Thursday, September 25, 2014

Greg Abbott sat in traffic for ten years and NOW he wants to help?

Greg Abbott knows his opposition has to walk a fine line when referring to his disability due to running under a tree and winning the legal lottery. He also knows he can use it to his benefit as he has done in his latest ad about transportation. As you sit in traffic, pull it up on your phone and watch. Go ahead. I'll wait.

Much like every tea bagger running for office, Abbott and his party has screwed up this State over the last decade and now has the balls to come out and claim they can solve the very problems they created. They have done it before with Rick Perry, riding in on a white horse, calling for a cut in the Franchise Tax, a tax he created.

Abbott and his party have sat in traffic for over a decade and have done nothing except cut funding to the point that a raid of the Rainy Day Fund is necessary, a raid that requires voter approval. Abbott and his party believe in leading by emergency by waiting till a problem smacks you in the face. Water infrastructure was the latest emergency which required a raid of the RDF. Any idiot can lead by emergency. Rick Perry had done it for over a decade.

Now, all of a sudden, Abbott has a plan to fund transportation without raising taxes or tolls. And if you believe that, I have a tree you can stand under.

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