Texas Liberal

All People Matter

Barack Hussein Obama Approves Federal Assistance For Texas Wildfire And Drought Emergency That Texans Are Unable To Resolve Without Washington’s Help

President Obama has declared 45 Texas counties to be disaster areas because of wildfires and drought.

(Above–Homes destroyed by Texas wildfires earlier this year in the vicinity of Possum Kingdom Lake. Photo by unherdable) 

Federal money and other federal assistance will now come to Texas because of President Obama’s decision.

These fires and the never-ending statewide drought are problems that Texas cannot resolve without additional help from Washington.

That’s fine as far as I’m concerned. Sometimes in life you need help.

Maybe this is something that folks in the impacted counties and all across Texas can remember as they go on and on about about how bad government is and how the federal government is all about socialism.

So often the response from the conservative voting majority in Texas for a request for help is a kick in head.

July 2, 2011 - Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , ,


  1. What? Have they given up on prayer already? Oh yee of little faith.

    Comment by lbwoodgate | July 2, 2011

  2. Maybe some of them were in fact praying for money from Washington.

    Comment by Neil Aquino | July 2, 2011

  3. [...] Neil at Texas Liberal noted that despite all the talk in Texas about how the federal government is bad, the State of Texas is taking disaster aid from Washington to help manage wildfires and drought. [...]

    Pingback by Eye on Williamson » Texas Blog Round Up (July 4, 2011) | July 4, 2011

  4. What does a nationally declared disaster area have to do with socialism? You are grasping at straws here.

    Comment by David | January 17, 2014

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