Saturday, October 11, 2014

What would Greg Abbott do if a tree fell on you?

Wendy Davis has released an ad highlighting Greg Abbott's incredible hypocrisy. Here it is:

When Abbott was hurt he had many attorneys fighting for him resulting in a$10 Million+ settlement that would take care of him for the rest of his life. Republicans were not calling his suit "frivolous" or "winning the legal lottery". They were not calling his attorneys "greedy trial lawyers". They were not demanding that he take responsibility for his own stupidity for running under a tree being cut down.

They didn't then. Not when it happened to one of their own, but for everyone else, including your family, they have.

Abbott later as a Judge on the Supreme Court and as Attorney General backed extreme tort reform blocking the rest of us from the court room and the legal process. Now that Abbott won his legal lottery, his party is back to bashing trial lawyers and the court system which was designed to protect the common  citizen. Instead the Texas court system and laws protect the businesses that create jobs, no matter, who gets hurt.

Davis is right to highlight his hypocrisy although hypocrites across the state have denounced Davis for comparing them to Abbott. According to HARP (Hypocrites Are Real People) "We are all hypocrites in some way or another, but Greg Abbott is the Lord of hypocrisy, a true rotten bastard."

Most who are hurt like Abbott would become advocates, working to guarantee others would not share his same fate, and if they did, would be compensated justly to remove the burden of their injuries on their families. Instead, Greg Abbott, after winning his legal lottery, did the exact opposite. He used his power as an elected official to block the doors and to support those responsible for injuries to others.

He is truly a rotten bastard.

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