Investors are not happy with all the flaring

by TXsharon on March 29, 2012

in Eagle Ford Shale

The most effective way to reign in the awful misbehavior of the Big Gas Mafia is to get the investors on our side. The investors speak the only language this industry understands: $$$,$$$,$$$.$$.

Investors representing $500 billion in assets want to know…

Exclusive: Investors press U.S. shale oil drillers to control flaring
By Timothy Gardner
WASHINGTON | Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:40pm EDT

The investors want the companies to disclose by May 1 how much flaring they are doing and to meet with them to plan ways to tackle the problem.

The practice “poses significant risks for the companies involved, and for the industry at large, ultimately threatening the industry’s license to operate,” they wrote in a letter to the companies.

I wonder if Marathon received a notice.

I’ve recently met some people who live close to where Marathon is doing a bunch of flaring in the Eagle Ford Shale. It’s making them have some health problems so I’m sure they would also like an answer.

What about it, Marathon? Are you going to clean up your act?

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