Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What idiot would limit voter registration drives?

I'll give you a hint.

It's becoming a habit for Greg Abbott. When he isn't protecting owners chemical storage units, medical malpractice doctors, insurance companies, home builders, Payday lenders, companies who hired sex offenders, Abbott is going after those who register voters. From Texans Together:

He raided Texans Together’s offices with six officers with guns and flak jackets. He investigated us for 11 months. He forced us to hire expensive criminal defense lawyers. He destroyed our computers with all their contents. And he closed his office’s criminal investigation with no action taken.  

Abbott received a court order to actually destroy their equipment and yet not one charge was filed. Not one. Even the Republican controlled Harris County District Attorney office declined to file charges. Abbott came up empty handed, again. Houston Votes was registering people to vote, without the help of the government, something Abbott should be encouraging not destroying. Instead Abbott used his office to continue to find the mythical creature, the chupacabra of voter fraud. And now Democrats want an investigation of his office:

AUSTIN — Democratic U.S. House members from Texas have asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate a raid by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott’s office that targeted a nonprofit voter registration group.The Dallas Morning News reported Aug. 31 on the attorney general’s investigation of Houston Votes, which was accused of election fraud.The inquiry was closed one year later, with no charges filed.
Lucky for Abbott, his minions are simple minded people. They claim spending millions justifies finding just one chupacabra. Hopefully the Justice Department will investigate and stop this worthless hunt.

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