
Steve Blow

  • Blogs

    August 4, 2014

    Steve Blow Apologizes for a Price-Perot Column, So I Also Apologize. But Not for Long.

    In yesterday's Dallas Morning News, columnist Steve Blow apologized for calling me a "tinfoil hat" (nutcase) in 2008 when I reported that Dallas County Commissioner John Wiley Price was sabotaging a major shipping development in his own backyard while having compromising links to the powerful Perot ... More >>

  • Blogs

    July 31, 2014

    Morning News Denies Its Own Sorry History in Price-Inland Port Story

    Oh, I swore I wasn't going to respond to the stuff yesterday by Tod Robberson on The Dallas Morning News opinion blog yesterday, but now "Wylie H Dallas," the scarily well-informed omnipresent pseudonymous blog commenter, has got me all stirred up. This morning he posted an old Steve Blow column f ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 4, 2014

    Slowly, Surely, Steve Blow and I Are Becoming the Same Person

    All right, please allow me to take care of some inside business here and use this space to respond to all of you who were kind enough yesterday to inquire whether I am turning into Steve Blow or Steve Blow is turning into me. Yes. It's a natural part of the aging process. Dallas Morning News column ... More >>

  • Blogs

    July 19, 2013

    Dallas Wants to Ban Museum Tower-Like Death Rays from the City's Future Skyline

    Just when you thought the shark-jumping Museum Tower imbroglio couldn't get any more absurd, The Dallas Morning News' Steve Blow goes and writes a column comparing the spat that has riveted the Dallas Arts District for the past year and a half with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which has claimed ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 13, 2013

    Mouthy Kids Like Jeff Bliss Might Be the Best Measure of Teachers We Have

    OK, I'll bite. Now that my two favorite psycho-moral philosophers have offered their opinions of the long-haired viral Duncanville kid who told off his teacher, I guess I will, too. I can't stay out of a debate where the word "cockeyed" has come into play. I can't tell you why. It's probably deeply ... More >>

  • Blogs

    March 12, 2013

    Rick Perry Thinks Morning News Columnist's Kinder, Gentler Hell is Bull

    In his column Sunday, the Morning News' Steve Blow wrestled with the the problem of hell, or at least the conservative Protestant vision of it. How, the question goes, can a supposedly loving, forgiving God condemn souls to an eternity of unbearable torment? Blow's answer is that God doesn't. Witho ... More >>

  • Blogs

    January 9, 2013

    After Harriet Deison's Death, Questions about Grief and Depression, Suicide and Privacy

    We are old obit writers at our house who scour the obituary pages by habit every morning, and, yes, we did notice the long obituary in The Dallas Morning News last week for Harriet Schoelllkopf Deison, 65, wife of the pastor of Highland Park Presbyterian Church. I think we both snapped to it because ... More >>

  • Blogs

    August 27, 2012

    Worried About Aerial Spraying? Steve Blow Thinks You're on the "Lunatic Fringe."

    Gone for a week. Vacation. Back. First thing, walked the dogs in the 'hood. Got a half dozen mosquito bites. So I thought the mayor bombed the mosquitos while I was gone. What is up with that? Are there still mosquitos where you live? Also just back from vacation, next thing, after the dogs, was St ... More >>

  • Blogs

    September 20, 2011

    How Will Angela Hunt, Ann Margolin, Gerald Britt and Steve Blow (Settle Down) Fix Dallas?

    Via Scott DornSay what? Jump to find out.​For those Friends of Unfair Park who don't have Jewish mothers, I will tell you: They get stuff done. That would probably be their motto, if they ever organized themselves into some kind of union. (Possible sub-motto: "But, Really, Would It Kill You To Cal ... More >>

  • Blogs

    June 16, 2011

    Steve Blow, News Sued Over "Suicide" Column

    Paul Tatum​Courthouse News brings us this lawsuit filed two days ago in Dallas County District Court: John Tatum and Mary Ann Tatum v. The Dallas Morning News, inc. and Steve Blow. At issue is this column, which appeared in the paper on July 12, 2010: "Shrouding suicide in secrecy leaves its dange ... More >>

  • Blogs

    June 29, 2010

    Steve Blow Finds Sexual Assault "Refreshing"?

    ​Steve Blow is exceedingly good at his job, which is to reach new heights in daily journo banality as a columnist for The Dallas Morning News. He has seriously got it down. There is real talent in saying absolutely nothing of interest or consequence for years on end. Which is why I'm particularly ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 6, 2010

    Mea Culpa, You-a Culpable, And We Want Our Trinity Naysayers Takedown Now!

