Get Thee to a Winery

November 17, 2006 - 4:05 pm 6 Comments

Not only can red wine increase your lifespan and make you that much more attractive to yourself when you drink it, it can also increase your endurance more than Viagra. A new study shows that mice who are given resveratrol can run twice as far as the control group.

An ordinary mouse could run just one kilometer on a treadmill before collapsing from exhaustion, whereas a drunken mouse could keep going. I would pay money to watch mice running on mini-treadmills.

Mice jacked up on resveratrol (or, as I will be referring to it from now on, ‘The Precious’) also show a reduced heart rate and energy-charged muscles. Here’s the takeaway – in order to continue being a sloppy drunk, you must continue drinking to build up your endurance.

“Resveratrol makes you look like a trained athlete without the training,” said Dr. Auwerx, one of the researchers. Kind of like steroids, only better-tasting. Auwerx used up to 400 milligrams of resveratrol in his study and, apparently, no one can drink enough red wine to obtain such doses. I intend to try tonight.

6 Responses to “Get Thee to a Winery”

  1. treehugger Says:

    That reminds me, I need a new 5 liter happy box of Cabernet. Who needs a wine glass when you have 20 oz tumblers = fewer trips to the box.

  2. Lefty Says:

    Re: 1. treehugger

    Fewer trips to the box does not sound like a good thing.

  3. DCat the Bureaucrat Says:

    re: 1. treehugger
    I stopped having my one glass of wine per day when they started putting only a half a glass in each bottle. And, I was using the big bottles too!

  4. Pink Elephant Says:

    Good luck achieving your desired level of resveratrol, your Pinkness!

  5. A Fine Whine Says:

    Re: 1. treehugger

    “The day she died the neighbors
    came to snicker:
    “Well, thats what comes
    from too much pills and liquor.”
    Life is a Cabernet, old chum …

  6. lush Says:

    “An ordinary mouse could run just one kilometer on a treadmill before collapsing from exhaustion, whereas a drunken mouse could keep going.”

    I once ran most of the way home to the Arboretum area from Downtown because I couldn’t easily find a cab and “forgot” that I had a cellphone and could call someone for a ride. I “remembered” about the time I got to Mopac and Steck. Vodka and I are not friends anymore.