I’m a Hostage… and I Vote

March 4, 2014 - 5:08 pm 4 Comments

votedI probably would have forgotten to vote today, if not for the overzealous Andy Brown campaign bandits who broke into my house, blindfolded me, threw me in an unmarked van and drove me to Maplewood Elementary. I screamed to the precinct workers that I was being forced to vote against my will but they couldn’t hear me because their hearing aids had been recalled in 1989. I tried to vote in both primaries but apparently that’s “frowned upon.”

Needless to say I did end up voting for Andy Brown. I also voted for Ramey Ko based on his deluge of yard signs all over my neighborhood. I am easily swayed by placards of any kind.

If you haven’t made it to the polls yet, fear not. Voting hours in Travis County have been extended until 9PM because of the TREACHEROUS WEATHER that we endured this morning. I’m not sure how many of you braved the outdoors but it was ugly out there. It was cold. There were some puddles on the roads. The sky was kind of gray. My heated car seats took a little longer to warm up. Honestly I wasn’t sure I would even make it back from Starbucks but I was equipped with snow tires, three cases of bottled water, a flashlight, doggie bags and astronaut ice cream.

Luckily it is not nearly as bad out there anymore. You’ve got a little less than four hours. Go fulfill your civic duty or die trying.

4 Responses to “I’m a Hostage… and I Vote”

  1. willis Says:

    Good to see a Bush on the ballot again…….

  2. Terry Says:

    Yea! you’re back!

    loyal reader

  3. legemama Says:

    Off topic.

    This picture is so cute. I looked back at this post today because I was 90% sure I met you at the pediatrician’s office today (we had our 9 month old boy), but didn’t want to look like a crazy person and say I love your blog.

    But I love your blog. Your little girl is beautiful.

    eileen Reply:

    Remember when this was a blog?!

    Not me at the pediatrician, probably just another stunning blond…

    Thanks for the comment.