The Children’s Defense Fund has always believed that “children do not come in pieces” and that children need comprehensive, integrated supports and services from birth through adulthood. How does America achieve this goal with the existing fragmented education and health and human services systems? A new Harvard Education Press book, Improving the Odds for America’s Children: Future Directions in Policy and Practice, diagnoses current obstacles to progress and promotes key recommendations for child and family policy going forward. Hillary Rodham Clinton says of the new book: “This important collection of ideas about how to improve the odds for America’s children should be required reading for policy makers across the country.” Order the book today.

Remembering Maya Angelou

Today we mourn the loss of Maya Angelou’s powerful presence. Remember. Pay tribute by listening to her beautiful words and her lyrical poetry.

Michael Tubbs: Shifting the Narrative about Black Male Achievement

An extraordinary young leader who at age 22 became the youngest city council member in Stockton, California, Michael shares his story of growing up poor and Black and male and suggests powerful ways to help others get the education they need to succeed.


Children’s Sabbaths

Prime your congregation for action with this year’s National Observance of Children’s Sabbaths® manual.
Download the manual »

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