Pinpoint an element in a webpage with ease and precision.
Send messages to the console direct from your webpage through Javascript.
Measure your Javascript performance in the Console's Profiler.
Step-by-step interactive debugging in a visual environment.
Look at detailed measurements of your site's network activity.
Tweak and position HTML elements with CSS and the Layout panels.

Recent news

Firebug 2.0.4

The Firebug team released Firebug 2.0.4. This is a maintenance release fixing reported issues and compatibility with new versions of Firefox.


Firebug 2.0.4b1 has also been released to update users on AMO beta channel. This version is exactly the same as 2.0.4.


Firebug 2.0.4 is compatible with Firefox 30 – 35

Firebug 2.0.4 fixes 6 issues.


Please post feedback in the newsgroup, thanks.

Jan ‘Honza’ Odvarko

Firebug 2.0.3

The Firebug team released Firebug 2.0.3. This is a maintenance release fixing reported issues as well as updating couple of locales.


Firebug 2.0.3b1 has also been released to update users on AMO beta channel. This version is exactly the same as 2.0.3.


Firebug 2.0.3 is compatible with Firefox 30 – 32

Firebug 2.0.3 fixes 15 issues.


Please post feedback in the newsgroup, thanks.

Jan ‘Honza’ Odvarko


Firebug 2.0.2

The Firebug team released Firebug 2.0.2. This version represents maintenance release fixing some reported issues.


Firebug 2.0.2b1 has also been released to update users on AMO beta channel. This version is exactly the same as 2.0.2


Firebug 2.0.2 is compatible with Firefox 30 – 32

Firebug 2.0.2 fixes 8 issues.


Please post feedback in the newsgroup, thanks.

Jan ‘Honza’ Odvarko


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