Left. Left. Left Right Left. He Had a Good Job and he Left.

July 4, 2006 - 1:56 pm 43 Comments

By TJ Shroat

Eileen called me at work on Monday.

Eileen (frantic): “I’m at the beach. Burka is launching his blog while I’m out of town. You have to write something.”
Me (confused): “Who is this?”
Eileen: “Paul Burka. From Texas Monthly. He’s got a blog now.”
Me: “No, who are you?”
Eileen (icily): “This is Eileen.”
Me: “Oh – and who is Paul Burka?”
Eileen: “He’s the Senior Executive Editor of Texas Monthly magazine. Remember, I wrote several posts about his criticism of blogs? And now he’s starting one, the hypocrite. Wait, you don’t read my posts, do you?”
Me: “No – yeah I read ‘em. I just don’t always understand them.”
Eileen: “Well, he’s deliberately starting his blog when I’m out of town on vacation so I can’t rip him a new corn-shoot. Well, he’s not going to get away with this.”
Me: “Burka could have blindfolded himself, thrown a dart at a calendar and probably hit a day that you’re on vacation.”
Eileen: “What?”
Me: “Huh? Nothing.”
Eileen: “He’s deliberately ducking me. He’s my arch-nemesis.”
Me: “I thought Doctor Octopus was your arch-nemesis.”
Eileen: “No, he’s my arch-enemy, and besides, he doesn’t have a blog. Burka is my arch-nemesis. Stop asking me questions and just do what I tell you!”
Me: “Crazybitchsayswhat?”
Eileen: “You’re stupid.”
Me: “No, you’re stupid.”
Eileen: “I hate you.”
Me: “I hate you.”

This is typical of most of our phone conversations.

Because I know what’s good for me, I’m not getting my patriotism on, until I’ve posted Eileen’s opening salvo in the (completely one-sided) ITPT/Burka Blog Battle:

By Eileen Smith
In between pictionary and reading ‘The Kennedy Curse’ (seriously, we are cursed), I just COULDN’T HELP MYSELF from logging on (who knew that Galveston had the Internets?) to sneak a peek at the celebrated new BurkaBlog. And by ‘celebrated,’ I mean ‘at least Evan Smith is reading.’ I think. But back to BurkaBlog. You know, I considered naming In the Pink… EileenBlog. Or SmithBlog. Or BabyGirlBlog. But I don’t have the street cred that Burka does. I just can’t help thinking that the folks over at Texas Monthly could’ve come up with something better than ‘BurkaBlog.’ Like ‘WelcomeTo1998-Here’sOurBlog.’

In Burka’s debut post, “That Blog Will Hunt,” he writes, “I’m taking up residence in the blogosphere but I’m not selling my uptown home.” Well, Paul, thanks for slumming with us. Paul does acknowledge that bloggers need a ‘thick skin.’ Like Lawrence Collins. I kid. After Lawrence’s last lobbying post, he has holed himself up in his duplex, only answering the door for the Mangia pizza man and the occasional single lady.

In all seriousness, the more blogs, the better. And if this experience helps Burka get a little more tech-savvy, perhaps he’ll stop dropping his emails off at the post office.

What’d she say?

43 Responses to “Left. Left. Left Right Left. He Had a Good Job and he Left.”

  1. The Other Guy Says:

    Well, I checked out Burka’s blog only because you pointed out that he had one. No one had commented, so I came back here to tell you that no one was commenting on his blog, so your’s is more popular.

  2. The Other Guy Says:

    Re: 1. The Other Guy

    Damn I wish you spell check on this thing.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    It’s a holiday and I’m on my blog. It’s a sickness. Not even Burka’s blogging.

  4. Pink Lady Says:

    Damn. That was me. I wish this thing had spell check.

  5. lush Says:

    Wow. He posted like four times in 24 hours in the midst of 4th of July. And no comments. None. He should get a life. Wait….I’m posting a comment on your blog on the 4th of July. I should…

  6. pffft Says:

    boring. zzzzzzzzz

  7. pffft Says:

    His post on naming the guv’nor’s crib is soooo pink. You’d get much better names much faster….

  8. txstater Says:

    I posted on his “mansion” thread, but only because I felt sorry for him. The site’s kinda hard to navigate and you have to register and create a blog if you don’t want to post as “anonymous.” I don’t know why I cared about that, but I had to have my user name on there, dammit.

    Also, he has to approve of comments before they post, so it may be that he has not yet read them, is some sort of Blog Nazi, or maybe naming houses and discussing HPD shortfalls is not really all that interesting to sane people.

  9. The Other Guy Says:

    So he makes his blog difficult to use, sort of like an intellectual poll tax. And it’s not so democratic as, say, this blog, where even I can figure it out and comment. Tsk Tsk. Pink Lady, I was going to stay loyal anyway. I’m naturally drawn to the underground, rebel types.

