Monday, October 20, 2014

Wayne Faircloth running to represent the insurance industry

Just what the gulf coast needs, another insurance salesman and Teabagger as an elected official!

Galveston had years of State Insurance Representative (SIR) Larry Taylor who also made his money selling TWIA policies that didn't pay after Ike. He represented the district north of Galveston but provided protection for the insurance industry across the state. He was/is their go-to guy. He went on to become a State Senator.

Now, Wayne Faircloth, another snake oil salesman, is running for State Representative in order to provide representation and protection for the insurance industry. With Larry Taylor and Faircloth, Galveston property owners will be guaranteed higher insurance premiums and less coverage. If they vote for this snake oil salesman they deserve everything they don't get. You just can't feel sorry for stupid people.

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