezomospellhome I never knew it was all because of the great and perfect
    work that he has been doing that is causing all this. so I quickly
    contacted him, and he ask me some few questions and he said a thing I
    will never forget that anyone who contacted him is! always getting his
    or her healing in just 6 hours after doing all he ask you, so I was
    amazed all the time I heard that from him, so I did all things only to
    see that at the very day which he said I will be healed, all the
    strength that has left me before rush back and I becomes very strong and
    healthy, this disease almost kills my life all because of me, so I went
    to hospital to give the final test to the disease and the doctor said I
    am HIV negative, I am very amazed and happy about the healing Dr
    ezomospellhome gave to me from the ancient part of Africa, you can email
    him now for your own healing too at [email protected]