Presents of Mind

December 19, 2008 - 3:10 pm 19 Comments

The holidays are upon us and, as a native Virginian, I will be heading north in order to celebrate with family and friends, and play with my nephews, and by “play,” I mean the old “Get Auntie Drinkie another glass of wine” game. They seem to like it, and it makes Christmas much more enjoyable for me. Win. Win.

Usually I get fairly nostalgic at this time of year, as I look back on my childhood and reflect on how easy life was then, when everything was paid for and I had my own room and my biggest concern was whether or not I would get the Holly Hobbie EZ-bake oven. Spoiler: I did but I had to share it with my sister. The oven lost some of its appeal when we realized that a mini light bulb does not really produce enough heat to cook miniature pies.

I grew up Catholic (which explains a lot) and we did the whole advent calendar, nativity scene, school Christmas pageant, caroling thing, but let’s face it: Baby Jesus or not, my sisters and I were in it for the presents. That’s not so unusual for a child who thinks that the world revolves around them. Now, for a grown woman, it’s a little delusional but that’s a story for another time and another place. (My memoirs from rehab.)

So I thought, in the interest of the secular, I would list some of my all-time favorite Christmas presents from the lost days of my youth. You’ll notice that most of them are doll-related, because my parents wanted to do everything in their power to perpetuate traditional gender stereotypes.

10. Victorian dollhouse strategically hidden in our basement under a sheet by my parents. Came with Victorian dollhouse people, including a dad that we just stuck on the top of the roof every time we played with it because he was “at work.”

9. A baby doll that came in a suitcase with little baby clothes. I named her Sugar Plum, kept her in a crib by my bed, and dreamed of the day when I would have my own baby. Funny, I never dreamed that one day, I would have my very own blog.

8. Cabbage Patch preemie. Note the “preemie.” I love the thought of a bunch of crazed parents fighting over who gets the premature baby doll. Just what you want your daughter to play with. In her make-believe NICU.

7. Large Barbie Doll head. Just the head, so I could put crayon-like make-up on her until she looked like a hooker. At the time, I thought she was beautiful.

6. Belle, Snoopy’s sister. My sister had Snoopy but I wanted Snoopy in a dress. Hence, Belle.

5. Atari. Enough said. (A game of Pong, anyone?)

4. Strawberry Shortcake dolls. If memory serves, and it rarely does, I had Strawberry Shortcake, Blueberry Muffin, Lemon Meringue, and Peach Blossom. All of these wonderful scented dolls, piled on top of each other in a corner of my room. The stench was overwhelming.

3. One of my first albums. Wham. Make it big.

2. Simon. The electronic “memory” game. When it was low on batteries, it sounded like a dying cow.

And my number one present:

1. Irish sweaters and matching hats from my parents, who had traveled to Ireland earlier that year. Without us. We had to stay home with a babysitter. Which meant we got to eat Doritos.

My parents had sweaters too, so we were like the ultimate dork Irish sweater family. And I loved it.


19 Responses to “Presents of Mind”

  1. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    “Irish sweaters and matching hats from my parents …” And matching mittens!

  2. Pinkie Swear Says:

    I still have all my Strawberry Shortcake figurines, including the big strawberry to store them in. I know you are all jealous.

  3. The Other Guy Says:

    Have a great holiday. Heck, have several great holidays. I say we should all celebrate everyone’s religious holiday.

  4. Easy Pickin's Says:

    Here here.

  5. Potted Meat Says:

    Being a very diverse music lover, IMO the Wham album has really stood the test of time.

    “Careless Whisper” is one heck of a song, and the album flows.

    I don’t know much about dolls, but through the years of umpteen kazillion Barbies, we ended up with a rather large bag of Barbie heads, which we still tote around, and occasionally it gets opened (WTF is this !?!) and everyone looks and laffs till they snort or cry or both. good times.

    Pong rocks.

    So Pl, and all, have yourself a Very Merry and safe Christmas, and as BobH said , Thanks for the Memories.

    /We used to always watch ” The Bells of St. Mary’s”, which is on right now, and is kind of a Catholic thing ,I guess.

    // And Yep, Happy all religious Holidays, and to those who celebrate them, Peace and Hope.

  6. AustinDad Says:

    My favorite was G.I. Joe Frogman (one of those boy dolls) which explains a lot.

    I don’t agree with everything the Kinkster says but it seems a quote is a appropriate, “May the god of your choice bless you.”

    Enjoy your Auntie Drinkie Christmas Cheer ™ and travel safely.

    /Just not at the same time.

  7. eileen Says:

    I never got the strawberry carrying case. I hate you.

  8. KO Says:

    Wind up rabbit and dart shotgun (double barreled). The gift was actually purchased for a younger cousin, but I co-oped it immediately and he probably didn’t get to shoot the rabbit until Easter.

  9. Christmas Treehugger Says:

    Merry Holidays yall. Just remember you’ve got pagans to thank for that whole tree thing…allegedly. Say what you will but those pagans could PARTY (just be sure to conveniently ignore that whole human sacrifice thing). Be sure to kiss your sweety under the mistletoe also (another spiffy pagan-related tradition). I thought about changing my alias like so many in honor of ITPT going mainstream, but the more I find out about tree trivia the more I like it. Yall will just have to continue to tolerate the name, thorns, dry rot, fungal infections, and the overall shady character that goes with it.

    Travel safe, hug your loved ones, call an old friend. Plant a tree. Don’t wear Fir.

  10. Potted Meat Says:

    Merry and happy to you.

    TH, your bark has always been worse than your blight. Keep the name. After 4 or 5 different directions, I have settled on pm, or just meat, given the velocity of my fastball, and the complete inability to know where it is going…….

    / It’s like A Hard Candy Christmas.

  11. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Definitely pro-pagan, here. Everyone have a great holiday!

  12. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    Wishing all my pink friends a happy winter celebration of the birth of the god or reality of your choosing.


  13. KO Says:

    My dearest Tree, I thought of you (and Lush)on the 21st when I celebrated the winter solstice by watching a glorious West Texas sunset with a great glass of Texas wine sipped around the new fire pit. Even my Baptist mother seems to enjoy the camaraderie of the fire pit; I do believe it is genetic (the elemental pull of the season and the fire, not the Baptist bull shit).

  14. anonymouse Says:

    I had the strawberry carrying case, the blueberry muffin, the girl with green hair… all lost to the sands of time.

    I can’t believe nobody is showing Elf on Christmas. Such a shame.

  15. anonymouse Says:

    I also got a great birthday picture of a little girl burning holes in my brand new butterfly toy thing that SS rode around in with her friends that Little Girl In Question had just given me for said birthday.

    She’s like – half a second from biting.

  16. anonymouse Says:

    ^^burning holes with her eyes^^

  17. Simone Kerr Says:

    Stumble upon your blog. I grown up as catholic as well but too bad this year I am unable to celebrate Christmas, my company has no holiday…

    Merry Christmas.

  18. Potted Meat Says:

    Celebrate at work. the Baby Jesus will know.

    Merry Christmas.

  19. Potted Meat Says:

    Forgot to list my faves growing up.

    Lionel trains.

    A red bicycle.

    AM transister radio. (I still have it)

    Plywood TeePee my grandpa made.

    Good times.

    Merry and Happy to all my pink friends.

    You are all special to me, and I don’t mean you ride the short bus d:>