    ​I am embarrassed, and I want to offer the Friends of Unfair Park an apology. Last Thursday I proferred an ironclad prediction that The Dallas Morning News would run one of its aw-shucks-yer-pretty-head Trinity River columns or editorials by Sunday, two days ago, telling readers not to pay attent ... More >>

  • News

    March 12, 2009
  • Blogs

    March 9, 2009

    Wherein Schutze Decides That Picking a Fight With Steve Blow Isn't Even Worth It

    Dallas Morning News Metro columnist Steve Blow talked bad about me in the paper Sunday, so now, I guess, the laws of newspaper combat dictate that I must talk bad about Blow. I shall.But first, I remember this scene from way back in my newspaper childhood. Back in the late 1970s, I hung out in a rea ... More >>

  • Blogs

    March 9, 2009

    At Last, Steve Blow Makes Sense

    To the 289 dear, sweet Friends of Unfair Park who've forwarded along the Billy Bob Bain-created "Shutze vs Price" Wordle based upon Steve Blow's whatchamacallit yesterday, thanks. 'Preciate ya, pal(s). Here it is for those who've missed it. Shutze ... pardon, Schutze has already made it his computer ... More >>

  • Blogs

    February 26, 2009

    Destiny Does Dallas, or: Why the Corps' "Unacceptable" Levee Rating is a Blessing

    Back during the campaign season for the 2007 referendum on the Trinity River toll road, Dallas Morning News columnist Steve Blow and I got into this really high-flown intellectual debate where I said, "Steve, you're stupid," and he said, "Jim, you're dumb," and I said, "Steve, you're a ninny," and . ... More >>

  • Blogs

    July 23, 2008

    The Blow Back

    I actually don’t want to talk about the elephant in the room. I want to talk about Steve Blow, who is biting back at me over on The Dallas Morning News' Metro blog for criticisms I made of him Monday here on Unfair Park. And sorry if this is just newspaper business inside baseball. I prefer to t ... More >>

  • Blogs

    July 21, 2008

    Jenny, Jenny, Who Can You Turn To? Why, Angela Hunt, Actually.

    Notes Angela Hunt: "This is a picture from Africam Safari. It's critical to note that the elephants can't get to the lush trees behind them -- there is a fence (you can see the wire fence if you squint)." In tomorrow's Dallas Morning News, you will find this story about council member Angela Hunt's ... More >>

  • Blogs

    May 15, 2008

    Life's an Eskimo Pie

    Man, I never thought I'd say this, but I kinda liked Steve Blow's and James Ragland's little dialogue on race this past week in The Dallas Morning News. Of course, the bar there is set pretty low -- at least they weren't writing about their love of Luby's. I'm not saying I didn't cringe some when r ... More >>

  • News

    May 15, 2008
  • Blogs

    May 12, 2008

    What's Up With All Those White People Asking Stupid Questions?

    Dorit Rabinovitch Living in Detroit, and having black friends who cared enough to speak candidly to me, I learned a long time ago that all white people of a certain age are racist. That includes me. It includes Steve Blow. Growing up white in a racist society distorts your perception down to a neu ... More >>

  • Blogs

    February 22, 2008
  • News

    November 22, 2007
  • News

    October 25, 2007

    Just Say Yes to the Trinity Toll Road?

    Think positive. Be optimistic. Say yes on next month's referendum.

  • Blogs

    October 18, 2007

    Hey, Blow, We're So Done Doing Your Homework

    I swore to myself Tuesday I wasn’t going to get into any more intimate blog-a-logs with Steve Blow at The Dallas Morning News. I've had enough; you probably have too. But I guess I can’t ignore this. Again. I have the cover story in this week’s paper version of Unfair Park quoting a 5-year-o ... More >>

  • Blogs

    October 17, 2007

    Where's Angela Hunt's Slow Jam?

    Yesterday, in the midst of bouncing back and forth between Jim Schutze and Steve Blow's exchange of love letters, I noticed that Blow has posted to Bold Types a mind-blowing MP3 -- an anti-Proposition 1 rap Blow received from Dave Levinthal, who got it from who knows where. (Sample lyrics: "Let's ea ... More >>

  • Blogs

    October 16, 2007

    Steve, Blow It Out Your Ass

    I wrote an item for Unfair Park yesterday in which I pointed out that The Dallas Morning News had done a poor job of informing its readers about post-Katrina critiques of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. I cited the work of Professor Robert Bea, mentioned in 365 newspaper accounts around the countr ... More >>

  • Blogs

    October 10, 2007
  • Blogs

    May 3, 2007

    Hell, No, Blow, We Won't Vote Ever Again. For Anything. Because Democracy Sucks, Man!

