USGS slow to post most recent Azle earthquake

by TXsharon on January 29, 2014

in Uncategorized

Yesterday at about 11:00 AM I started receiving reports of several frackquakes in the Azle area. At 1:24 AM today, the USGS finally sent the information out. They say it was a M2.3. This earthquake was revised to a M3.0.

Update: Residents are telling me there were several tremors around 11:00 AM then a big jolt and more tremors and jolts around 5:00 PM.

Event Page

What’s taking so long to get this information? The delay is causing fear and paranoia. People believe there is a government conspiracy to cover up the earthquakes and who can blame them after the lack of response from Austin.

What’s taking so long?

That’s why I made calls until I finally found someone who could help me with my request to get the data from the new seismic sensors online. The data is available and updated every two hours HERE.

Azle, TX – M2.3 induced earthquakd

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

WCGasette January 29, 2014 at 12:11 pm

Event was revised around 9:47 AM this morning to a Magnitude 3.0 at 11:54 AM January 28, 2014. And now it’s being hailed as the “Pelican Bay” earthquake by USGS. 1 mile from Pelican Bay and 3 miles from Azle. Maybe the USGS needs more sensors in North Texas?

<a href=" Latest Revision
WCGasette recently posted..Breaking News…The Town Hall Commences in Azle, TXMy Profile


WCGasette January 29, 2014 at 12:13 pm

Sorry for the goofed link. But it still works.
WCGasette recently posted..Breaking News…The Town Hall Commences in Azle, TXMy Profile


WCGasette January 29, 2014 at 12:47 pm

So, just looked at the USGS web site. They are looking for donations to host these seismographs? And a story about North TX posted there is to the Oil and Gas Journal?

Donations needed to host a monitor

[...]Sign Up

Currently, we are unable to purchase additional instruments, so we don’t anticipate performing many new installations. However, if you’d like to host a seismograph, we will continue collecting names and addresses so that if more become available, we will be able to place them in the most effective locations.

The NetQuakes seismographs access the internet via a wireless router connected to your existing broadband internet connection. The seismograph transmits data only after earthquakes greater than magnitude 3 and otherwise does not consume significant bandwidth.

Good Luck to Us. :=(


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