  10. Pink_Taco_Connoisseur Says:

    The real question is how committed is Burka to his blog: Will he track down and retrieve his blog in the face of extreme danger when a pack of young hooligans steal his laptop?

  11. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    You don’t think Eilleen will HUNT YOU DOWN if you comment on Burka’s blog? Personally, I’m waiting until she is back in Austin, since right now she’s a mere 45 minutes away.

    /You a little soggy PL? Great weather, huh? I’m mildewing.

  12. txstater Says:

    I ain’t worried about it. Although she’s a mere 10 minutes away from me, she can’t get in the gates. Well, I guess she technically could, but it would take some Jane Bond work on her part to do so unnoticed, not to mention getting in my office.

    Besides, I don’t think I’m very significant on this blog. I always read (since a couple of weeks ago), occasionally post, and almost never get a response. Thanks for yours, assuming that’s what it was.

  13. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Re: 12. txstater

    We’re all insignificant on this blog. Peasants to Eileen’s queen. Handmaidens to the czarina. That’s just the way it is.

  14. hyped on coffee Says:

    Re: 13. Don�t Mess w/ Pink
    Oh yeah. The loyal subjects wash the feet of our illustrious Queen Pink. I’m not going anywhere near that Burka Blog. I don’t want to anger her supreme highness.

  15. The Other Guy Says:

    Re: 4. Pink Lady

    I was high on freedom. Couldn’t read or write.

  16. txstater Says:

    After noting that he has posted twice since I did and that mine is still not there, I conclude that the Burkablog is probably receiving comments, but is too high-falootin’ to post them.

    Maybe it was my suggestion to name it the “Marilyn Mansion.” But I did offer other, reasonable, suggestions he coulda used…

  17. NOITALL Says:


    What happens when you mix six inches of rain and all that tar on Galveston Beach? Is it tasty?

    Now for something completely different …

    Burka is a proud native son of Galveston and clerked the Senate Natural Resources Committee, then led by Galveston Senator Babe Schwartz, who was beat by Buster Brown, who went on to chair the Natural Resources Committee.

    Not many people realize that LaMarque — home to Kay Bailey Hutchison — is in Galveston, not Harris, County. I think Kay and Burka went to law school together.

    Glen Campbell, who performed the hit song “Galveston,” is a Yankee — but he did play for the Beach Boys.

    When people think of the recently departed George Mitchell, they usually think “rich oil man” or “guy who created The Woodlands.” But he did a lot to revitalize Galveston.

    Speaking of the really recently departed, Ken Lay, remember that he and Linda spent most weekends in Galveston.

    Finally, don’t f*uck with Bob Durst.

  18. DCat the Bureaucrat Says:

    Maybe Burka has not figured out how to move comments from his “approval queue” to the actual blog. Or, perhaps he’s ordered one of the Junior Executive Editors to take them to the post office.
    BTW, there is a spell check feature with the Google toolbar. I wouldn’t browse without it. I do wish it was automatic though.
    txstater – we are all small, meek and insignificant commenters together, except for some of us.

  19. The Other Guy Says:

    If we could get this blog displayed on HEB check out stands across the state, Burka would be yesterday’s news. I like Marilyn Mansion. It would go very nicely in a news story about Alex Jones protesting by himself…

  20. txstater Says:

    Re: DCat, DMWP, TOG

    Now y’all are just patronizing me.

  21. a little texas zenshine Says:

    Re: 14. hyped on coffee

    … s’long as it doesn’t involve painting the roses pink

  22. DCat the Bureaucrat Says:

    Re: 21. txstater
    As Your Personal Public Servant �
    I never, ever patronize. Irony impairment is a crippling handicap that affects millions of Americans. I just wanted you to know you’re read, and acknowledge that some of these people are double-plus smart, wicked kewl and truly talented. (you know who you are, but some of you don’t)
    I’m picky about where I choose to join the national dialog. I choose Pink! I will hate any blog PL tells me to.

  23. txstater Says:

    I take it all back. Burka has posted my comment, along with several others. I am now somewhat significant in Texas Monthly and in The Pink World.

    Now that that’s out of the way, I promise to never, ever post on it again. Please don’t hurt me.

  24. The Other Guy Says:

    Re: 24. txstater

    I really do like the Marilyn Mansion idea. Tongue in cheek of course. What were your other ideas?…wait, that was that other blog I don’t participate on. Anyway, no patronizing here. I like your website. Give ‘em hell!!

  25. pinkme Says:

    !7. NOITALL

    Apparently you don’t, because George Mitchell is still very much alive.

  26. NOITALL Says:

    Re: 26. pinkme

    I sure hope you’re right. A great Texan.

