Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The battle for the US Senate *continued

As my Twitter feed to the right suggests, today is a good day to update the upper chamber predictions.  In fact there's already a poll result that contradicts the one I Tweeted a few minutes ago (it has Joni Ernst up four).  That race is going right down to the wire.  And this article notes that 2014, long touted as the Year of the Woman, may just be the Year of the Republican Woman.

Like Booman, I feel some historically extreme amount of uncertainty about my guesses this close to Election Day.  Be that as it may, I'll take some dart throws (sorry, Susan).   But I won't have time to finish my post for publication this morning; too much to do.  That update will appear in this space later this evening, after tonight's town hall on the high speed rail line transiting Texas from Dallas to Houston.

In the meantime, you can read the creeping depression of experts' interpretation of the turnout figures for Texas and Harris County, and also about the pro-marijuana decriminalization movement's newest public convert: Mayor Annise Parker.  I wonder if all of these new Republicans on the precipice of election will listen to their (very stoned) constituents and revisit the state's marijuana laws.

On second thought , I don't wonder about that all.  Like God's response to so many of his supporters' requests... sometimes the answer is no.

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