Rick Perry Wisely Strikes Back with Video Targeting Travis County DA

Categories: Buzz

That image you see above is of a surprising email that just hit my (and probably yours) inbox from RickPac, Governor Rick Perry's federal political action committee.

The surprising part isn't that Perry's PAC is using his recent indictment to solicit contributions. All's fair ... when life gives you lemons ... etc. In fact, one wonders what took his people so long to throw this together. The indictment came down Friday, and here it is Tuesday already. Did someone have weekend plans?

And it's not at all surprising to see the delightful video footage of a drunk-ass Rosemary Lehmberg, the Travis County district attorney whose refusal to resign after she was popped for DWI led to the Perry veto for funding for her office's Public Integrity Unit, which then led to his indictment. Heck, if I were a GOP strategist for candidate for governor Greg Abbott about now, I'd be buying up TV time for ads showing Lehmberg's arrest with the words "She's a Democrat. So's Wendy Davis" superimposed on Lehmberg's vodka-soaked mug.

No, the surprising, almost terrifying thing is that I kinda want to click on that "contribute" button. Thank Texans for Public Justice, Craig McDonald and Rosemary Lehmberg for that, you dumbasses.

Here's the video from RickPac. Watch it and weep, fellow lefties.

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Hey Everyone, look, the SpamBot Myrna is back, taking over the page with videos and garbage after she gets her fatcat ass put in its place.

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

Interesting that OOPS "just wanted to do the right thing".  Why didn't he want to do the right thing with the other two DAs?

AUSTIN — Rick Perry was outraged at the spectacle of Travis County District Attorney Rosemary Lehmberg’s drunken-driving arrest last year. But he didn’t feel that strongly when two other district attorneys faced the same charges under similar circumstances.

In those cases, he said and did nothing.

There were differences, chiefly that Perry had leverage over Lehmberg, whose office contains the state-funded Public Integrity Unit. As the governor builds his defense against felony coercion and abuse of power charges partly around concerns about Lehmberg’s behavior, Democrats are pointing to the two previous cases as a sign that the governor had other motives.

“The key difference was that one of the DAs was investigating his administration for corruption and the other two DAs weren’t,” said Democratic strategist Jason Stanford. ---DMN, today

Myrna.Minkoff-Katz topcommenter

OOPS, before being finger-printed and mug-shot, made a ridiculous appearance at the courthouse with his Rent-a-Crowd chanting "Per-RY, Per-RY!", then spoke again to reporters afterwards, memorializing the event on video forever.  Stupid.

Montemalone topcommenter

If weed were legal, this probably wouldn't have happened.


Here's the video of a drunken/drugged Rick Perry giving a speech in New Hampshire while still the Governor of Texas and running for President.  Now if Rick Perry is soooo offended by drunken public servants I feel he should set an example and LEAVE...


If the link is deleted just research rick perry drunk speech.


I really didn't follow this closely even though I think it was a regular feature in the Texas Tribue....but lets ask ourselves as Texans one big question. Did Perry do this because of her DUI? Or was it because there was so much snooping go around regarding stuff like the high-tech funds and the regents. My pre-discovery guess was that he saw a chance to cut off other embarrassing investigations at the pass. Just asking.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

I honestly believe that had the Austin DA expressed remorse and admitted her mistake, none of this backlash would ever have happened. Rick Perry would not have asked her to resign, she would have received her budget, and all would be well. 

So, clearly, this vengeful, ignorant, mean-spirited, drunken sot woman put herself in this position, and has nobody to blame but herself.  However, being a liberal Democrat in the Peoples Republic of Austin, she doesn't have to own her mistakes because fault is always exported to the nearest Republican. 

With a number of prominent Democrat legal experts around the country joining Republicans in casting serious doubt on the ability of the DA to even get close to a conviction, it becomes more and more evident that this woman was all about revenge, and not about seeking forgiveness and cleaning up her act. And, her indictment is about as bogus as it gets.  She'll hit that before this is all over. (it certainly couldn't hurt her girth problem.)

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

That full video of her seems like it was filmed for the show Jail.  Seriously, that show even films in Auston

TheRuddSki topcommenter

Hard to believe Perry didn't orchestrate this clown show himself.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


You should see her stuff that doesn't make it past moderators.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz This is the problem with some Democrat "strategists".  They can't think, and don't know what they're talking about. 

Governor Perry does not determine the budgets; that's up to the legislature.  And, he would NEVER veto a DA's budget, since that is a critical part of law enforcement.

County Commissioners have more to do with the amount of a DA's budget than Gov. Perry.  But, with a line item veto, had can veto the funding for the corrupt Public Integrity Unit.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Your analysis and conclusion would make sense if there was any indication that this indictment was a negative for Perry, but the overwhelming legal and public opinion says it's backfiring rather spectacularly.

So, the more attention he gets as a result, the better. It would be "stupid" not to exploit this blunder.

OTOH, this indictment introduces the drunken hag to millions of people who would never otherwise known her from Adam.

Heckuva job. LOL

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz We know its fun for you to shit on governer good hair, most of us do, but if you want to talk about stupid, lets talk about the politics in your home state

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz Perry is very popular in Texas.  Meanwhile, this stupid drunk couldn't even be re-elected, and she has already announced she won't run for another term. 