  27. Jesus B. Ochoa Says:

    Is that the same Burka who wanted to be a lawyer and decided later that he didn’t reaally want to be a lawyer or couldn’t figure out how to be a damned ol’ texas lawyer who turned to writing and after having written a hate piece on William Wayne Justice years back realized he didn’t really know how to write and now he’s getting some revenge? To hell with him.

  28. txstater Says:

    Re: 25. The Other Guy

    Stuff like: “The Governor’s Mansion,” “The Governor’s Mansion of the State of Texas” (or something like that). My post was merely an attempt to point out what a dumb idea it was to name the mansion, which, I guess is what Burka’s point was. Of course, he may be serious; the only knowledge I have of him is what I’ve gained on ITPT.

    Thanks for the kudos. When I get it up and running (assuming I ever get the time and space on my C:), I’ll flaunt it shamelessly here. Assuming, of course, the PL doesn’t git me for posting on the Burkablog first.

  29. treehugger Says:

    PL: Don’t say I didn’t warn you about the weather.

    Re: 17. NOITALL

    If’n your casting out Galveston references I’d recommend you credit Jimmy Webb vs “yankee” Glen. At least Jimmy has some Oklahoma/Texas bonafides. Now ol’ Glen dallied a bit with Texan Tanya Tucker, but Jimmy is a far better songwriter. He was about 20 when he wrote Galveston, Wichita Lineman, Up Up and Away, and all them.

    Elk City isn’t Texas but you can see Texas from there (during grassfires and duststorms at least).

    /always credit the songwriter

  30. lurkette Says:

    Re: 18. I Hate Dallas

    Was that necessary? Honestly.

  31. Gritsforbreakfast Says:

    Maybe the regular practice will improve his writing. He’s admirably well-connected, but it seems like I haven’t read a memorable turn of phrase from Burka since the ’80s

  32. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    He was great as Captain Kangaroo.

  33. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Re: 32. Gritsforbreakfast

    Maybe, but the headlines on the TM Delay cover and article were pretty good … “Don’t Let the Door Hit You” and “Without Delay,” respectively.

    /Having the cover framed and placed next to my ITPT/PD “Session Crashers” poster.

  34. Gritsforbreakfast Says:

    Re: 34. Don�t Mess w/ Pink

    a) Yeah, those were hard to come up with /sarcasm, and b) big mags (and newspapers) usually have separate headline writers. Not like writing down here in the bloggy slums where we mere mortals must pen our own headlines AND perform our own research. (Okay, that /sarcasm tag didn’t work very well. ;-) I think it doesn’t work without those carat >

  35. sycophantblog.com Says:

    Is this the same Paul Burka who started the George W Bush journalistic lovefest? The one that jumped on the presidential bandwagon because, you know, that Georgie is just so darned NICE and he just deserves to be president and what’s more he even calls me by my first name when he can’t remember the cute little nickname he invented for me? The same Burka who mistook W’s cocksure idiocy for some kind of folksy Texas charm? THAT Burka? The same one that only just recently fell off the fourth estate presidential party bandwagon when he realized just what a godawful President he had helped spawn? Now there’s a blogger whose opinion I’ll trust.

  36. eliz. s. Says:

    This post is in Austinist’s best of the blogs this week.

  37. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 37. eliz. s.

    I don’t know what to say. This is such a surprise. Let me pull out this speech from my back pocket.

  38. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Re: 36. sycophantblog.com

    Well put.

    And yes, Grits, I know the writers don’t write the headlines. I still was a little (pleasantly) surprised to see “Don’t Let the Door Hit You” on the cover. They’re usually not that snarky, even when it’s easy.

  39. lurkette Says:

    Re: 39. Don�t Mess w/ Pink

    Shit. We’re supposed to know how to WRITE? Turn a phrase?

    Well smack my ass and call me shortcake.

  40. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 40. lurkette


  41. Don't Mess w/ Pink Says:

    Re: 40. lurkette

    I would smack your ass, but said act would cause the terrorists to win by wrapping Christians in the flag and burning them. Or so I’ve heard, shortcake.

  42. sycophantblog.com Says:

    As of 07/12/06 the latest count is:
    Number of posts by Burka: 22
    Number of comments in response to Burka’s “insights”: 35
    Which means…
    Average comments per post: 1.59
    Which means…
    a) virtually no-one’s reading Burka’s blog
    b) virtually no-one’s commenting on Burka’s blog
    c) Burka is a blowhard that no-one bothers to take seriously anymore
    d) Burka really means a long loose body covering garment with holes for the eyes, as worn by some Muslim women, that makes it difficult for us to see what’s really underneath.

  43. In The Pink Texas » Blog Archive » Texas Blogly Says:

    [...] must say I have great expectations for State of Mine, and I am nowhere ready for the competition. However, I’ve got to say… the logo? The Paul Burka-like} Comments No comments have been posted. Be the first! View an RSS 2.0 feed for this entry here. The trackback URL is here. Reply Name: Email: Website: Message:   [...]