    Well, thank you, Steve Blow, for clearing up why I shouldn’t sign the petition calling for a vote on what sort of road I want along the Trinity River. It’s because I’m far too dumb to have a say in how the city spends my money on the Trinity project. And it’s not just me. You, Mr. and Mrs. D ... More >>

  • News

    April 12, 2007
  • Blogs

    April 11, 2007

    Kiss Ass or Kick Ass -- It's Your Choice

    If you think we're beating a dead horse over the Trinity toll road, well, you can always move to Lancaster. I see Steve Blow takes some little shots at Angela Hunt over at the Bold Types blog today, making fun of her for being the lone city council person seeking a referendum on the Trinity River To ... More >>

  • Blogs

    April 5, 2007

    He Will Blow You Away

    This comes to us courtesy The Dallas Morning News' Bold Types blog, and it was written, of course, by Jim Schutze's new favorite pejorative, Steve Blow: I love it. A letter to the editor in this week's Dallas Observer labels me as "one scary guy." When I tried to give the letter a particularly me ... More >>

  • News

    April 5, 2007
  • Blogs

    March 29, 2007

    You Wanted a "Torrid Intellectual Exchange"? Here Ya Go.

    I just looked at FrontBurner and their take on my column and the Trinity River project. Wow. Wick's really got the hammer down over there if he's got even Rod Davis toting the note on this crap. Rod, you are the new Steve Blow. I gather from the breathless quality of your prose that this may have be ... More >>

  • News

    March 29, 2007

    Steve Blows

    Why is the DMN's mild-mannered columnist suddenly impatient about the Trinity River?

  • Blogs

    February 20, 2007

    Funny Money

    We'll have to give Steve Blow credit: We too noticed the odd full-page what-the-fuh? advertorial for the World Reserve Monetary Exchange on page 3B of today's edition of Dallas' Only Daily. Almost looked like a regular ol' story, and it probably did to some Core Readers who were without their reader ... More >>

  • News

    November 30, 2006

    The Zac Factor

    Why the Dallas County tsunami could make Crain an important mayoral candidate

  • Blogs

    November 22, 2006

    It's No Joke

    Have you read Steve Blow this morning? No? Really, you should. It's top-notch stuff, no joke--The Man, more or less, taking seriously The Kid running for mayor. Love the headline: "Another Observer mayor? Web-savvy candidate is no joke." Love the description of our pal Zac Crain: "He's 32 and stradd ... More >>

  • Music

    July 27, 2006

    Gee Whiz

    Enough of the sheltered columnists writing about the recent El Angel shooting. Hear what a real Dallas DJ thinks.

  • Blogs

    July 18, 2006

    Steve Blow Is an Idiot

    Is this man to blame for a shooting downtown over the weekend? Doubtful. Don't tell Steve Blow, though. About that headline...I've felt that way for some time, but I've never cared enough to go on the record and say so. Now, Steve Blow has gone and blamed a murder on rap lyrics. Actually, the Dallas ... More >>

  • Calendar

    June 22, 2006

    Kicking Television

    Yousef Balat paints his Confessions

  • Calendar

    May 4, 2006

    Way to Blow

    The DMN columnist gives a talking to

  • Blogs

    April 12, 2006

    Jay-Z Wants to "Murder Jesus"?

    It's nice to know my good buddy G. Craige Lewis is alive and well, preaching the evils of hip-hop to the Japanese. I heard he hated my story on him, which I couldn't really figure out since every other e-mail I got about the piece came from some preacher who wanted to book him to smash up some Ja Ru ... More >>

  • Blogs

    March 15, 2006


    Steve Blow apologizes for having an opinion. I'm sure it won't happen again. --Matt Pulle

  • Best of Dallas

    October 14, 2004
  • News

    February 20, 2003

    Now We Like Belo

    We just don't want to get caught inside after dark

  • News

    March 14, 2002

    Bad Blow

    Why are the DMN city columnists so lame? Belo wants them that way.

  • Calendar

    May 16, 1996
  • News

    March 2, 1995
  • More >>