Guilt anyone?



A bit of a stretch.

The drunken DA's purchase records from just one liquor store would float a bass boat.  Social/sociable indulgence in wacky tobacky likely would not be a sufficient substitute. 

But, please let us legalize weed and all the others so that we cna end hte War on Some Drugs.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@riconnel8 Gov. Perry has a bad back, and was on back pain medication.  He was NOT drunk.

In fact, you are not supposed to consume alcohol while on this pain medication, and he didn't. 

It's a lie that he was drunk. 

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@riconnel8 He was not drunk.  He has back problems and had taken some back pain medication which can result in that effect.  I don't think Perry has ever been drunk, and certainly not before giving a speech.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


He's funnier than I thought he could be.

And let's face it - that speech, drunken or not (he says no), couldn't possibly slaughter a family on the highway.

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@riconnel8 sorry, he wasnt arrested for DWI at 3xs the legal limit and filmed going apeshit on the cops.  Try again


@noblefurrtexas SHE did not indict him, this was not her revenge. SHE pled guilty to her crime, was given a sentence by a JUDGE (which does not fall under the Governor's responsibilities), which she completed. She did not try to avoid her punishment.

A Republican DA (appointed by Bush) indicted Perry for his actions. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Swinging on a fastball thrown by a six-year-old while making hay as the sun shines on his ship coming in.

I still think its Rove's doing.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@TheRuddSki Rudd, I had a good friend who is an attorney say the same thing over breakfast, yesterday.  He said once people see the video of this drunken sot threatening to fire the officers who arrested her, the indictment looks like it's just another goofy chapter in her road to self-destruction.

PatrickWilliams moderator

@TheRuddSki I KNOW. I was thinking that too, since the special prosecutor is a Republican. But then that seemed like some heavy, next level paranoia. If it turns Perry is actually capable of pulling something like that off, then the moon land was obviously faked.


@noblefurrtexas @riconnel8  I don't know if you have ever had to take pain pills or not but right on the bottle it'll say take 1 pill every 6/8 hours.  I've had two invasive surgeries with the large scars to prove it.  I took the pain pills like prescribed and lo and behold....I NEVER got loopy.  The only time people get loopy is when they self medicate.  People that self medicate have issues....often addiction issues.


@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz aaaand the stupid comes flying out of your mouth again.  How fucking dumb of a broad are you to think that that upstages a raging alcoholics DWI who then threatens everyone in sight and goes bananas in jail.  Stupid dumb

ScottsMerkin topcommenter

@Myrna.Minkoff-Katz bitch please, not even close, but you would think a situation that involves a politician wielding a deadly weapon down a city street drunk as fuck as passe as compared to a pilled up speech that was going to hurt no one

TheRuddSki topcommenter


So it's reasonable to conclude that he didn't do this because of the DUI, but rather for his own political reasons.

All perfectly legal and politically smart.


@Poetaster @noblefurrtexas It is was true it was a special prosecutor appointed by a judge. And most judges and prosecutors have an inherent distrust of quid pro quo deals. 

TheCredibleHulk topcommenter

@PatrickWilliams @TheRuddSki

Speculation is that it's better for him politically to face this down now rather than later. Seeing he was indicted by a repub . . . 

Also, what moon landing?

TheRuddSki topcommenter


This is all covered in Karl Rove's fingerprints, mark my words.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


This is why I have a twinge of guilt for having exploited the vulnerabilities so often.


@ScottsMerkin that "pilled up speech" was given by a pilled up Governor making decisions for a race to the bottom state.  To say he wasn't/isn't hurting anyone is just WRONG.


@TheRuddSki sorry I am late. A Quid Pro Quo will always draw the attention of a judge. They are generally considered unethical or illegal. Kind of like an agreement to indemnify sounds really smart until you get dragged before the judge and he asks you why you thought you weren't going to get caught. There is absolutely no doubt one of the questions asked at the Grand Jury was "why didn't you just seek to unseat her under the law?" and I am guessing they didn't get a legitimate answer. Hence, quid pro quo and indictment. Just something to consider. 


@sleepyhead420 @Poetaster @noblefurrtexas As perhaps they should be, as this would set legal precedence. While many might argue might is right in this scenario, it might be good to pause and consider all the other situations in which this treatment between elected (and executive vs. judicial branches, to further cloud things) could be considered "legal" under the law. Let a jury decide.

noblefurrtexas topcommenter

@bvckvs @noblefurrtexas @TheRuddSki If that was true, this would have gone to a Grand Jury immediately.  It didn't. 

This is nothing but revenge from a vengeful drunk and drug user who abuses her authority, threatens law enforcement officers just doing their jobs, and someone know to be mean to her employees and others. 

She has used her position as head of the Public Integrity Unit as a weapon, as did her corrupt predecessor, Ronnie Earle.

TheRuddSki topcommenter


Organizational even.


@sleepyhead420 @Poetaster @noblefurrtexas Further, if Rick had kept his dick in his pants and not issued a challenge to this woman verbally, none of this would have happened. But he did, and he has nobody but himself to blame. 

TheRuddSki topcommenter


I would like to think mine is a bit more evil.

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