Last Call for Resveratrol

November 8, 2006 - 4:49 pm 11 Comments

Let’s give it up for the first Speaker with Actual Talking Points. Still partying like it’s Election Night 2006…

11 Responses to “Last Call for Resveratrol”

  1. Tickled Pink Says:

    Holy shit we got the Senate!

  2. Mean Rachel Says:

    What a great night!

    And what an amazing election!

    Mean Rachel

  3. PDiddie Says:

    Nice rack(s).

  4. Jesus B. Ochoa Says:

    Where the hell were the mariachis? Other than that,
    you white folks sure know how to live.

  5. Pink Lady Says:

    Re: 3. PDiddie

    What’d he say?

  6. lush Says:

    Re: 4. Jesus B. Ochoa

    I’ve been to enough quinceaneras and first birthday parties to know we’re really just getting by.

  7. JohnCornyn'sBoxTurtle Says:

    I read the headline as ‘Last Call for Rohypnol’

  8. lurkette Says:

    Re: 6. lush

    hey there hotstuff! I hope you got appropriately tanked.


    Missed all the fun and games but made it there in time to close out the bar. They’re not allowed to call for last call until I’ve had at least three martinis.

  9. Real Men Wear Pink Says:

    If I am in one of the pics, does this count towards my 15 minutes of fame?

  10. lush Says:

    Re: 8. lurkette

    I did my best. Appropriately or inappropiately so. (Does it matter?) ’twas a pleasure to meet you. Perhaps next time I can stick around to close the bar with ya….

  11. Dean Says:

    Nice tits Pink Lady!