Rocking Your Vote

May 29, 2012 - 12:06 pm 11 Comments

This morning while voting in the Democratic primary (yes, I decided against the Republican primary even though it’s much more exciting and I have been known to cross over in the past) I witnessed voter fraud first-hand. I immediately contacted Andy Brown, Travis County Democratic chairman, but then remembered he was conveniently out of the country. Furious, I dialed 911 and when they asked what my emergency was I screamed GET SOMEONE DOWN TO MAPLEWOOD ELEMENTARY STAT. I then explained that the 110-year-old poll worker had let someone into the voting booth without signing in and had me sign in on the wrong line and then she started counting spaces with her old arthritic hand and asking me if I could see whether the signatures matched up with the correct label. The operator told me that this doesn’t constitute an emergency.

Oh, I get it. The subversion of the Democratic process isn’t an emergency. I suppose I should just wait silently and watch my constitutional rights be stripped away while our country descends into complete anarchy. Since the police weren’t going to do anything about it, I started making citizen’s arrests. (Apparently you’re supposed to do this by standing in front of them and firmly saying “Stop!” while telling them them that they’re under citizen’s arrest. It sounds more effective than it is, especially when you’re wearing yoga clothes and walking a pug.)

Aside from Dewhurst v. Cruz, the only thing to really watch for tonight is whether Romney can win enough delegates here to secure the presidential nomination. I’m not entirely sure he can pull it off. Texans don’t like to be ignored. He’s not even going to be here for his victory speech. Instead he’s going to be with Donald Trump in Vegas. COME EAT A CORN DOG WITH US. WE MATTER.

11 Responses to “Rocking Your Vote”

  1. potted meat Says:

    No Replies!?!??!

    Surely this is the second sign of the country going to hell in a shopping cart, the first being, of course, your aforementioned voter fraud!

    With the fix in anyway, at which point in the process, we can only assume, it would seem that ”Walking the Dog”, is more than a great old song, seemingly replaced by ”Who Let the Dogs Out”.

    (the point in the process is obviously at the end, garnishing as much money as possible.)

    Anyway, I can say safely that Barbara Stanwyck can sure smoke some cigarettes! Damn!

    Lastly (those of you who know me know that that is BS) hello to all. I am convalescing and becoming healthy after 8 hospital stays last year.

    Yes, the (pug) shit has hit the fan.again.

    West Texas Hillbilly Reply:

    Welcome back PM! I was gonna be pissed if you went off an died without saying goodbye. Glad you decided to stick around.

    potted meat Reply:

    Thanks! I would never leave yall without letting you know where I went, the golf course, or just the air conditioned honky tonk.

    WT, I have to tell ya, I really nearly bought it; thankfully, I was delerious for 4 days and didn’t know it. Other moment of interest: fueled by too strong a dosage, I went to OKlahoma, asked by some of Willie’s people to take a part in a movie; very real hallucination.

    I wish I knew how to recreate (to be pronounced 2 ways) this effect at will. Awesome.

    For treehugger, and DMwP and others, let it be known that Roy O is now a Ranger, and will be throwing in RR on Saturday. Damn.

    Now I have to let the cat out of the bag.


    However, my wife will still be in Austin for 6 months or so, and I still have kids there.

    So any of you pink mafia wimmins who are down my way, well…..Dos cervezas, por favor! You guys too, I guess.

  2. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    There were no comments, because no one expects ILIIN to post anything before 2:00 or 3:00 in the afternoon, and only then if she’s not on vacation.

  3. West Texas Hillbilly Says:

    3:00pm is like breakfast time for bloggers.

  4. WUSRPH Says:

    I doubt the Republican Secretary of State’s office would qualify what you saw as being “voter fraud”….It would only qualify if the “voter” in question were: a Black or Brown (Republicans don’t accept the “politically correct” terms you’d use), or poor or obvioulsy a liberal…..Other than your husband, there are likely to be few of those in your neighborhood.

  5. Sam in Pearland Says:

    I’m pulling for a Dewhurst/Cruz runoff so we can have two more months of watching them kick each other in the nuts.

    eileen Reply:

    That is horrifying.

    Commie Pinko Reply:

    Honestly, I would really pay money to see that.

  6. Oops, I said it again Says:

    I hope there’s a run off in CD 25. I’ve gotten kind of fond of Roger Williams channeling the Village People in his ads.

  7. WUSRPH Says:

    I don’t know how the Legislature is going to survive without Leo Berman to tell the members what hideous diseases illegal aliens are spreading in our midst and to question everyone’s birth certificates or without Christian to tell them all what a “real conservative believes” on anything and everything. But all is not lost. Debbie Riddle will still be there to protect us all from “anchor babies” and to guarantee our god-given rights to illegal alien maids and lawn boys.