Frequently Asked Questions
Public Information Request - How to submit?
On the Town's website using the Public Info Request Form or in person at the Town Secretary's Office at 2121 Cross Timbers Road during office hours.

Public Participation during a Council meeting - When & how can I speak?

Complete a Public Participation Speaker Form (available on the reception table the day of the meeting)  & submit it to the Town Secretary. The Mayor will call your name at the appropriate time on the agenda. Speakers are normally limited to three minutes. 

Speaker’s Use of Electronic Media during public meetings:
Any person wishing to make a presentation during a public meeting that includes video or another form of electronic media must provide that information in digital format to the Town Secretary’s Office, or other appropriate department, no later than one (1) hour prior to the scheduled starting time of the meeting for review by the staff. Town staff shall review the information as to form and content. The information shall not contain any statements, graphics or pictures that are offensive or reflect personal attacks on other individuals, including but not limited to the Town Council, Board or Commission members, or Town staff. The digital format must be compatible with the Town’s technology equipment. The presentation will be tested prior to the meeting to ensure that it is compatible with the Town’s equipment.

In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the Town Council is restricted in discussing or taking action on items not posted on the agenda. For this reason action on your statement or inquiry by Council or a Town representative is limited to:

  1. a statement of specific factual information given in response to the inquiry; or
  2. a recitation of existing policy in response to the inquiry; or
  3. proposal to place the subject on the agenda for a subsequent meeting.

Town Council Minutes - Where can I find?
Click here for most recent Town Council Minutes

Click here for Town Council Minutes from 2007 - 2011

For Minutes prior to 2007 contact the Town Secretary's Office at or (972) 874-6070.

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