I’m saving money with solar panels!

by TXsharon on April 28, 2013

in Alternative energy, sustainability

I’m learning how to read the meters that come with my solar panels. Today I figured out that 057 means I’m producing more than I’m using, and I was.

When the city finally let me turn on my panels 9 days ago my usage for the month at that time was $46 for 11 days of usage, which is about $4.18 per day. Today  my usage for the month so far is $57 which means that in 9 days I have used $11 dollars worth of electricity, which is $1.22 per day. During my 9 days of solar so far, we’ve had more cloudy days than sunny and a couple of frog strangling rainstorms. That is a savings of nearly $3.00 per day despite the clouds.

You can follow my experience with going solar and getting off the gas at the links below.

I’m turned on
Lookie! My new solar panels are up!
Solar panels fitting
Goodbye natural gas you dirty boy! It’s over between us! #8


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Gregory May 3, 2013 at 3:12 am

This is great! It’s summer time here in our area. It’s hot and humid as hell. This could be the right time to use Solar Panels to save.
Gregory recently posted..Hello world!My Profile


Terry June 24, 2013 at 11:52 am

More people should invest in solar even in verry cloudy areas the sun
will still charge them batteries


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